P90X-has anyone used it?

I've been thinking about getting P90X and I've heard a lot of rave reviews but I don't know anyone that's used it, before I spend the money to buy it I was curious if anyone here used it and what kind of results you get. Are they all workouts you could easily find with less expensive videos or online?


  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    You get really good results!!
    I am currently on my second round.
    Click on the link to see my pics from Insanity and p90x.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I LOVE P90X! I am on week 6 I have lost 5 lbs and 2 inches!
  • kit548emt
    Dang I can't get on FB at work but I'll check them out when I get home! Thanks guys!! Guess I'll be getting it after all lol!
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    enjoy! add me on fb, & we can support each other! :D Have a good day!
  • jadick825
    jadick825 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started doing P90X 9 days ago and I can already see results. I feel better and I have never seen a work out that is more intense than this. It seriously pushes you to your limit. We borrowed the dvds from a friend so it was little expense. You really only need a yoga mat and work out bands to get started and you can always get more if you get into it. Good luck! :happy:
  • My brother does it and so far has dropped 3 pant sizes and 15 pounds. He has a smaller hip than I do! The workouts are unique to the program - some you can get from gym rats, maybe a health magazine occasionally - but most are pretty unique (at least I think).
  • kit548emt
    @twinmama-Will do!! Thanks!!
  • kit548emt
    Awesome!! Thank you!! I run and do cross fit stuff but it's getting too cold to run outside already and I get bored and sick of treadmills QUICK!! Thank you!!
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I did p90x for about 30 days, and stopped because it took too long every day... at least an hour, and up to 1:40 on some days. I did get good results - I was in the best shape I'd ever been in.

    I started up with "supreme 90" a few weeks ago. It's shorter - the work-outs are about 30 mins, with a 3 or 4 minute warm-up/cool down. It's also very intense, but perhaps a tiny bit less than p90x... mainly because there are no pull ups.

    Supreme 90 is not as "slick" as p90x in terms of production value, and the trainer is less "dude-like" than the p90x guy, but the content is quite good. I am seeing similar results so far.

    Supreme 90 has 10 dvds, a meal plan and a calendar, just like p90x. It is clearly trying to exploit the same market....
    But at under $20 for the whole set on Amazon, it's a great deal.
  • kit548emt
    Interesting! I was thinking there were probably some similar products for less but wasn't sure about the results. That's good to know! Thank you for the info!!
  • sal22408
    i borrowed someones p90x to see if i would (or could) do it...and it was great but I found myself skipping through some of it because it did take some time each day. I found myself not always having the ability to take the time, so if you do it...MAKE the time!! Its an awesome program!!
    I had to return the dvds to my friend and now that im ready to committ (i just moved and not working) Im finding myself more interested in the TurboFire program that is sold by the same company. I have a girlfriend who teaches this class (unfortunately in another state) and she Raves about it!! She has lost an incredible amount of weight on that program ...so much so that she is now an instructor and teaches the class ! Everyone ive asked says its so much fun. ....we shall see :) Im hoping Santa will get me started!
  • marcil1979
    I have just started the P90X after losing 40lbs on weight watchers. Is there any advice as a mom of 2 kids how you make it work?? I Have a 2 and 4 year old (both big babies that beat the hell out of me):smile:
  • kit548emt
    Time is definitely an issue for me, but I'm hoping maybe I can chop it up and do half when I wake up and half in the afternoon. I'm not sure if you can even do it that way, surely you could. I've never even heard of TurboFire but that sounds neat!! That would be a nice gift from Santa haha!!
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    I lost 22 pounds doing P90X recently, after losing about 40 doing WW over a year.
    Got a lot more toned as well, amazing program, you have to make the time for it, but then again, it's only as along as a TV Show, so just give up some TV to make up for it ;)
  • sal22408
    I did p90x for about 30 days, and stopped because it took too long every day... at least an hour, and up to 1:40 on some days. I did get good results - I was in the best shape I'd ever been in.

    I started up with "supreme 90" a few weeks ago. It's shorter - the work-outs are about 30 mins, with a 3 or 4 minute warm-up/cool down. It's also very intense, but perhaps a tiny bit less than p90x... mainly because there are no pull ups.

    Supreme 90 is not as "slick" as p90x in terms of production value, and the trainer is less "dude-like" than the p90x guy, but the content is quite good. I am seeing similar results so far.

    Supreme 90 has 10 dvds, a meal plan and a calendar, just like p90x. It is clearly trying to exploit the same market....
    But at under $20 for the whole set on Amazon, it's a great deal.

    I believe on the beachbody website they call it power90 ...but it is suppose to be a shorter version of their p90x ..so it may be worth trying that first?
    Check the website out and see the differences in their programs. http://www.beachbody.com/
    good luck! If i start TurboFire ill post my thoughts and results!
  • flowerpower381
    flowerpower381 Posts: 53 Member
    My husband loves it. I have the P90X2 preordered for him for Christmas. It's the only thing he wants. =) He has been doing the P90X for a year or so and he wants to change it up. I am completely out of shape so it's really hard for me.
  • gregs887
    There are many similar products on the market, but the main thing no matter which workout you choose is to STICK WITH IT. Be patient and the results will come. I started P90X this summer and made it about 5 weeks before I started cheating on days and workouts and the whole thing fell apart. Once you start to see progress don't stop! I just started my second attempt last week and it is rough starting over. If you can borrow the discs I would try it out for a week to see how you like it.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    A coworker got the supreme 90 and likes it. She said it was a lot cheaper. Me and my husband are on 2nd round of p90x-he's lost 20 lbs and I've gained quite a bit of muscle. If u go in my profile pics I posted results from the 1st round;-) but we like it and the results! It is time consuming tho
  • kit548emt
    Awesome!! Thank you everyone! I just ordered one disk on Ebay to try it out! I'm looking forward to trying it out and seeing for myself! :)
  • kit548emt
    A coworker got the supreme 90 and likes it. She said it was a lot cheaper. Me and my husband are on 2nd round of p90x-he's lost 20 lbs and I've gained quite a bit of muscle. If u go in my profile pics I posted results from the 1st round;-) but we like it and the results! It is time consuming tho

    Dang girl!! Nicely done!!!