Pop is the devil

My one weakness is pop. I love to drink Dr. Pepper and Coke. And if I don't drink pop I get very grouchy! Lol I was doing good where I was having maybe two pops a day, one on some days. Which is good for me since I used to drink anywhere from 8-10 a day. I am starting to slip again where I am having 3-4 pops a day. Does anyone on here struggle with this issue? When I was drinking more water and cut my pop intake down I lost 4 1/2 pounds in 3 months and of course I was jogging too. Does anyone have any good ideas that can help with keeping my pop intake down? I know diet pop really isn't that much better even though it has no calories. Should I try to switch to that and then work on drinking more water?


  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I'd say switch to diet for the time being if you absolutely cannot cut it out, then work on reducing it from there

    ask yourself also why you are drinking it...caffeine? carbonation? habit? there are different routes you can take too to cut it out depending on the reason you think you need to drink it
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    Diet soda!!! It is great, but you should aim for one serving a day
  • darbym7
    I used to drink so much pop. When someone asked me if i wanted water I literally laughed at them. What I did, is I tried to up my water intake, while still drinking pop in the beginning. I suggest getting a huge water bottle that you can fill up a few times a day. Then, when you get comfortable with that, try weaning off pop. to maybe one or two a day, but mostly drinking a ton of water. Eventually, youll find yourself wanting water more. If youre really struggling get those little crystal light packets and put those in your water. The only thing I drink now is water. I never thought it would happen, but I don't drink pop anymore!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    oh my goodness........ I love coke and dr. pepper............ want one (or both) so bad right now.

    I have found that I have to keep a glass of water on my desk otherwise I'm constantly wanting to go grab one.
    First thing: Don't keep any in the house
    Second: Don't keep spare change in your desk. Its much harder to have a pop/soda when you have to find a way to break a five.
    Third: I have read several studies that say diet soda actually causes you to crave more calories than reg does. So keep that in mind.

    Good Luck!!!
  • Brandy0213
    Cheese is pops assistant then... :/ I'd be a goddess if it weren't for cheese... LMAO! At least in my world... hahahaha
  • darbym7
    Cheese is pops assistant then... :/ I'd be a goddess if it weren't for cheese... LMAO! At least in my world... hahahaha

    Totally agree with this
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    Go at it in transitions..slowly switch over to Diet soda for a while and then try Crystal Light PURE (the regular has aspartame, bad) and then slowly switch to regular water. Example: Week one five regular sodas, three diet sodas. Week three: five diet sodas, three CL Pure. Week five: five CL Pure, three water. Week seven: Regular water and the occasional cheat drink.

    This is what I did and it worked well and I didnt crash because I didnt go cold turkey..I also have the occasional drink that isn't water because it would get boring with JUST water all the time but I keep it minimal.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    You will feel so much better and save money if you can cut it out. I always feel like it's such a waste to drink calories when you can save them up for food!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    If you don't like straight Diet Dr Pepper, have you tried the new Dr Pepper 10? Only 10 calories and tastes pretty much like the full octane stuff. I know they say it's not for women, but they will probably sell it to you anyway! ;)
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    I agree with the other responses - just don't have it around... the crankiness is probably from caffeine withdrawal and will pass with a few days of going without. If having one leads to having a few then you need to work on just cutting it out. We all have our little addictions - mine happens to be starbucks and at several hundred calories a serving it's killing me! Good old fashioned will power is all I have found - just don't do it ;)
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    There's no way to sugar-coat this - cut it out. The health benefits are far greater than the sense of enjoyment you receive from soft drinks.

    This is being said from someone who spent his entire life drinking soft drinks. Over the last two months logging my foods on MFP with a strict diet and regular exercise, I've lost almost 10kg. I have NEVER seen that type of progress in my life and I attribute it completely to my soft drink habits.

    Cut it out - your body will thank you for it. My advice is that no matter how hard it is at first, the longer you are without it, the less you want it.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Foosball is the Devil!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • elizabethjk11
    Thanks! At my home we no longer buy pop for our home. But I started to slip up when school started back up. Vending machines are everywhere. And I drink pop mainly for three reasons: the caffeine, the taste and just plain habit.
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I like the Mi0 things! They make water taste good without adding any of the bad stuff.

    Also, when I had to wean myself off soda I bought a giant water bottle from Complete Nutrition, it's big enough to hold all the water I need to drink in one day. If I was able to finish the water I'd drink a pop... but it's kind of hard to drink all of that water at first! And you do start to want water and not pop after awhile.. your body gets used to it and the pop will taste too sweet.

    The important thing is to Keep Trying! It's okay to treat yourself once in awhile, don't go cold turkey!
  • branflake5
    I LOVE diet coke, it was my #1 drink for a long long time, it was like my version of crack, seriously. And the only water I would drink was whatever I swallowed while brushing my teeth. The only way I could get unhooked was to stop buying it. I used to drink maybe 5-6 cans a day, now I only buy one 2 liter a week (I don't like it out of 2 liters), so I pretty much only get maybe 2-3 glasses out of it before it tastes flat to me. I think the caffeine addiction was tough to get over to I got headaches for the 1st few days but I'm all good now. Unfortunately they don't have a patch for quiting pop, they should though. You just have to make yourself do it, but at least switch to diet there are soooo many empty calories in regular pop. Good Luck.
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Go at it in transitions..slowly switch over to Diet soda for a while and then try Crystal Light PURE (the regular has aspartame, bad) and then slowly switch to regular water. Example: Week one five regular sodas, three diet sodas. Week three: five diet sodas, three CL Pure. Week five: five CL Pure, three water. Week seven: Regular water and the occasional cheat drink.

    This is what I did and it worked well and I didnt crash because I didnt go cold turkey..I also have the occasional drink that isn't water because it would get boring with JUST water all the time but I keep it minimal.

    Diet soda also has aspartame and lots of it!
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    I use to be addicted to coke, had to have a couple a day at least. I had to cut it cold turkey. Went through withdrawal (mood swings, headaches) for about 3-4 days and have been fine every since. On Thanksgiving day I actually craved for one but I refused to give in to it, I don't want to start up that habit again. Lol
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I used to drink so much pop. When someone asked me if i wanted water I literally laughed at them. What I did, is I tried to up my water intake, while still drinking pop in the beginning. I suggest getting a huge water bottle that you can fill up a few times a day. Then, when you get comfortable with that, try weaning off pop. to maybe one or two a day, but mostly drinking a ton of water. Eventually, youll find yourself wanting water more. If youre really struggling get those little crystal light packets and put those in your water. The only thing I drink now is water. I never thought it would happen, but I don't drink pop anymore!

    I think drinking lots of water is one of the things that's weaning me off the Dr Pepper. That and the exercise. Soda and exercise together can equal some annoying lightheaded moments for me, and heart burn, of all the weird things. I had a huge glass of soda yesterday, and you know, it didn't really taste all that great. Here's hoping the rest of the 2 liter bottle sits in the fridge until it goes flat and gets thrown out!
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    There is no easy way....ONE SIP IS TOO MUCH AND 1000 IS NOT ENOUGH.
    UP your water, keep a full glass near you.
    Yes, you are going to go through withdrawal...ADDICTED!
    Yes, you will be grouchy headachy until you purge your system.
    Then, you will be OK ...:flowerforyou:
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I LOVE diet coke, it was my #1 drink for a long long time, it was like my version of crack, seriously. And the only water I would drink was whatever I swallowed while brushing my teeth. The only way I could get unhooked was to stop buying it. I used to drink maybe 5-6 cans a day, now I only buy one 2 liter a week (I don't like it out of 2 liters), so I pretty much only get maybe 2-3 glasses out of it before it tastes flat to me. I think the caffeine addiction was tough to get over to I got headaches for the 1st few days but I'm all good now. Unfortunately they don't have a patch for quiting pop, they should though. You just have to make yourself do it, but at least switch to diet there are soooo many empty calories in regular pop. Good Luck.

    This is gonna sound funny, but a 'form' of soda 'patches' could be Cola flavored lollipops lol
    I've indulged in one or two over the last couple of months and found it really stops any cravings for coke.