
I am starting insanity tomorrow. Do anyone else want to do it with me?


  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I'd be willing to join you, but I want to start January 1st. I am finishing up P90X this week and was hoping for a bit of a break before I jump back into the madness.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I started today! Except I don't have the Fit Test disk so I started with the Plyo Cardio disk. Friend me if you want :)
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    I just started this week. Doing a hybrid but it will keep pace with the standard insanity schedule. shaun T FTW!
  • scurtis0526
    I actually just started Insanity this week. I skipped the fit test and completed Plyometric Cardio Circuit on Mon. I didn't workout yesterday and plan on completing Day 3 today Cardio Power & Resistance tonight. I'm sure I'll be taking another break later this week. So maybe we'll catch up by next week. My goal is to do the Insanity workout 3-4 days a week, even though 6 days are recommended. Feel free to add me so we can keep each other motivated and on track.
  • vswift
    vswift Posts: 10
    im willing to start tomorrow too:smile:
  • playful82
    playful82 Posts: 78 Member
    sweet. so tomorrow its on... cant wait. i added you guys, so we can help motivate each other..
  • sheba71
    sheba71 Posts: 3 Member
    I started Tuesday. I'm ready to join in, too. :smile:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Cardio Power & Resistance completed - holy calf pain, Batman!! Haha...I think I completed maybe 10 power jumps total. Hopefully it will be more next time!
  • playful82
    playful82 Posts: 78 Member
    so i finish the fit test... omg all i kept thinking is why did i sign up for this.. lmao... this is gona be tough, but i guess the results will be sweet... so how are you guys feeling?
  • sheba71
    sheba71 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm feeling sore and getting stronger at the workouts, but no weight loss just yet. I'm not that good in keep a strict diet, but definitely feel more toned. I'm going into week two of Insanity. How is everyone else doing?
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I just started Monday. Friend me if you like.

    King, if you want the fit test you can do it yourself. Just time yourself doing each of these exercises for a minute:
    Switch Kicks
    Power Jacks
    Power Knees
    Power Jumps
    Globe Jumps
    Suicide Jumps
    Push-up Jacks
    Low Plank Oblique

    You can probably find the fit test paperwork if you google it. I think Docstoc has it available.
  • AmandaJoi25
    Just a warning I did Insanity for 60 days and only lost 5 lbs. and now have horrible shin splints. I stopped doing it about two months ago and my shins still kill anytime I jump up and down. I was not new to wroking out I have been working out most of my life and never had a single injury until doing that program.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I just started Monday. Friend me if you like.

    King, if you want the fit test you can do it yourself. Just time yourself doing each of these exercises for a minute:
    Switch Kicks
    Power Jacks
    Power Knees
    Power Jumps
    Globe Jumps
    Suicide Jumps
    Push-up Jacks
    Low Plank Oblique

    You can probably find the fit test paperwork if you google it. I think Docstoc has it available.

    Thanks! My friend linked me to it yesterday..but at this point I have Fit Test #2 on Monday so I may as well just I'm askeered of it lol!!!
  • ct2020
    ct2020 Posts: 34 Member
    Just a warning I did Insanity for 60 days and only lost 5 lbs. and now have horrible shin splints. I stopped doing it about two months ago and my shins still kill anytime I jump up and down. I was not new to wroking out I have been working out most of my life and never had a single injury until doing that program.

    Because insanity is no intense injuries are quite common. It's very important to pay attention to your form and slow down if needed. Proper footwear is also extremely important. I'm not say that this is what caused your injuries, but more just putting it out there for more warning. I'm on my recovery week right and although the scale hasn't budged I'm feeling great!
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    I did the Fitness Test and almost made it thru...THE WARM UP :laugh:
  • AmandaJoi25
    Just a warning I did Insanity for 60 days and only lost 5 lbs. and now have horrible shin splints. I stopped doing it about two months ago and my shins still kill anytime I jump up and down. I was not new to wroking out I have been working out most of my life and never had a single injury until doing that program.

    Because insanity is no intense injuries are quite common. It's very important to pay attention to your form and slow down if needed. Proper footwear is also extremely important. I'm not say that this is what caused your injuries, but more just putting it out there for more warning. I'm on my recovery week right and although the scale hasn't budged I'm feeling great!
    My form and footwear was good but I have hardwood floors and I should have had extra pading but I still think it's crazy that I injured myself so severely from the program.My boyfriend asked his nutritionist about insanity recently and she said don't do it but p90x is ok.