30 Day Juicing Fast



  • Almiel
    Almiel Posts: 61 Member
    I just saw that there is a juice fasting group. You might want to join it if you're serious about it. You'll probably get the best help there.

    PS. You're kitty is super cute!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Having celiac's is no excuse to do a stupid diet. Just stop eating gluten and you'll start to feel better!
  • What about protein?

    ETA: I don't think you really need to "clean out" your body.
    Just starting the gluten-free lifestyle would be a better choice I think.

    Fresh fruits and vegetables carry massive protein which goes through too your juicing.....I read too people thinking juicing is bad....it is not,..Nor is it stupid.....Juicing actually allows your liver and kidneys to cleanse...It gives your digestion a break and makes it easier for your body to heal itself...People have cured themselves of Diabetes and heart issues with juicing..just because it does not sound like what you would do does not make it a fad, stupid or a diet....She will still be getting in her calories.....For the op...I have had a lot of friends do just that...a 10 day 20 day 30 day and 90 juice cleanse to clean themselves our and start over......also green smoothies are good too...good luck....
  • I think that's a dreadful idea, but there you go. This language about 'cleaning out your body' is not true or helpful, if you ask me.

    I'd suggest not stressing your body out with an extreme like all juice, but just learning how to eat with your condition and doing it!

    PS - why just juice? You could eat fruit and veg and you'd feel fuller and get more fibre.

    But really, human beings need a balanced diet. Just fruit n veg will not give you all the nutrients you need. Why do that to yourself?

    what is balanced???? Humans need ENERGY to live....they get ENERGY from FOOD.....if you want balanced then you need to ingest what is easy for your body to digest...fruits, veggies are the easiest to digest....I know this just creates a fight but balanced is based on healthy eating......bread, dairy and 100 calorie packets of prepackaged food is not healthy eating....If you want balanced...Grow your own fruits and veggies and cut off your own chickens heads...balanced is a cycle....Energy is what we need.....just like vaccinations harm us so does processed food...all she is doing is taking out processed and making it easier for her body to digest...

    I live on fruits and veggies, rarely meat....no processed anything..and funny enough I don't need any multivitamins, nor do I need any vitamin d or b12 shots or anything...because my body is absorbing it's nutrients from fruits and vegetables...I am not trying to fight with anyone at all..I just get so frustrated when I see everyone jump all over people...No i am not saying this quote did...but many hear have....she is not trying some fad diet....she is juicing....OMG call the national guard....it is insane how much quick to judge takes place in our world.....no where did she say she was going to starve herself...No where did she say she was going to live on 500 calories a day...No where did she say she was going to join a cult...she is JUICING......read about it, before judging it...
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Fresh fruits and vegetables carry massive protein which goes through too your juicing.....I read too people thinking juicing is bad....it is not,..Nor is it stupid.....Juicing actually allows your liver and kidneys to cleanse...It gives your digestion a break and makes it easier for your body to heal itself...People have cured themselves of Diabetes and heart issues with juicing..just because it does not sound like what you would do does not make it a fad, stupid or a diet....She will still be getting in her calories.....For the op...I have had a lot of friends do just that...a 10 day 20 day 30 day and 90 juice cleanse to clean themselves our and start over......also green smoothies are good too...good luck....

    You cannot ever CURE Diabetes. You can manage it, that's it.

    Your liver and kidneys don't NEED clensing!

    If you're eating the same things that you're juicing, there isn't a difference.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables carry massive protein which goes through too your juicing.....I read too people thinking juicing is bad....it is not,..Nor is it stupid.....Juicing actually allows your liver and kidneys to cleanse...It gives your digestion a break and makes it easier for your body to heal itself...People have cured themselves of Diabetes and heart issues with juicing..just because it does not sound like what you would do does not make it a fad, stupid or a diet....She will still be getting in her calories.....For the op...I have had a lot of friends do just that...a 10 day 20 day 30 day and 90 juice cleanse to clean themselves our and start over......also green smoothies are good too...good luck....

    You cannot ever CURE Diabetes. You can manage it, that's it.

    Your liver and kidneys don't NEED clensing!

    If you're eating the same things that you're juicing, there isn't a difference.

    You can CURE anything....and I have to disagree your liver and kidneys along with every other part of your body require some cleansing...
  • "Fat Sick and nearly dead' a documentary about a guy who goes on a juice fast and looses so much weight. A netflix movie if you got it. Watch this movie and you will be running for the juicers in the super market
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    You can CURE anything....and I have to disagree your liver and kidneys along with every other part of your body require some cleansing...

    It is people like you, giving out bad and ill-informed advice on social media that causes people do stupid things and harm their health. There are plenty of diseases that are currently without a cure, and putting some oranges in a blender is certainly not going to change that. Likely you will end up doing yourself some damage from malnutrition instead.
  • Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!

    Fruits and veggies aren't exactly full of protein.
  • vegetables contain all the proteins you will ever need. Read the china study by T. Colin Campbell it's eye opening. Food Kills and most food that is subsidized by our government, is turned into cheap toxic processed foods that is the cause of 70% of illness in this country. control the quality of the food going into your mouth...and miracles will happen.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    vegetables contain all the proteins you will ever need. Read the china study by T. Colin Campbell it's eye opening. Food Kills and most food that is subsidized by our government, is turned into cheap toxic processed foods that is the cause of 70% of illness in this country. control the quality of the food going into your mouth...and miracles will happen.

    I agree. I don't eat near healthy enough but what you eat does effect your health. Even Hippocrates said so thousands of years ago.

    People say that there is no need to eat healthy or detoxify, but if that is the case then how are diseases cured when people change what they eat or juice fast or increase activity? In Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives as well as many other sources people who had severe illnesses and were cured ( or managed) by changing their lifestyle. The Engine 2 diet caused a man with extremely high cholesterol to get into a healthy range.

    The men in Forks Over Knives are highly educated in their fields of study ( one man had studied nutrition for like 70 years) and gave good reasons why their findings are not widely taught- mainly how alternative ideas are not accepted in academia and research is often backed by big business. They had nothing to gain by saying what they did and their documentary is available on Amazon for free. It is not about money.
  • Hey you guys, so I am starting my 10 day juice tomorrow and if all goes well i am hoping to extend it to a 30 day juice. So far i have done a lot of research but there are a few questions i still have. How do i go from juicing back into my normal eating? (i still plan on juicing once a day but i want to be able to have the occasional junk for like once a week and not have to freak out about gaining tons of weight back) Do i have to eat only fruits and veggies for 30 days after the juice? Will the weight come back? Please help me out, these are just some questions i cannot find that great of answers to them. I really dont want to gain the weight back and then some, i just lost weight this month and i worked really hard on it:/ thanks :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I too am going to do a juicing plan for hopefully 2 weeks if not more. I have been reading up on it, and they said to incorporate food back into your normal diet to keep juiceing like 2 meals and eat veggies fruit, legumes and nuts. so you can make some crazy salads that will fill you up. also, you can look into chai seeds or even aloe vera which help cleanse the body. if you look up "reboot your life before and after" there are peoples success stories that tell you how they kept the weight off and how they eat now. If you want to eat meat, start off with fish like 2 or 3 times a week, and try to get grassfed beef or whatever healthy meat you can find.
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