hey yall

HI my name is amanda I am from texas. I am wanting and needing to lose weight I know it's gonna be hard and a struggle everyday. I am wanting to get a good support system on here so if any one wants to be friends request me please. I am also looking for recipe ideas I am low on funds and don't have alot of money to fix the healthy meals that I have found online.


  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Amanda! Welcome to MFP! We have Texas in common. I was born in Wichita Falls - an air force brat. Anyway, I love your posting name. My mother (a Texan) used to say "pretty is as pretty does." So if you don't have it on the inside, you definately don't have it on the outside." LOL! And, "pretty on the inside" is starting with substance! Glad to meet you! I wish you much success on your journey!
  • helenjn
    helenjn Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm Helen from Australia...I just added you. Happy to help keep you on track :D