Hello I am new to this.

My name is Amanda and I am 6 months recently divorced. I am only 21 years old with 2 children. I goto school online and work at a hunting preserve. I was just wandering how this whole thing works, and what if while you are putting in your calorie intake for the day if its not as many as it is supposed to be, what then? If you have any advise it would be greatly appreciated!


  • ssmid2719
    My name is Amanda and I am 6 months recently divorced. I am only 21 years old with 2 children. I goto school online and work at a hunting preserve. I was just wandering how this whole thing works, and what if while you are putting in your calorie intake for the day if its not as many as it is supposed to be, what then? If you have any advise it would be greatly appreciated!
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Hi Amanda! Welcome to the site.

    There have been a couple of good discussion strings on this recently, but I guess my brain isn't engaged yet because I can't find them? How far off are you? Are you exercising and it is allowing you more calories or are you under even your base calorie?

    There are many days where I am under, not by much though. When I exercise a lot and am allowed more calories it gets harder to get that many calories. I just can't eat that much (okay I could, but not of the right foods).

    If you are under your base calories, you might not be helping yourself because your body isn't getting enough energy. When that happens it goes into starvation mode and packs on some fat.

    Good luck!
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome! I have also read that you should try to meet or come close to your calorie count for the day, eating good foods to achieve that goal. If you don't, your body will go to starvation mode and store fat. You need to sustain your body, and these calorie counts are designed for optimal weight loss and health!
    Good luck!
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Hi Amanda. Welcome to the site. I just joined yesterday. The feature I really like on this site is that I just record everything every meal without having to put it on paper to remember it for the end of the day, and then I get off the internet and back on, and all my info. is still there without pushing an "enter" button. Then at the end of the day after making any changes, I push the "button". You might have already found this out, but it's a neat feature.
  • ssmid2719
    I guess it is my base calories that I am behind on. It said that I was 424 behind so I doubled up on breakfast and now it says that I am 142 behind. I guess I really don't understand how anyone could lose weight by consuming more.??? So if anyone can explain this to me it would be great.
  • ssmid2719

    what "button" are you referring to?
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Sorry, the button "complete today's entry" on My Home.
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    I've never had to press that button myself. I am not sure what time the server 'changes' days, but it is all reset for me in the morning the next day. (Now that I'm thinking about I will check the time on this post. Must be close.)

    You might possibly be getting in a "crossover" from one day to the next and it is throwing off your calories. Pressing the Complete Entry on the My Home page might be important for you to do each night in your time zone. (Or I suppose you could do it before starting each day.)

    At the bottom of the Food page you should see your day begin with the full calories left to consume. That is for the day, not breakfast, and it will reduce as you add more foods that you've eaten each meal.

    Must be some mix up like that. Because if you have only 454 calaries left after breakfast, that musta been one heck of a breakfast! =)