

  • tillmanlady
    tillmanlady Posts: 139 Member
    I hated the pill because it added to the weight gain and I was really against BC period because I firmly believe the Depo Shot has a lot if not all to do with my PCOS.

    But since having my son I'm not yet ready for another surprise so I'm using the Nuva Ring and have not had any problems with it at all and I have been surprisingly very reg.
  • DonziGirl
    DonziGirl Posts: 9 Member
    I had 4 doctors miss the PCOS diagnosis. Once one did, life turned back around for me. I dropped 80 lbs (on Yasmin and Metformin). I do have insulin resistance. The nutritionist explained to me that I must eat lilke a diabetic. More managed carb than low carb. 35 to 45 g of carbs per meal - 15 to 20 for snacks. Avoid any starchy white carbs such as potatoes and white bread. Multi-grain/wheat is much better. She told me anything white essentially just turns back into pure sugar, which is bad. If stick to the carb limit, I generally lose weight. I've been at a plateau for awhile now but just need to figure out how to break out of it.
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    Responding mainly so I can keep track of this thread as I have a young adult dd with PCOS. It should have been diagnosed much sooner than it was as she had several classic symptoms but all they treated was the depression and at the time, I didn't know to link the hair growth and other items together. It is really frustrating once you do discover it and find it is so common WHY isn't it routinely considered and eliminated for any female showing any of the signs?!!! If hers had been caught when it really should have been, it would have saved her about 150 lbs.
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    you're right. and the other frustrating thing is that a lot of doctors do not seem to be on the same page for treatment. I wish her well and I hope she has better luck than me! I can run a mile, I eat pretty dang good (however I'm at about 100g of carbs per day) and I would say I eat a decent amount of protein. So we'll see what happens when I try harder with my eating and find a birth control right for me. I keep ballooning and I know that's not normal for anyone who has a normal functioning body. I should at least be at a plateau but not gaining.