ways to ease period pains?

xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
edited October 2024 in Chit-Chat
anything that can help period pains?! Im literally in bed right now sufferin to hell and back with them! not suffered like this this since 3 months ago when i had my period last. Ive taken 3 ibroufen tablets 2 hours ago - not helping. ive drank 7 cups of water in 2 hours and im now in bed with hot water bottle on my stomach.. Any other things that may help to ease them? I cant relax my stomach its that bad, its all tensed up =/

Any ideas would be really grateful, thanku x


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't really know because I don't get cramps. But have you been to the doctor to be checked for endometriosis? It's really not normal for pain to be that bad.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I don't really know because I don't get cramps. But have you been to the doctor to be checked for endometriosis? It's really not normal for pain to be that bad.

    Yes, you should probably see a doctor since your pain is that severe. Honestly if I were you I would try to get into the dr. today, if the dr. is booked maybe a nurse could see you? or drink some tea and go to sleep. Get well soon!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I get bad cramps and use a heating pad and a pain killer. Sometimes I try a hot bath and that normally takes them away.
  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    My daughter and both have them bad. It's heriditary in our family it seems...lol. Birth control has helped me and prescription strength ibuprofen has helped my daughter. A heating pad is great as well.
  • try excederin for menstrual pains! works wonders. i don't know how old you are but if you are legal to drink have some wine or just one beer. seems to help me relax and sleep too during the painful days.

    also, try not drinking caffeine for at least 3-4 days before you get your period. this also helped me and walah...it's easier. hope this helps! i hate cramps but you should definitely see a doctor to check it out!

    EDIT: the exederin is called "menstrual complete" express gels...this helped me more than midol
  • Two suggestions - firstly evening primrose oil taken daily can help manage the symptoms. My second suggestion is a tad unusual - try switching to a moon cup (www.mooncup.co.uk). I never suffered badly , but what I did suffer is gone - something about not blocking the flow .
    Hope you find relief
  • You might want to talk to a doctor about your cramps, it maybe something more than just cramps. My mother in law had really bad periods and hers were due to endrometriosis; mine just really sucked until I had my kids and were never regular either, when my cramps got really bad I took a good hot shower or sat with a heating pad on my stomach it helped me. Good luck and I hope you get feeling better soon. Periods suck!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have endometriosis so I can sympathize with you. Mine can get pretty bad!! I have stopped drinking soda because the caffeine can make the pain worse. I also sprinkle ground flax seed on my cereal (about 2tbsp) every morning. Since I did those two things the pain is not as bad. I also limit red meat and alcohol. Oh and I dont buy meat w/added hormones in it, I have enough hormones I dont need anymore!!! LOL. Good luck!!
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    Thats the way my periods are if I don't take something but I usually take some Excedrin and they usually ease up some. Also my hot pad is honestly the best thing man made for woman.
  • I have found SOME relief with taking 2 vital supplements: Magnesium and Calcium. I take 800 mg of Magnesium AND calcium a day. I didn't find relief for a couple of months though =\
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Back when I had back cramps, I would live on my electric heating pad during that TOM. Since my C-Section, I get them in the front now, and it sucks baaaad. It seems the only thing that helps for me is to take a couple of IBprofin and then slowly stretch out, on the floor, on my back. It hurts for a minute, but being stretched out and relaxed sometimes helps once you get settled.
    I would second seeing a doc. My older sister used to have labor-comparable pains during her TOM, and turns out she had halfway double uterus, which was causing her such extreme pain. She still has pretty rough TOMs, but not nearly as bad as they had been.
  • Supercatie80
    Supercatie80 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Are your cramps always this bad? If this is not normal for you then you should talk to your doctor. I used to get really bad cramps before I got on the pill. The pill helped lessen the pain by leaps and bounds for me. But before, even though I know moving around feels like the last thing you want to do, I used to make myself get up and walk around. The movement actually helped and stretched out the muscles a little. I would go for a 20 minute walk, doesn't have to be fast or anything, and then grab a book, some lavender scented candles, and take a long hot bath.
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    ouch! well long term BC pills is what worked for me. I was actually put on BC very young because of my ridiculous cramps. Short term pretty much what the other ladies have said -- Ibuprofen, heating pack, etc.

    Some Yoga poses work wonders for me. Child's pose and the Wind Release are my faves. Childs is where you kneel first then sit back on your heels and bring your head to the floor. Wind release you lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Hope this helps! Feel better :)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Woaaah reallly worried now! Mayb i should go see a doctor then =/

    My periods are irregular! Since january this year, this is my 3rd period! Ive been in hospital and have had tests as to why there really irregular, its because of my weight, and thats why ive kinda had no choice to loose weight, as it will be really hard to concieve aswell.. When i get my periods i do suffer quite bad, i have been since the age of 10 when i started =/ think its a family thing, mum used to suffer really bad with stomach pains.

    Im 19 soo im able to drink a glass of wine, buuuuut we only have vodka in the house, i drank the bottle of wine the other night =/. think ill just stick to my hot water bottle, and seee how i get on, hopefully ill fall asleep soon :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Everyone in my family has bad cramps but we are all fine!! It just happens to be normal for us! I found that lying on my front resting on my elbows helped! It hurt like hell for a while and then the muscles started to relax and it was way better! Has been over 2 years sinse my last period so took me ages to remeber what I used to do! My sister got a hormone coil fitted but I didn't get on with mine!
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