Getting Hungrier as you eat?

I'm sitting here finishing up my lunch and with every bite I feel like I need more food. I know I'm eating 3 cups of soup which should be more than enough to fill me up, but I still feel empty! Has anyone else experienced this?


  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    It used to happen to me all the time until I started to really balance out what I eat during the day. I space out meals and snacks and eat every 1-2 hours so it helps me.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Pretty much every day I workout!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It should fill you up a tad more than 3 cups of water I'd imagine.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Soup isn't eating. It's drinking with the use of a spoon. That's your problem right there.
  • sarapie
    Soup itself isn't very filling unless it is super high in fiber. Have you tried pairing it with a high-fiber food or drinking a fiber supplement?
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Try drinking a tall glass of water before each meal to help you feel full.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Ok, let me rephrase that, it's a stew, not really soup, more like chili. It's black beans, ground turkey, with cheese, vegetable juice (low sodium for the broth) and I added flour to it to thicken it up.

    I am drinking a bottle of water as well and I think tomorrow I'll add some crackers in with it.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    That happens to me on occasion.............last night, I couldn't stop eating ! I'd had a big lunch and when I got home, I was just ravenous. Ate stuff I probably shouldn't have, and went over my goal a bit........oh well, that doesn't happen EVERY day, Thank God!

    :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile:
  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
    I had the same experience when I had a salad for lunch. I was thinking this isn't good and was feeling defeated, I almost asked the same question. I wanted to go and grab something else and keep eating. I told myself no and walked away from the table. Funny thing is that was about 30 minutes ago and I feel totally full. So maybe give yourself a little time for your body to feel full and if you are still hungry after say 30 minutes, maybe grab some veggies or a piece of fruit. I hope this helps.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I had the same experience when I had a salad for lunch. I was thinking this isn't good and was feeling defeated, I almost asked the same question. I wanted to go and grab something else and keep eating. I told myself no and walked away from the table. Funny thing is that was about 30 minutes ago and I feel totally full. So maybe give yourself a little time for your body to feel full and if you are still hungry after say 30 minutes, maybe grab some veggies or a piece of fruit. I hope this helps.

    Well, I posted this just over 30 minutes ago and had a bottle of water and now I feel much fuller! Thanks!
  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
    Awesome I am glad it helped:):happy:
  • Joannsharp
    Sometimes it just takes a while before you feel full after eating. If you have the option to eat slow, try putting down your spoon/fork, in between bites to give your brain a chance to catch up with your stomach and relay the message that you have eaten and are full.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Soup and cereal are two things that i have that problem with. There isn't enough substance (protein, fiber, etc) for me. Maybe try a heartier soup or half a sandwich to go along with it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, let me rephrase that, it's a stew, not really soup, more like chili. It's black beans, ground turkey, with cheese, vegetable juice (low sodium for the broth) and I added flour to it to thicken it up.

    That sounds much better. Sounds good too.
    I know the beans and the cheese could have some fat in it, unless you did low/no fat versions, but you could still figure out how to get more good fat in there, which will make it more filling too.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It takes roughly 20 minutes for your brain to receive the "I'm full" response (leptin and insulin responses.) So even if you eat enough food, if you eat it quickly you will still feel hungry. That's why it's recommended to eat slowly, or to wait 15-20 minutes after eating before going back for more.