What Motivated You To Turn Yourself Around?

I think realizing we've reached "rock bottom" is the first step back up the ladder. Though no one WANTS to reach that point, I think it's the most essential step to turning it all around. I'm a firm believer in the old paradigm that you have to suffer through the low points to really, genuinely appreciate the high points. I truly believe that when you've reached your goal, you'll have a greater appreciation for being in good physical condition than anyone who's never experienced weight problems. You had to fight to get where you are, and it's the victories in life, however small or large the battle, that give you strength, understanding, and real happiness. I've lost 27lbs in 7 weeks. My goal is to get to 50, though I'm already in very respectable physical condition, and I just wanted to share with you a couple of the little moments that turned it all around.

Clothing can be a tricky thing because there is always a bigger size you can buy. As long as my clothes felt loose, I felt I had no problem. My waist had jumped from a 34 to a 36 to a 38 and I'd just go out and buy new jeans and dress pants as I grew. The moment I realized that I had to face myself was the moment my XL tee shirts started feeling snug on me. I wasn't going to start shopping special sizes, and that's when I looked in the mirror, *really* looked in the mirror, and hated what I saw.

Another thing I had to come to terms with was the image I had amongst my friends. On some level I knew I was way overweight, and rather than ignore the elephant in the room when I was with my buddies, I made it into a running joke (in a way, I beat them to the punchline, let's say). But as the days and weeks pass, those jokes will become less and less funny to you. They'll get old, and you'll realize that this isn't something that's out of your control. Not only do you not want to mock yourself, but you don't have to. And once my weight felt like a reputation more than an innocent joke in my social group, I decided it was time to stop kidding myself.

Anybody else have a story about the little moment(s) that drove them to get back into shape?


  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    What Motivated You To Turn Yourself Around?

    The Zombie Apocalypse is closing in.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    when I noticed that EVERY pair of pants in my closet closed with a prayer.... I was having to wear longer shirts to cover up my inability to close my pants properly... so thought NO MORE, not buying all new pants..
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    When I was told I had high blood pressure (inherited).
    When I stood in my closet and only had 2 jeans that I can fit and those were tight. In denial to buy a larger size.
    When I saw pictures of myself from last Christmas and looked big in an all black outfit.
    When I was too sleepy to stay up and play with my little kids every day. I was sleepy ALL THE TIME!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    For me it was a few things. Looking a photo of me at 250lbs going "OMG I have 2 almost 3 chins." and then laying down making my 18's fit me when I should be in a 20. My excuse was always "I don't have time." or "I want to, I just can't do it." But I seen a quote a friend on facebook posted, it said something about it's not about an interest but commitment, if you are just interested in it then you'll go back to how things were before. If you are committed you'll stick to it, because basically like a job you have to. I am looking at this like a must. This isn't about what I want in the moment, but what I want forever.

    I heard a quote that said that even when you do it every day for years, it's never easy, but being fat is not easy either. Those little quotes I think motivate me the most, and knowing there is a skinny me inside ready to shine.
  • SooZ1138
    When my "fat pants" wouldn't button =\ and then I ACTUALLY stepped on the scale (I refused to for 2 years).
  • LaurieEReid
    Pictures from a family vacation. I'd been avoiding being in pictures but I wanted some of me and my boys. With 50 and menopause looming, I knew that it was time.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    honestly, i woke up, ordered 30DS, did a detox for 7 days, and realized i want to be healthy.

    i want to have a baby someday and that's not gonna be fun if i'm struggling to maintain great health. plus those size 9 jeans aren't gonna stretch for my fat *kitten*. lol
  • gary8964
    Mine was being told very bluntly by my nurse that I had "fatty liver disease" in addition to high cholesterol as well as being on the cusp of becoming diabetic. She didn't pull any punches when she told me I could either put in the effort now to fix it with diet and exercise, or they'd be seeing me within ten years or so for liver disease. That was what did it for me. I was also always the "husky" kid growing up and struggled with weight loss for a long time. Now, I don't worry so much about my weight, I worry more about making sure I'm doing my best to eat right and get my exercise every day. As long as I dio that, the weight loss is in my opinion a VERY HAPPY :bigsmile: side affect.
  • reverendzor
    reverendzor Posts: 27 Member
    Anybody else have a story about the little moment(s) that drove them to get back into shape?

    In June 2010 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It scared me to realize that unless I made significant changes to my lifestyle, I was going to be on medication for the rest of my life (and possibly have to start taking insulin injections at some point). It forced me to make a change, and I can finally see my end goal off in the distance (started at 295 and am currently 219 pounds); only 19 more pounds to go!
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    All my clothes fit tight, I saw the pictures from my 29th bday that were embarrassing, then I went to my moms got on the scale and realized I was fat, that is the moment it really hit me, seeing the number on the scale... I never want to be there again.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    when I realized all my clothes weren't shrinking and designers weren't changing the sizes on me. Seeing pictures of my self sitting down and my "extra fluff" around the mid section didn't help either.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :smile: I wasn't ready... I had friends that were starting a new *fad* diet and asked me to join in. No, that is not accurate. BEGGED me to join in. "Amber, if you are doing this too then I KNOW I will do better" etc. etc. or my mother saying that I should. Gotta LOVE that. People telling you that you NEED to diet or SHOULD diet:grumble: . But once I started losing (abet a bit slowly) I was hooked. After a while some of those same friends dropped off the weight loss wagon. I don't mean to sound like a jerk because I LOVE my friends, but it was almost like their *failure* was MY push. I didn't want to stop because they did... I wanted to show that I COULD do it and WOULD do it. I'm 4 months in and have lost 20#. Some days I feel like it is so slow and want to quit, but I take a day *off* and begin again with vengence:bigsmile: ! My mom and best friend are still going strong and sharing our progress, failures, set backs, losses and nsv's keep us all going! If it wasn't for them and MFP, I don't know what I would do! :heart:

    I should add that I no longer do the *fad* diet thing either. I haven't for 2 months... I exercise 2xs a day for a 1/2 hour each, I try to keep my cals under 1500, and some other little 'tricks' that I learned from the *fad* diet and WW. But I feel like this is healthy, and DOABLE for me :bigsmile:
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    When I stepped on the scale, and I was so heavy even the doctor's scale couldn't tell how big I was. Now that's a freaking slap in the face.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    I think for me it was being completely mentally exhausted with engaging in disordered eating patterns for 15 years. I have never eaten "normal" not even when I was a kid. Having battled with anorexia, bulimia and now binge eating everything that I have done has made my life more complicated and depressing. I have been in outpatient and inpatient treatment...seen dietitians to psychiatrists. In the end, it is up to me to change things around and that's what I'm gonna do for real this time!! :) I have a really awesome doctor that is super supportive and understanding which has helped a lot. Recovery is VERY DIFFICULT but not nearly as awful as continuing to engage in disordered eating!