a drunken dieter.

I'm sure this topic has been done to death, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I tend to hang out at the bar alot--more than I should, probably--and it's hard for me to keep myself reined in when I'm in the thick of it. I've read many solutions and recipes, but often they are for things that one would buy in the store for home-mixin' and I just couldn't stand the embarrassment of a bartender's incredulity when I ask for a Bud Select (99 calories, same liquor content as regular Bud, what kind of black magic is this?)

I also know it's better to take shots, but I have to have something to sip on pretty heavily, or else I keep them comin', and then I got a whole 'nother problem that isn't about calories.

If anyone out there is a tequila drinker, suggestions in that vein would be stellar. Apologies if this ground has been run before, but who doesn't like to talk about their poisons?

Thanks, pals!


  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    Just ask for a diet coke.. No alcohol..
  • tequila, lemon, splenda and seltzer?
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    *pulls bucket close and pukes in it thinking of tequila* :D

    i have no magic words for you as the reason im stalled is my wine consumption...by the 1.5 at this point...issues? sure, i have em but im okay with it.

    now im thinking about shots..thanks for nothing :)

    oh, and good luck finding answers ... ill be reading ..
  • abrown4348
    abrown4348 Posts: 34 Member
    I actually love tequila. Because I love it so much, I've found I can order a double shot on the rocks with some lime, and I can sip on it all night. I don't spend as much money, save on calories and don't get drunk because it's so strong, it takes me a really long time to drink it.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i have the same problem, ill take some shots chased with water i feel like you're hardcore enough for that so like you'll be fine and if you don't wanna sip on water get like a rum and diet or a glass of wine or something not like a big mixed drink just something to keep you occupied til the next shot
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I like cherry vodka with sprite zero.......very low cal, and taste great!
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I've seen many a great idea for low-cal alcohol mixes in past threads. Don't miss out on that vast wealth of knowledge! You can access it by using the "Search" link just above this thread. I would search for the word "alcohol". Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm a wine drinker for the most part, but if it was a tequila I craved I go with lime juice and lots of ice, maybe a splash of water. I think most marguartias are too sweet anyway. Lime juice is sweet enough and very good for your kidneys. Some bars may not have lime juice but they will likely have lime wedges so just ask for tequila on the rocks and several lime wedges.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Just get it neat. The hardcore nature will encourage you to sip rather than shoot, and it will slow you down.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you can't control yourself in order to only have a few drinks and stay within your calorie goals, your problem isn't what you're drinking.

    With that said, you can drink your poison of choice and have a success with weight loss. First you decide how important your health really is, and then you find ways to enjoy your drinks in moderation.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    1st time I see the alcohol topic personally. I love Martinis. But you like tequila... What about (clear) Bacardi & diet coke? Maybe you should try Martinis. If you get a marilyn monroe, you're going to sip it. Tequila + SQUIRT is a MEXICAN thang. Lotsa calories, but you'll like it. Maybe with DIET Squirt?
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    you can always drink enough that you vomit... leaving you drunken and calorie neutral!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I like cherry vodka with sprite zero.......very low cal, and taste great!

    I like the sound of this!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Tequila + SQUIRT is a MEXICAN thang. Lotsa calories, but you'll like it. Maybe with DIET Squirt?
    Hell yeah! Fresca works for a lower-cal alternative.
  • bigdaddycowgill
    bigdaddycowgill Posts: 120 Member
    I like pretty much all alcohol, but have cut way back on my beer & wine since I started dieting. I pretty much stick to bourbon & vodka mixed with diet Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist now, unless I'm having pasta with red sauce, which I must have red wine with. Try vodka & your favorite diet soda...
  • take some shots chased with water

  • I totally have the SAME problem! I found this great solution that I think will solve all of your problems!!

    Yesterday I had a few margaritas... and then got to thinking of an odd concoction that just might work.... I embarrassingly asked the bartender to pour me two shots of tequila (one peach flavored and one pomegranate flavored), fill the cup up with ice, top it off with seltzer water, and add lime juice.... and IT WAS DELISH! Kind of like a champagne/bubbly/tequila combo. Really refreshing and could drink them all dang night!

    Another good idea would be using La Croix (in grapefruit or lime flavor maybe?) instead of seltzer water, adding lemon or lime juice, and some flavored (or non flavored) vodka or tequila.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    and you're in the lush group right? cuz... that place is HOME!
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Just ask for a diet coke.. No alcohol..

    Then ask for a shot of Cap't and enjoy!