

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You arent eating enough good food.
    Up calories and call me in 2 weeks!

    Oh yea...if your metabolism is sleeping try eating 6 small meals equalling about 300-400 calories each.
    Protein it up!
    Essential fats next.
    Then carbs bring up the rest of your calories.
  • Are you drinking enough water?
  • Hi my name is Kelly. I am so very frustrated. I have been doing this diet and exercise for a month and not losing anything but my mind. My metabolism tested as almost non existant. I burn 1500 calories a day just doing nothing so you would think eating less I should lose. I exercise too and nothing is happening. Suggestions?
  • lord_lethris
    lord_lethris Posts: 40 Member
    Hi my name is Kelly. I am so very frustrated. I have been doing this diet and exercise for a month and not losing anything...

    Even though your metabolism is next to nothing, that just means your body will store Fat rather than burn it. if you eat less at your current state, your body will just learn to store more fat rather than burn it off...

    Normally I would suggest You need to Exercise a little to kick start your metabolism.... BUT because of your bad metabolism, I suggest you book a double appointment with your doctor and actually talk about it. Maybe you need to see a specialist to find out "why" its so bad.

    I would do this BEFORE you start any diet. And then base your diet around what your doctor or a specialist suggests.
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    yep.. its that!
  • I had a look at your diary, have you considered adding some fiber at breakfast, or even breakfast at all?
    I know I did not start losing until I started eating breakfast.
  • Porridge is brilliant for breakfast btw - good slow release energy too :D
  • You're not eating properly or exercising enough.
  • i dont have very much time on my hands durring the day. and the only work outs i do is home work outs.

    but what type of workout do you do ? .... cardio/resistance/strength ..... i've found swimming to be ridiculously energising the past week ... i'm less jelly baby and more water baby of late .. cant stay out of the water lol .... ... if you don't have time for a gym membership... what about an exercise bike at home ? :)
  • thanks everyone for your input. and for the thyroid comment i am trying to get an anointment to do that. im kinda scaerd i dont want to know what there going to say.
    and with the "increasing the intensity of the work out" i dont have very much time on my hands durring the day. and the only work outs i do is home work outs.

    Really don't be worried bout the thyroid thing.
    Seems like every female in my female has dealt with it at one time or another.
    If they find something they'll help you balance it out.

    I do get the home work out thing. That's where I'm at right now, other than going to start walking too.

    Love the comment about the portions too, that's something that I think threw me off for the longest time. I used to think I was eating totally healthy til I really started looking at what "my" portion size was compared to the real deal.

    Don't get too down on your self :)