
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It is a theory and a thought that those who say racial slurs mean less the meaning behind the slurs and more the anger invoking reaction they seek. This matches what the effects of alcohol abuse due to many.

    Some people will never understand alcoholism and it's potential effects... I'm afraid. It's much easier to point a finger and say "you're bad, you're an *kitten*". There's lots of literature on this... glad you've got an open mind too. xo
    I think it's also the fact that none of us are perfect and it is important to have compassion so that were worthy of the forgiveness we need when we individually mess up. I think the poster was being more serious than most the posters intended this forum to be. But I agree it takes great courage to be honest, especially to yourself and out loud to others.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Do emails count?

    I was responding to an invitation out with friends and thought I wrote that I would be interested in going,... Instead, I said I would be very interesting.
    Needless to say, my friends all wanted to know what interesting things I would be doing for the get together, and now every subsequent invite, I get to be the most Interesting person invited. :-)
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    While a little tipsy, I was playing a trivia game at a large, hosted event, and was not doing well.

    Loudly, I said, " WOW, I SUCK WHEN I'M DRUNK!!" (in a happy-drunk kind of voice...)

    Would have been fine, except one of the men there then immediately offered to get me another drink....
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    lol yeah I know - I apologized to them... I was really messed up, I would go to class drunk every day and one time I even forced one of the girls to let me drink in her car while we waited for class... everything is much better now since I started running and MFP and dumped the alcohol...
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().

    ^^^ this is not "putting your foot in your mouth"

    This is called being a total jerk. Racial slurs...ffs...
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    The ironic thing was they were asian - and I'm asian... but I would use the worst derogatory words on them and they wouldn't fight back... its all over now... we're actually close now...
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!

    Don't judge unless you've been there. Sober doesn't = cured. He was being honest about something he REGRETS.

    I get that, but I find it shocking that anyone ever resorts to racial slurs for any reason.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I was sober.... in that I usually had one drink down the hole before... but even when I was completely sober I was out of control...
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I was sober.... in that I usually had one drink down the hole before... but even when I was completely sober I was out of control...
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!

    It's great you were honest. I think some people are just a bit uptight about certain things. (understandably so normally) Probably don't understand where you came from. Sounds like you learned your lesson and are on the road to recovery!

    My foot in mouth once was I was out in the middle of the woods 20 miles in with a class and we were all drunk and looking up at the stars. I proclaimed to the world, "I can't wait to get out of this *****!" amongst others talking like hill billies. Needles to say, my professor wasn't very happy about that. >_>
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I'm not gonna go all inception quote on this, but I have to back up the recovered-alcoholic racial slur guy.

    Some years ago, I was in a very bad accident that left me in a medically-induced coma for the first week, and completely out of my mind on drugs for two more weeks.

    I was told that in my second week, during a debriding bath (crazy painful experience), I managed to jerk my arm away from my second-favourite nurse, land a right hook squarely on her jaw and screamed at her to "Get your hands off me, you *insert filthy, ugly racial slur here*".

    I have many multi-racial family members that I adore, I have been a staunch and outspoken supporter of all human rights my entire life, and I am a very non-violent person.

    Sometimes, ugly circumstances can make the mind vomit out the most offensive, horribly crazy things it can muster. Why? Who knows. Does it mark the person as an evil human being? Certainly not.

    Alcoholism, and alcohol withdrawel, are horrible experiences. Instead of letting knee-jerk reactions pass judgement on this guy's past, it makes more sense to me to congratulate him for taking the painful steps necessary to bring himself out of it.

    (Side note, re: the crazy shizzle the brain can do...for two other days during my second week, apparently I spoke nothing but rather fluent German. I don't speak German o.0 But my Oma, who died when I was 9, spoke German to me often when I was a child. The brain is freaking weird.)
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
  • This just happened last night. My aunt is married to a man from Kurdistan. Let me tell you this aunt is very quirky with a quirky sense of humor and social engagements make her very anxious (especially ones with family.) Not to put too much pressure on her I sent her a quick text to let her know what time Thanksgiving dinner was and to let her know that she and the kids were welcome to come if they would like.

    Once I sent it, I looked back over it and autocorrect decided to write "The Kurd" instead of "The Kids". I WAS HUMILIATED. By the time I was getting over my "Oh Sh**, Oh Sh**" she had already written me back with a big LOL and hahaha. I instantly got right back to her to explain what happened and she said it was ok and she actually thought it was hilarious. They have many difficulties with holidays due to difference in culture so although she knew it was a mistake, she thought it was completely apropos. I still feel horribly about it. I am so grateful that she knew I would never be so intentionally disrespectful. Also - lesson learned. ALWAYS proofread before hitting send.:blushing:
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    My husband and I were spending the weekend at Daytona and it was during the bowl games in December or January. The hotel where we were staying was also where the Clemson football team was staying. One day we got in the elevator and a bunch of the players got in also. One big guy starting pushing the door open button instead of the door close button. They are fairly confusing: << open >> >>close<<. Anyway, I said, "Oh, you must be a football player" and it came out of my mouth before I realized he could have squashed me like a bug right there. My husband won't let me forget this oops! :embarassed:
  • One night some pals & I were at our local Perkins waiting for the waiter when "I'll Be Watching You" comes on the overhead. I scoffed and snarled and loudly proclaimed "Man, I HATE The Police."

    The glowering eyes I felt on me was the table of cops I, of course, failed to notice.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Two foot-in-mouth events stand out:
    1) Working as an insurance claims examiner, I was used to asking callers, "Are you calling about a claim?" Only, once, it came out, "Are you calling to complain?"
    2) At a large family dinner, I began a story with, "When I was a little boy...." I was NEVER a little boy!
  • After running into two friends from school and getting to talking one was talking about having a baby girl, I then asked the other friend what she was having, she replied she was not pregnant :/ she was so thin in highschool and had gained alot of weight in her stomach region. I felt really bad, and apologized
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    I was talking with a student (high school kid) about heritages. I can't quite remember how it came up, but at one point I said to him "I'm German. Don't hate. What did Germans ever do to you?" To which the student replied "Well, for starters, I'm Jewish."

  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I was walking out the mall one day, and the windows of the door were tinted. I pushed the door open and smashed a Jamaican man in the head. The first thing that popped in my mind was I am sorry I didn't see you. The man replies in a joking way why because I'm black. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to say. I reply I am so sorry sir I really could not see you through the window. The man trying to lighten the situation says to me I'll be sure to smile next time so you can see me. I was so uncomfortable. He tried to make the situation less awkward but I just felt like an *kitten*.

    I once told my Dad's friend I hate a certain name, I don't want to offend anyone so I won't say it. My dads friend replies to me oh you mean my daughters name. I had completely forgot it was his daughters name.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I was talking with a student (high school kid) about heritages. I can't quite remember how it came up, but at one point I said to him "I'm German. Don't hate. What did Germans ever do to you?" To which the student replied "Well, for starters, I'm Jewish."


    When I was in high school my favorite Spanish teacher and I were talking with the German exchange students. We were talking about bagels, when the Germans get to saying, "We don't have bagels in Germany." Nodding in agreement, my teacher says, "That's because you killed all the Jews." XD
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    on MFP news feed i said "you guys are rubbing off on me...or rubbing me off" now to people that've known me for a while, know this is a perfectly "normal" thing for me to say..but ive made some new friends recently that dont know me as well...i think i scared a few of them off!!!! :devil:
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I was walking out the mall one day, and the windows of the door were tinted. I pushed the door open and smashed a Jamaican man in the head. The first thing that popped in my mind was I am sorry I didn't see you. The man replies in a joking way why because I'm black. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to say. I reply I am so sorry sir I really could not see you through the window. The man trying to lighten the situation says to me I'll be sure to smile next time so you can see me. I was so uncomfortable. He tried to make the situation less awkward but I just felt like an *kitten*.

    OMG I ROFL at this!!! I literally spit out my coffee.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I’m a repeat offender in this category..

    I once worked at a company where we had just merged with another called First Virginia. I was talking to my boss and was asking him a question about them, First came out correctly, but Virginia.. not so much!

    At my current job, I have a team member I work with every so often who is blind. He's an amazing guy.. but I've told him at least twice while at an end of quarter meeting. "Jason, it's great to see you again".

    I almost cried the second time I said that to him, thank goodness he has a great sense of humor and knew I wasn't trying to be a jerk.