


  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    I really like Rodney Yee yoga DVDs. I have one that has two short (20-30 min) sessions to do in the morning and at night.
  • I just spent 50 minutes watching this lady.. I even did a few of her poses and saved them on a youtube playlist I created. She's really good!

  • Here's a great site you might like...

    She also has a facebook page at...

    ya, she's fantastic! i dont have netflix anymore :( so i'm searching on youtube per everyone's suggestions..
  • I'm 50 and I've been doing a SLOW slightly modified "sun salutation" yoga routine 4-5 days a week for about 2 years primarily for flexibility, but there's a little strength conditioning in there, too [e.g., the plank!].

    I do it first thing in the morning while I'm waiting for my coffee to perk-- takes about 8-9 minutes (holding each pose of the sun salutation for a 6 - 8 breath count) and I can really feel the difference on the days that I don't do it.

    So doing it for 8-9 minutes really makes a difference? I just did some for a few minutes but its my first time (and its at night). i'll give it a try!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I *loooooove* yoga and plan to do it for the rest of my life. I've been doing a hatha class at lunchtime once a week and I've got a DVD that I do occasionally (something about AM/PM - two half hour classes designed for morning and night).

    I prefer classes 'cos it's a set appointment to do it and also it's really good to have the instructor giving specific feedback and advice.

    If possible, I'd suggest taking a few classes before doing a DVD so that you can check you're doing things correctly. A twist of a wrist or when you put your weight can make all the difference.

  • graycaro
    graycaro Posts: 71 Member
  • I had a page dedicated to yoga on my blog. Apparently I deleted it. Ooops
    I found the information helpful when looking at yoga for the very same reasons so I tried to put as much as I could in one spot. Be sure to follow the embedded links to the originals. I don't wanna get sued.You can find some wonderful resources on the web. And it does help, as does meditation.

    I just went on your website, thanks so much! I love the pilates moves, too!
  • I *loooooove* yoga and plan to do it for the rest of my life. I've been doing a hatha class at lunchtime once a week and I've got a DVD that I do occasionally (something about AM/PM - two half hour classes designed for morning and night).

    I prefer classes 'cos it's a set appointment to do it and also it's really good to have the instructor giving specific feedback and advice.

    If possible, I'd suggest taking a few classes before doing a DVD so that you can check you're doing things correctly. A twist of a wrist or when you put your weight can make all the difference.


    I really wanted to take a class a few months ago, but its just not in my budget :(( everywhere in my area have it for too much $$$ .. I just bought my dream car (an suv) so i'd rather wait ;)
  • I have alot of yoga dvds. My favs are "stretch into yoga" by Shelly McDonald, part of the caribbean workout series. I also have some videos by Rodney Yee "Power Yoga" and "Yoga for Strength". I had an accident a few years ago and fell down the stairs and had terrible hip and back pain, yoga has been a Godsend! It is great for strenght and flexiblity! It also helped me lose 25#s before I joined MFP in Aug.

    wow, he seems really good! except, theres something about a man wearing tight shorts that gets me distracted :/
  • julieban1
    julieban1 Posts: 39 Member
    dvd's called Yoga Zone. they have for beginner to advanced. 20 minutes long. A fabulous way to start your day!
  • dvd's called Yoga Zone. they have for beginner to advanced. 20 minutes long. A fabulous way to start your day!

    i'll definately check those out online! 20 min is a perfect time for me in the morning! i leave home at 7:30am for work :(
  • thesasser
    thesasser Posts: 5 Member
    Rodney Yee Yoga for beginners. It has a morning practice and an evening practice. very relaxing and fun
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    I do a yoga DVD fairly regularly (right now I'm using P90X with Tony Horton leading), but for me there is no replacement for an actual class. I tend to be more focused, work harder, and feel better with a live teacher and other humans near me. Maybe it's the competition factor or maybe it's more misty-woo-woo, like everyone's energy contributing to the good vibe of the class or something. That being said, I took my boyfriend to a class and he felt really intimidated and hated it! To each his own! That's my two cents :)
  • If you have cable, they have a free exercise channel with many yoga options on it.
    I also recomend Yogaworks DVDs...they're great!
    I LOVE yoga!
    Good luck!
  • Very informative...bump.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Does anyone do Yoga at home? I notice that the older I get, the more my joints ache when I exercise - walk or jog or otherwise. I'm thinking of beginning a morning routine of Yoga before I start my day. I'm hoping it'll help me with my muscles/joints. Any ideas of any websites? or DVDs?
    Soooo funny because I came to this revelation Monday and I did a video on ON Demand with Fios. I was so sore the next day!!!! I am so NOT flexible! I need to do so much more on a consistent basis. You are not alone.
    Is there a 'Yoga" group in the group forums????
  • My family owns two yoga studios so I have been doing yoga since I was a toddler ("doing" yoga). There is nothing better. Yoga is both incredible for you physically and mentally. i just got home from Yoga and feel amazing. My mom is a yoga guru and is toned and fit beyond belief. I see all types of people walk into her business and come out with a smile.

    For online yoga go to and you can subscribe to certain class from all different studios, that you you get the real experience at home. but getting into an actual class is also very effective. esp. with heat.

    If you try out Yoga vibes, find Verge Yoga!!

    good luck and Namaste
  • TomD316
    TomD316 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been using the WII and Wii fit plus, it has yoga and a lot of other great exercises you can do. That's what I've been using for the last 4 months.
  • vegej
    vegej Posts: 1
    Health magazine also has monthly Yoga moves from beginner to advanced that are pretty easy to follow. Good luck!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Tons on youtube and some on netflix.