Another newbie here, looking for friends : )

Im 36 and still fighting the weight loss battle. To date I have lost 70lbs : ) I have 20 to go and this has been the most difficult part of all this. Any ideas,tips, suggestions would be helpful. And maybe I have some things I could share with you too.


  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hi, Stacey! :D (Nice name lol) I think you'll find this site very helpful. If you're diligent in logging your food accurately this site will help you lose those 20 lbs. :) Just be patient though, as you know the smaller you get the longer it takes to get those last few pounds off. But if you stick with it you'll get there! :D I have faith in you!
  • Hello Stacey,
    Feel free to add me. I have about 11-14 pounds to reach my goal before the new year. I have hit a plateau so I need all the support I can get. We can motivate each other and kick this weights butt.

  • good for you! that is such an accomplishment. stick with you calorie goal. do you exercise? if so what are you doing? cardio or strength and for how long? =)
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    I have been doing this program for 6 months or so. Even though I am not that "good" at it I do log in every day and I do think it helps me to be more aware. I have only lost 6 lbs but I have not gained weight at least. I am going to start working out more to see if it helps the last 15 I want to lose. Let me know if you want to be "friends".
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Just in case you need some useful site.
    Good luck on your journey!
    Feel free to add me as friend.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    A warm welcome from another STACEY. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to friend to help ya! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • 617Princess
    617Princess Posts: 12 Member
    hi, I'm Jenn :) I need to lose about 50 pounds, which scares me :( I haven't been very good at it but I went to the doctor last week and my bp is up. My issue is lack of time to exercise - I work FT, go to school FT, and have two kids.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello! I am in the same boat. I have about 20 more to go and this is not a good time of year. It's becoming a battle for me. UGH!
  • Heyyyy Girl!!

    Nobody said this was going to be easy, god lord its the hardest thing i've EVER had to do but I am so happy I am doing it. I also wanna tell you that I am proud of you for making the decision to change your life because as I know change is hard and temptation is everywhere! To keep up your motivation take your workout up a notch--I love tirering out my muscles because WE get a good nights sleep. Also don't be afraid to try something new, I thought water arobics were just for old people until i did it and loveeeeed how i felt afterward. Logging your food is a pain in the butt but you'll get used to doing after awhile, it will be like second nature to you and you wont put anything in your mouth without knowing how your body will react. add me as a friend and we can fight the fight together! I am also on twitter @ladykiss103 keep up the good work miss thang!!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I am hoping to get rid of the last 12 lbs. I am also 36. Friend me if you wish. Maybe we can share tips or recipes. Whatever works, you know what I mean.

  • Hello Stacey! I feel your pain! I have 10 more I'd like to loose but believe once I do it (and I will do it) I'll set a new goal. I am more than willing to do my best to help you stay on track and motivated!!! It's hard but I believe in you. This site has been sooo helpful to me and it's true that if you track on a regular basis and are honest (you are only hurting yourself if your not) you will slowly change your lifestyle and start to drop the lbs.
  • Try the Olivia Method :smile: I will find the link
  • Try the Olivia Method :smile: I will find the link

    she has just started a group too..Good stuff
  • TGomo
    TGomo Posts: 35
    Welcome! I am 29 pounds in to my 74 pound weight loss goal and this site has been so motivating. Feel free to add me as well.
  • zontuin
    zontuin Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! And congrats on your huge weight loss already! Wow! Keep at it. I'm sure you'll get it all off. Good luck with your weight-loss goals. Feel free to friend me for support.
  • hey stace! im also new... been here about a month.. im a mother of 3 kids under 4 (4rs, 18 months and 4 months) ... i need to lose 20lbs to get back to my wedding weight.... i have been sticking to the paleo diet which is this" if it didnt exsist when cavemen were alive then you dont eat it "haha.. anything that could be hunted or gathered is what you eat... lean meats green vegetables and nuts and berries.... no pasta bread cheese butter.. etc.... sucks at first and you'll be tired becuase your glucose levels will be low... the cravings will slowly go away.. i have one cheat day a week but i still only eat 1200 calories a day.... at first i thought my life would be over if i couldnt have cheese haha but its not that bad... its very hard but well worth it... i lost 5lbs in 6 days im in my 2nd week of doing i'll keep you posted if youre interested in losing the 20lbs.
  • Hey Stacey! I am new here too and have gained and lost weight a few times. The hardest part to lose is the first 10 and the last 10. In my experience, changing up your workout will usually boost things back up again...what kind of exercise do you like?