Dad lost 40 lbs giving up diet drinks



  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    One of a few reasons why it causes weight gain is because it makes some people crave sweeter things. It also causes things to not seem as sweet (making it less satisfying). I've read studies that they've done having people who use fake sweeteners and regular sugars, the people who use the real stuff thought the food was really sweet and were satisfied eating less. The people who used fake ate more and weren't satisfied.
    So it is kind of both.
    Pavlov already did this…the guy with the dinner bell.

    Check the study out and find out how they overcame the power of suggestion. The subjects in the test knew that one of the drinks were sugar free vs with sugar — that skews the test.

    Perhaps the test would have been different if it had been conducted a la "Drink these liquids and then answer these questions."
    Anything chemical in the body is not good. You don't know what exactly they can cause.
    You've been in a car accident. There's lots of exposed bones and arterial bleeding.

    The EMT reaches over and tries to plug in a liter of manufactured blood. Do you let her put those chemicals in your body?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have an iced tea maker. It's called a kettle and a pitcher.

    Yes, this. Why buy a contraption to make something that's so simple to make just by brewing tea and putting it in the fridge?

    Oh, and to the "chemicals are bad" person. Water is a chemical. Air is a chemical. The human body is made of chemicals.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I changed almost everything in my lifestyle except one thing and that was my diet pepsi....... Just Finished a 30 oz. fountain diet pepsi with my chicken breast salad and opened my 3rd 24 oz. bottle of diet pepsi of the day (also drank 64 oz. water today too) and somehow have lost 285 lbs. and I have type 2 diabetes (have been pre-diabetic now for 10 months and off all meds except metformin) I don't crave sweets anymore at all and will grab a yogurt or almonds over a candy bar or sweets any day. I may be an exception to the rule but I don't believe drinking diet soda is causing me any problems on my journey.....
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've cut back on diet but still drink it. I can predict if I have more diet soft drink I'll have a bad mood. The stuff is not good for you. But that's my personal opinion and whatever works for others is different. Giving up completely in two weeks.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i drank a 2 ltr a day and stopped drinking pepsi and have not lost 1 lb at all......
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    My Dad stopped drinking diet ice tea for the simple reason that he realized how much the ice tea was costing him and decided to switch to water. He was not dieting and did not change his eating habits at all.
    He's a big guy and was pleasantly surprised at the drop in weight (which has now stabilized).

    Before this I never bought into the articles I read on how people who drink diet sodas tend to weigh more. I am reading more about it and after seeing it happen to someone I know, I am now a believer!
    So he switched to water only?


    Before this I never bought into the articles I read on how water is supposed to help with weight loss.
    Maybe I am becoming a believer!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    If you google "diet drinks and weight gain" you will see tons of articles on it and the reasons why it prevents weight loss or in some, actual weight gain.

    Try google scholar instead.

    Your results will be much different.
  • demurefemme
    For those interested in the science, this is a fairly succinct overview of some of the most seminal articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals.
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Whether the OP's father did cut anything else or not, I commend him for making such a great choice. I don't know about anyone else, but it's been drilled into my brain ever since I was about 9 years old how bad soda is for you. (Doesn't mean I don't drink it, but I do realize that it is not a healthy choice!) Just because diet soda has no calories doesn't mean it doesn't have anything else in it!! Water is a much better choice :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nobody lost 40 lbs by giving up a no calorie drink and making no other diet changes. It's not possible. Giving up the tea may have prompted other changes that reduced calories but the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.

    What does giving up diet tea (whatever that is) have to do with diet soda?
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    Correction weight can be changed based on not drinking diet soda....just because something is 0 calories doesnt mean they cant have things that make you gain weight SODIUM!!!! Being a high ingredient in Diet Soda! So I totally believe it!! Probably started drinking more water, getting rid of water weight and sodium thats been held in the body for years if he was an avid diet soda drinker. Just because its diet soda doesnt mean you wont gain weight. If something is fat free it doesnt mean you cant get fat lol.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,246 Member
    I switched to drinking diet pop and lost 70 plus pounds. Go figure.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Correction weight can be changed based on not drinking diet soda....just because something is 0 calories doesnt mean they cant have things that make you gain weight SODIUM!!!! Being a high ingredient in Diet Soda! So I totally believe it!! Probably started drinking more water, getting rid of water weight and sodium thats been held in the body for years if he was an avid diet soda drinker. Just because its diet soda doesnt mean you wont gain weight. If something is fat free it doesnt mean you cant get fat lol.

    Sodium balance doesn't work that way.

    See chrisdavey's post here:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Correction weight can be changed based on not drinking diet soda....just because something is 0 calories doesnt mean they cant have things that make you gain weight SODIUM!!!! Being a high ingredient in Diet Soda! So I totally believe it!! Probably started drinking more water, getting rid of water weight and sodium thats been held in the body for years if he was an avid diet soda drinker. Just because its diet soda doesnt mean you wont gain weight. If something is fat free it doesnt mean you cant get fat lol.

    40 lbs of water weight? I'll bet that's a world's record.
  • shine82
    shine82 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree, eliminating sodas whether its diet, can help you lose weight. The diet sodas have soo much of artificial sweetener, which is not good for health over all. and it gives you a fake boost of energy. Also the aerated stuff is harmful.

    Studies say if you eat too much of artificial sweetener, it makes you crave for sugar and you will end up eating something that spoils the whole day..

    I do not drink sodas at all, I only drink, water, tea and coffee (with artificial sweetener, that is 1 pack a day for me). Any caffeinated drink, limit to Once a day. It really helps cut down the calories.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Correction weight can be changed based on not drinking diet soda....just because something is 0 calories doesnt mean they cant have things that make you gain weight SODIUM!!!! Being a high ingredient in Diet Soda! So I totally believe it!! Probably started drinking more water, getting rid of water weight and sodium thats been held in the body for years if he was an avid diet soda drinker. Just because its diet soda doesnt mean you wont gain weight. If something is fat free it doesnt mean you cant get fat lol.

    There is only 35 mg of sodium in a 24 oz. Diet Pepsi....... I ate a 12 in. Subway turkey and black forest ham on wheat with no cheese and only veggies and it contained 3240 mg. of sodium. You would have to consume alot of Diet Pepsi to even come close to that one sub....
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    If you google "diet drinks and weight gain" you will see tons of articles on it and the reasons why it prevents weight loss or in some, actual weight gain.

    There's actually no conclusive studies showing diet drinks and direct effects on weight loss/gain.(And this is coming from my first year uni text book, not online studies). The only potential link is indirect, and that's simply stating that for some, having some type of sweet remaining in their diet, causes them to continue craving sweets. However, if you're watching your calorie intake, this should not be an issue (in the sense that you should not go over your caloric limit).

    ETA: what I'm going to say is a much more likely reason for his weight loss is the switch to water. He may not have ever said "I'm on a diet" but he likely was eating less than his normal amounts simply from getting the satisfied "full" feeling from his greater intake of water.

    So perhaps what you should have said was : "Dad lost 40lbs by drinking more water"
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Studies say if you eat too much of artificial sweetener, it makes you crave for sugar and you will end up eating something that spoils the whole day..

    No. Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners MAY cause an increased craving for sweets (real or artificial) and that MAY lead to eating more. But it all still comes down to eating more.
  • y1coach
    Calories In vs Calories Out !!!!! Simple but true.:wink:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Correction weight can be changed based on not drinking diet soda....just because something is 0 calories doesnt mean they cant have things that make you gain weight SODIUM!!!! Being a high ingredient in Diet Soda! So I totally believe it!! Probably started drinking more water, getting rid of water weight and sodium thats been held in the body for years if he was an avid diet soda drinker. Just because its diet soda doesnt mean you wont gain weight. If something is fat free it doesnt mean you cant get fat lol.

    A) There's actually very little sodium in diet soda and B) her dad gave up diet TEA, which probably has even less sodium.