Need to lose over 200 lbs

It feels so daunting. How... HOW does one go about losing over 200 lbs? One day at a time, I guess. One step at a time. I feel so overwhelmed.

I know, you'll say: "Don't look at the big number, take it five pounds at a time" - yeah... When you see over 300 lbs staring back at you from the scale you can't help but think of the huge numbers.

I need help. That's hard to say. But I do need help.


  • AdenaJ
    AdenaJ Posts: 58 Member
    It seems like you've taken the right first steps by joining MyFitnessPal. I also have close to 200 pounds to lose, and I know exactly what you mean about how daunting weight loss seems. Here is a group that I recently joined for people with 200 or more pounds to lose:
  • HealingMe
    It seems like you've taken the right first steps by joining MyFitnessPal. I also have close to 200 pounds to lose, and I know exactly what you mean about how daunting weight loss seems. Here is a group that I recently joined for people with 200 or more pounds to lose:

    The group looks good. It will be nice to have a group of people to talk with who knows what it's like to be faced with such a huge task. Thank you for the link.
  • baharal
    baharal Posts: 45 Member
    I know the feeling. I need to lose 90 lbs and keep going back and forth with losing 5 - 10 lbs and gaining some back. However, this is the only program that made me realize I can lose weight. I need to measure and weigh my food and get some exercise. What's discouraging is to lose 20 lbs and no one notices! But we'll notice in our jeans, how easy it is to get up or bend over. We will do it - one pound at a time! Think of it as a healthy lifestyle change not as a diet. A 10% weight loss brings a lot of health benefits and in the long run that's what really counts. Good luck!
  • Lfinch08
    Lfinch08 Posts: 16 Member
    Make small goals for yourself. Don't look at the whole picture at the same time, start small and reward yourself when you get there. Example, at 10 lbs I had a mani & pedi. At 20lbs I am getting a new purse. Little goals that make you look forward to seeing the lbs fall off.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    you lose it just like everyone else... 1 lb at a time :)

    I have quite a bit to lose as well. So I just take it one lb and one day at a time:) When I start thinking of the bigger picture I get very discouraged and think its so far away, and I will never do it, etc... the negative thinking starts, but when I think of 1 lb, hey, I can do 1 lb! then I can do another, and another and another... and so on and so on and so on...

    You can do this! MFP is a fabulous place;)

  • itsmechris
    In December of 2009 I was over 400 lbs. We had our 2nd child on the way and our first son was running me ragged around the house. I needed and wanted to get off my butt, off the couch and be a good father. Well, guess what? It's 2 years later and I have lost 87 pounds. I also love, absolutely love, going to the gym 3-5 days a week. I even ran in a 5k race!

    It's hard some days, even now. I still want to lose another 100 pounds or so and I love to eat! There are days I go to the gym and force myself to move, to do something because I simply don't want to damn it!

    I wish I was losing faster, but hey, I am now wearing pants 10 inches smaller in the waist and I am now sporting 3x instead of 4 x shirts. It's a lifestyle change, not just losing the weight and then go back to what you did before. You have to change and doing it slow, really achieves overall change in habits. I almost never eat seconds at any meal now. It's been a great rule for me. I used to eat an entire large pizza myself and feel lousy the rest of the night. Now I eat maybe 2-3 pieces at one sitting when we do have pizza, which is rare. It took me time to get here, but here I am!

    Hang in there and remember it's about changing your life, not just losing pounds.

    Hope I helped.
  • alexbowser
    I think it's great that you're taking control and changing your life. I'd love to be a part of the journey.
    (Sending a friend request :smile: )
  • HealingMe
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I definitely need to look at this as changing my life, not just changing my body.
  • amfeierabend74
    You have come to the right place.
    Just take it one day and one pound at a time. There will be hard days, and days you may want to give up ( I almost quit after losing 20 lbs), but stick with it.
    I set a goal of getting down to 250lbs, I am 362 right now. I know that is not what they consider a healthy weight, but that is a realistic goal I have set for myself.
    Celebrate every victory! Even if it is only losing half a pound in one week.
    Drink lots of water! It really does help!

    Sending you a friends request!