Obsessing over cheat days

I cheated today and I always feel so guilty when I do and I know I shouldnt obsess over it, but it bothers me so much! To the point where I think about it for the rest of the day and then I'm not in the mood to go to the gym. Does anyone ever feel like this or am I going crazy?


  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    Lately, I feel like this every day! However, I know my life is *very* stressful at the moment. If your cheat days are many, then the obsessing could be useful. If they are rare, then think about whether there is something else bothering you that is behind the 'obsession'... Often I'll cheat and go ape-nuts about it, but I'm really ape-nuts about something entirely different.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    I don't think you're alone, after reading these types of posts for four years.

    You can't un-ring that bell. Make better choices at the next meal, and move on.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Cheated how?? And who did you cheat??
    Did you sleep in, eat too much, make bad food choices, didn't exercise?

    Personally I see these as choices not cheating. I don't always make good choices but I know that it's not the end of the world and that if I spend the rest of the day beating myself up about it then I'm less likely to put in the time to plan to do better tomorrow.
    Treat it as a mistake, try to learn from it and move forward.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Nope, been there myself. I ended up getting annoyed at myself for letting something like that annoy me... stupid downward spiral!

    I'd suggest making a mental note of how you feel now, and bring that back to the front of your mind next time you think you might go on a food bender.

    Also, put it in perspective dude, it's one day. Just dont sweat stuff like that and get back on track, and as my wife likes to say... 'Suck it up Princess!' :P
  • Cheated how?? And who did you cheat??
    Did you sleep in, eat too much, make bad food choices, didn't exercise?

    Personally I see these as choices not cheating. I don't always make good choices but I know that it's not the end of the world and that if I spend the rest of the day beating myself up about it then I'm less likely to put in the time to plan to do better tomorrow.
    Treat it as a mistake, try to learn from it and move forward.

    I made bad food choices and ate too much after that. I also didnt exercise which is why im obsessing over it. I think I obsess so bad because I dont have that much farther to go and I want it so bad that I get soo mad at myself!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I cheated today and I always feel so guilty when I do and I know I shouldnt obsess over it, but it bothers me so much! To the point where I think about it for the rest of the day and then I'm not in the mood to go to the gym. Does anyone ever feel like this or am I going crazy?

    First of all, how did you cheat?

    How many calories for the day and how far over maintenance?
  • 'Suck it up Princess!' :P

    Although, great advice all around- this is my favorite! :laugh:
  • I was over by almost 800
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Cheated how?? And who did you cheat??
    Did you sleep in, eat too much, make bad food choices, didn't exercise?

    Personally I see these as choices not cheating. I don't always make good choices but I know that it's not the end of the world and that if I spend the rest of the day beating myself up about it then I'm less likely to put in the time to plan to do better tomorrow.
    Treat it as a mistake, try to learn from it and move forward.

    I made bad food choices and ate too much after that. I also didnt exercise which is why im obsessing over it. I think I obsess so bad because I dont have that much farther to go and I want it so bad that I get soo mad at myself!

    I can relate to this, it's easy to make one unhealthy choice and then let that lead to a whole day of bad choices. It's also easy to get really focussed on the goal of losing weight and finishing what you've started and lose sight of the big picture of long term health and well being.

    I'm learning a lot about myself as I lose weight - and one key thing to learn is not just: how much less I need to eat to lose weight, but: when and why I eat and how I can change those bad habits. I think this is a key thing to grasp - so there is some good reason to review what you've done and try to come up with strategies to do better next time.

    But, I also thing "you can't unring that bell" is fabulous advice (as is "suck it up, Princess"!).
    Today is done now, plan better for tomorrow!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Ok, so if you were over your TDEE by 800 the worst case scenario would be a gain of a few ounces. If you were over your MFP calorie goal (which is NOT likely your TDEE) by 800, then you'll probably break even or potentially even LOSE weight on that intake if you're one of the 1200 calorie crew.

    I think you should embrace it. In fact, if this was a spontaneous cheat then maybe you should consider an intentional cheat day where you do this weekly. Provided you aren't going ballistic and eating 6k calories, it may do you some good.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I've been there many days, and punished myself by going on eating binges and doing zero exercise. Who did I hurt? Only myself. Now, after many, many, many, many, many, etc.......years, I've finally (hopefully) learned that each day is a new day to start over, no matter what I did the day before (or even hour before). You always have the option of making wiser decisions........you just have to decide to make them! Good luck! You're not alone.
  • thanks for the help everyone! :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I cheated today and I always feel so guilty when I do and I know I shouldnt obsess over it, but it bothers me so much! To the point where I think about it for the rest of the day and then I'm not in the mood to go to the gym. Does anyone ever feel like this or am I going crazy?

    First of all, how did you cheat?

    How many calories for the day and how far over maintenance?

    agree with sidesteal.

    Get back on the horse tomorrow :)
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Yes I know how you feel - Logic says - eat too much? exercise more to undo the damage or at least some of it. But for some reason there's some kooky misconnection in my brain that says - eat too much? might as well just keep eating. It makes no sense whatsoever but it happens. So much oif this entire process is mental. My best advice? Realize what you are experiencing is common and make a committment to getting back on track as soon as possible - even if it is tomorrow.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Ok, so if you were over your TDEE by 800 the worst case scenario would be a gain of a few ounces. If you were over your MFP calorie goal (which is NOT likely your TDEE) by 800, then you'll probably break even or potentially even LOSE weight on that intake if you're one of the 1200 calorie crew.

    I think you should embrace it. In fact, if this was a spontaneous cheat then maybe you should consider an intentional cheat day where you do this weekly. Provided you aren't going ballistic and eating 6k calories, it may do you some good.
    ^^^^ This ^^^ If you're at a deficit by a few hundred calories or more everyday this will actually cause you to lose more weight.