Fruit + Sugar intake?

Hi all,

I am trying to watch all heath categories including my sugar intake. Today my medium size banana and 1/2 cup of fresh fruit was 26 grams of sugar and my goal is 33. I feel like I should avoid fruit due to the high sugar, but since it's natural sugar maybe I shouldn't be so concerned. I am not very nutrition savvy and would appreciate your thoughts!

Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You will get lots of different responses to this question...

    My personal opinion is that as the sugar in fruit comes packaged with fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other good things, I'm not going to worry about it.

    The Australian dietry guidelines suggest 5 veg and 2 fruit every day, so as long as you are having fruit in moderation I think it's a healthy choice.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Everyone is different, but I stopped tracking sugar just because of fruit. On average, I have 3-4 a day!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi all,

    I am trying to watch all heath categories including my sugar intake. Today my medium size banana and 1/2 cup of fresh fruit was 26 grams of sugar and my goal is 33. I feel like I should avoid fruit due to the high sugar, but since it's natural sugar maybe I shouldn't be so concerned. I am not very nutrition savvy and would appreciate your thoughts!

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    I think the first question to ask yourself is, why do you believe it's important to track sugar intake?

    I'm not trying to tell you that you should or should not track it, but your answer to the above question might make that decision for you.

    If you do not have any insulin related medical conditions, overconsumption of sugar will not lead to weight gain provided that you are still in a calorie deficit. So, if your goal is weight loss, I would suggest you focus on calories, protein/carbs/fat and try your best to hit those goals. You will still lose weight provided you hit those targets and stay in a deficit, even if you have a high sugar intake.

    Furthermore, select "mostly" nutrient dense foods and then add some junk food to prevent you from feeling like a damn prisoner to your diet and for a better chance at long term success. Have a bunch of meat and fruit and vegetables and toss in some ice cream or chocolate or *GASP* some processed carby treat, and hit your macros. And win.

    Ok so I ranted a bit there.
  • Jillv086622
    Jillv086622 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all,

    I am trying to watch all heath categories including my sugar intake. Today my medium size banana and 1/2 cup of fresh fruit was 26 grams of sugar and my goal is 33. I feel like I should avoid fruit due to the high sugar, but since it's natural sugar maybe I shouldn't be so concerned. I am not very nutrition savvy and would appreciate your thoughts!

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    I think the first question to ask yourself is, why do you believe it's important to track sugar intake?

    I'm not trying to tell you that you should or should not track it, but your answer to the above question might make that decision for you.

    If you do not have any insulin related medical conditions, overconsumption of sugar will not lead to weight gain provided that you are still in a calorie deficit. So, if your goal is weight loss, I would suggest you focus on calories, protein/carbs/fat and try your best to hit those goals.

    Furthermore, select "mostly" nutrient dense foods and then add some junk food to prevent you from feeling like a damn prisoner to your diet and for a better chance at long term success. Have a bunch of meat and fruit and vegetables and toss in some ice cream or chocolate or *GASP* some processed carby treat, and hit your macros. And win.

    Ok so I ranted a bit there.

    The only reason I want to cut out sugar is because I always hear people say they lost weight by cutting out sugar... but since I know fruit is healthy for me it irritates me when MFP show's RED when most of my sugar intake is fruit. And I don't eat meat which is half the reason why I gained so much weight!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    The only reason I want to cut out sugar is because I always hear people say they lost weight by cutting out sugar... but since I know fruit is healthy for me it irritates me when MFP show's RED when most of my sugar intake is fruit. And I don't eat meat which is half the reason why I gained so much weight!

    I understand.

    The reason people lose weight by cutting out sugar from their diet is because it lowers their calorie intake. That, or you have an underground diabetic crew that you chill with =)
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    Lowering/eliminating your refined sugar intake is advisable. Fresh fruit (or frozen) is natural and good for you.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Refined sugar is different than the sugar in fruit. I think that, unless you have a condition like diabetes that makes you sensitive to the natural sugars, you shouldn't worry about what's in your fruit. That's my opinion, at least.

    My aunt, on the other hand, would tell you to avoid fruit when it's out of season, even if it's in the store.
  • imfree27
    imfree27 Posts: 2 Member
    If you want nice abs, def. watch your sugar, excess sugar is stored as fat and it's stored in your belly, def. watch your sugar
  • diddylove
    I have the same doubt as you too... however I read this article that give us the information of taking fruit 3times per day is a right choice.