Husband lost weight 3x faster than I... Why?

Hello All!

My husband and I started changing our lifestyles with better eating and excercise in September, both needing to lost about the same amount of pounds, and he is already at goal! I am VERY happy for him (and a bit jealous)... how is this possible?:huh:


  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Please don't judge yourself and your accomplishments by those of your husband. For some reason men lose faster than women - I can't tell you why but they do. Set yourself a pace, set a goal and stick to your guns. You will get there and feel better for it when you accomplish it.

    Please, please, please tell your husband that you are so very proud of him and ask him to keep encouraging you and helping you along the way.

    Best of everything to you.
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    He doesn't have the same hormones as a girl. Our hormones tell our body to hold onto fat. He has more muscle mass. Even if he was the same height and weight as you, he as more muscle. Therefore, he has a faster metabolism and can burn fat faster than you. His liver is bigger. It can process more alcohol and fat - your liver is your fat processing organ. He has more testosterone. He has more Growth Hormones. It's easier for his body to produce Testosterone and Growth Hormone. (Those both help to lose weight/burn fat/increase muscle.)

    Basically, he's a guy and his body works slightly differently from yours. It's not fair...
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Yeah, I believe that in general, men lose weight more readily than women. The previous poster was correct; women's hormone fluctuations make it harder for us to lose. Keep your eyes on the prize, girl--you'll get there!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I have the SAME issue with my boyfriend. I mean great for them, but it sucks to put in the same amount of work and only see 1/3 of the progress! He can seriously lose 4 lbs per week no problem. Men just lose easily i guess.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Different body, different metabolism, different starting weight, different hormones - you name it, they all contribute.
    Don't feel bad, as long as you are making positive changes you will get there too.
    I know it's frustrating though - my husband announced that he wanted to lose some weight and he cut back on beer and started eating salads for lunch and he lost about 3 kg (7 pounds) in 2 weeks. I've just decided that clearly we are different - it does make me jealous though!
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    hmm.. are you both the same weight? If not, I would be curious what is the % of fat lost between you to. I am a fat guy and I have a friend who is realtivley thin, so, I have lost 40 and he has lost 15 but we both have lost about 8-9% body fat.
  • insane4train
    insane4train Posts: 58 Member
    Simple answer... Hormones
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member

    Blaming it on gender isn't realistic. My ex wife ate 3x what I ate and stayed 105 lbs while I got fat. I know plenty of women that stay slender and dont' work out and men that get fat from eating just as much.

    Every body is different. Some are blessed with being able to stay thin easier than others. Others struggle and starve just to maintain.

    For those saying men just lose easily, if I don't run 4-5 miles 5 days a week, I gain fast. I can gain 5 lbs in a week if I don't workout at all. (there's a reason why I'm fat and on this site)
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    Dont get down! you also started out lower weight than him, and its harder to lose weight the lower you go! I bet if you got really technical about it i bet your % of weight lost would be higher! (I watch biggest Loser a LOT! lol)

    good luck and GET IT GIRL!!!!
  • TGomo
    TGomo Posts: 35
    Men have more muscle mass. If my husband wants to drop 5 pounds he will cut out chips for a week. Totally unfair! Some people are also blessed with better metabolisms. Be happy for him and know that it will not be too long before he will be celebrating you being at goal!
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    My husband and I both started this together and he also is at his ideal, I still have a long way to go. Men are so lucky they lose fat faster then we do. Stay strong you will get there. :smile:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    There is a reason why it took five seasons of the Biggest Loser for a woman to finally win. Men are genetically predisposed to lose more weight than women.

    "Men are biologically programmed to have higher amounts of lean body mass, or muscle, than women. Lean body mass is the key factor that determines the rate of one's metabolism, the body's calorie-burning system. Since men have more muscle, their metabolisms are higher, and they burn more calories even when they're resting, so the final result is a more rapid weight loss.
    How much faster are men's metabolisms than women's? Research has found that on average the metabolism of a man is 5 to 10 percent higher than that of a woman of the same weight and height."

    Source -
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My husband eats like crap, and if he starts to notice a little pot belly starting he just stops having beers for a few weeks and it dissapears MEANWHILE I eat mostly healthy and work out 4x a week just to lose 1lb a week

    I totally feel your frustration!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Just smack him upside the head and move on. Mine did the same.
  • DameonMacleod
    DameonMacleod Posts: 10 Member
    for all you laddies wanting to up your fat burn, you need to first. drop all bad eating habits. a little slip up here and there will pause your progress man or woman. second eat nothing fried or cooked in butter, oils ect. that once a week splurge eating will also pause the fat loss. 3,500 calories = 1lbs. so if you stick to a 1,000 calorie eating day you will lose wight faster because people burn about 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day depending on your metabolism. so only eat 1,100 to 1,200 calories a day you will see a weight loss each week. now add in a daily workout and you will see even faster results. but it takes a strong mental state to make this happen. if you find your self wanting to eat that hamburger or cheese cake or ice cream dont. keep lots of 100 calorie fiber bars on hand. after you eat a low calorie meal that need for snacking will go away after 20 mins. here is a few things i eat for breakfast. ill make my profile public soon so u can see what im eating and how i work out. Things that i eat daily that help lose weight, tilapia fillets, whole grain oatmill, turkey bacon, whole eggs with yoke ( dont listen to those no yoke people, god didnt create no yoke eggs). 93/7 ground turkey vitamin D milk. not that low fat milk. again milk doesnt come watered down and milk isnt what made us gain weight sodas and sugar drinks did. and most important brown rice. you have to work out to get the most results. and ladies lift weights so that your body can burn calories all day and night after the gym. you wont get all buff like guys trust me. cardio is great but cardio alone isnt enough. get a full body work out.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    ^ *facepalm*
  • insane4train
    insane4train Posts: 58 Member
    ^ *facepalm*
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    There are medical studies that confirm that men can lose weight faster than women, but I don 't know why. Don't be critical of yourself!
  • DameonMacleod
    DameonMacleod Posts: 10 Member
    whats with all the facepalms? what im doing works for me. everyone is different. all i know is if you cheat you wont lose. and thats all that matters. stop sneaking in all the extra mid morning meals. you wont die if you skip a meal. get a good breakfast lunch and dinner without all the tbl spoons of sugar. i watch the biggest loser show daily and i listen to the healthy tips the trainers give. you only get out what you put in. bottom line! if your gonna do the this lose weight lose thing you have to be all in. not half and half. its not ok to sneak jink food every so often. its not ok to eat 1 oily or fried or high calorie food or snack. when im in the store i see all the cakes and pies and yeah i do want to just cram a slice or 2 and say ohh its just this one time. but i gather my thoughts and walk over to the produce section and buy spinach and salad and bags of fruit because i know that if i eat that snack i will just be in a circle with my old bad habits. im on a str8 line to a slimmer healthier ME.
  • GodWithUs777
    GodWithUs777 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and advice! I am doing my best to continue eating the way I am eating - 1200 cals, 20% fat cals. I try to eat a little something every 2/3 hours - maybe instead of my Go-Crunch parfaits for 100 cals / 5 g fat - I should switch it up for veggies and fruits. I do not know the breakdown and importance of the carbs and sugar levels to keep, other than what MFP shows. I am getting some cardio and strength training in - which I believe is helping, but it's a rare occasion with the schedule we keep.

    I do need to cut back on the greesy foods I come across during lunch times with Mom, or af family get togethers every now and then. I touch it a little - but that little can strentch a long way. I am very proud of the success my husband has had - and maintains, he is a great encouragement to me and supports me 150%, and grateful he remains very enthusiastic for me to continue.

    Everyone's advise was helpful, thanks so much for all the contributions you all have taken the time to give.

    Thanks again! Pray all is well on the journey to lose that weight!!

    p.s. I've taken an interest in watching 'The Biggest Loser' now - I've seen it referenced mutliple times on the posts. I have never seen it... Thanks for the tips!