30 Day Shed (Open group)



  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I'm picking up mine today!!
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    How did yall record your exercize for the 30 DS?
  • Boardergurl
    Boardergurl Posts: 206 Member
    I didn't cause I wasn't sure how to do it!
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    I did DAY 1!! How about you???
  • Just an FYI.. I went to the library today and found 3 of her DVDs including the one you mentioned. I would say try it before you buy it to make sure it is something you really want to purchase. Just a thought.
  • i did day one yesterday....went to the gym today.....hopefully hit it again tomorrow after work!
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    Did day one level one this morning before work. I had to modify a few things, started with the weights for the first bit and after one lot of the shouldersthings they were killing me, so did the 2nd set without the weights. My cardio is really poor, despite going to the gym for 45 mins 5 days a week for the last 4 weeks, the jumping jacks and butt kicks things where really tough, does not help i have too much of me giggling around when i jump about.:blushing: So had to modify those slightly but kept moving. The only other thing i sturggled with was the reverse crunches, think i need to practice those as really could not get the technique.

    I am wearing a heart monitor when i do it, so i can log the calories burned.

    Will do day two tomorrow when i get home as swimming tomorrow morning.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I ordered my DVD on half.com - it was ~$8 with shipping. I'm going to start as soon as it gets here!
  • Record it as Circuit Training!
    I'm on Day 8 - Level 2 and feeling stronger!
    It's a great challenge.

    DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • Boardergurl
    Boardergurl Posts: 206 Member
    Day 3 for me today when I get home from work! Have thought about going to Level 2....
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    Day 2 completed for me!
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 174 Member
    DAY 2 (check)
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    Just done day two , did better than yesterday, so pleased with that.
  • I'll got get it tonight on my way home and start it tonight!!
  • Got it tonight. Did day 1. That felt great!! And only 20 min!!
  • ilovelucy06
    ilovelucy06 Posts: 4 Member
    I did it last year before i got pregnant with my son and saw amazing results shortly but 17 days into it I got a stress fracture :frown: in my foot and wasnt able to finish. I'm back doing it and only do it 3-5 days a week to prevent another injury. It's an awesome workout just make sure you listen to your body and if you need to rest a day take it. You will still see amazing results from it!
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I did 30DS for just about two weeks before, then stopped because of a back injury. I had lost almost four inches off my waist in that time! I did D1L1 today, starting over for December. It really tones you up! Record it as curcuit training. I also record my measurements in Microsoft Excel, and I mean ALL of them! Neck, breast, midsection, thigh, ect. You'll be happy you did in the long run.
    I do 30DS EVERY day. Everyone does it different, but I feel it's better if you stick to the instructions (every level for 10 days, three levels is 30 days!) and I only take a break day if absolutely nessecary. Yeah, it gets painful, but that's how your body tones up right? I do have an ongoing back and knee injury from snowboarding a while ago, but I find the pain isn't any worse than even going for a few hours walking!
    My Stats: Height- 5'6 CW/SW- 142 GW- 125 but I don't expect to lose much from 30DS, just tone up.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    I started today, I am sore, but thought started on Dec. 1 was a good way to get the full 30 days in!
  • I just finished day 1 of level 1 :)
  • invu
    invu Posts: 11 Member
    If it's still open, I'd love to join! I just did day 1 of level 1 and I'm already a little sore. But I'm hoping to get a jump start for my new years resolution!