Almost goal,Tummy Tuck in Jan...Success but scared :( *Pics*

Well i started around 190, and now am 125. I did it, and ive kept it off. However,unlike a lot of pics ive seen of women who lose weight and still get a somewhat flat tummy after,mine is pouchy, stretch marked and wrinkles when i bend....
Im only 26 with no children and it looks like ive popped out a litter of them! lol

I consulted with Dr. Youn here in metro Detroit and now have a fully tummy tuck scheduled Jan 24th...i should be overjoyed to finally feel like ill have my self confidence....but im left with some fears :(
I see some tummy tucks where the belly button ends up looking REALLY weird...or the scar is scrooked..this isnt like buying a car or something where you can see the product first and that terrifies me...also as stated above i havent had kids...but when im in my 3-s i plan on doing so and most likely ruining the results....but I dont want to spend theses next 5-8 years hating my body! :( *sigh*

I guess i could just use some encouragement...heres some pics of the dreadful tummy buldge that has to go!!!



  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    Please don't take this in a bad way, just repeating what I've read very little on.
    Doesn't it take months for your skin to recover after large weightloss? I don't know your full story, so just my thoughts: wouldn't you want to see what your body can do for itself before you resort to surgery.

    Not trying to be offensive.
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    Ive been doing this for about a year and a half now, i did lose most of my weight fast...but no matter what i cant work off excess skin, when i bend, you can see that its not just pudge,but skin thats leftover.
    I understand where your coming from, but i think to be totally rid of that buldge i would have to lose about 15 more pounds and get a ridicuouls low body fat percentage...and i dont want to be a muscle machine lol i like a little softness left to me...<3 ( i do work out with weights and kettlebell and do have muscle, i just dont want to be all muscle!)
  • sm423
    sm423 Posts: 208 Member
    Not judging, just giving a lil advice...I would say wait until after you have kids. I'm not exactly sure how they go about doing a tummy tuck, but I would be scared to let my skin stretch out that much while pregnant, knowing I had the procedure done. But in the end it's your body and your happiness. ;)
  • Your tummy looks just like mine...only a tiny bit bigger. But because of that I think you could possibly lose a little more weight from there before you get the tuck. So think about that a bit first, as it doesn't look to be all look just like mine, and I feel I have more to lose from there yet. maybe some walking or some situps and pushups?...that's what I'm trying first.

    I have always felt I may have to have a tummy tuck after I have lost all my weight too, as there will be a lot of skin left over, but after just having had my gall bladder removed I don't look forward to another trip to the hospital...the discomfort or the cost. However, that said, I think you are perfectly justified in getting a tummy tuck if you want long as you're confident with your surgeon you should be fine. I have had plastic surgery (nose job, breast reduction) in the past and I really do not regret either, as I feel they were definitely worth the discomfort and the cost. Nothing is ever perfect, and there will be scars, but it should be better and you will feel more confident.

    All the best with it. Cheers. :drinker:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    It's your body, so do what you want of course, but I've read that it can take up to two years for the skin to catch up. I would invest in some good shapewear to give it some more time, and rent a bunch of Bollywood films for an attitude check - they like their women to have a little bit of a poochy belly, and they are some sexy women!
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    My tummy looks like yours when I bend over as well, so I definitely feel your pain. I'd love to have a tummy tuck because I'm self conscious about it but I don't even have the money to consider an operation like that. I may look into it someday when I have kids or something...but I'm mostly worried about it because I'm almost 24 and still haven't met mister right :/ I hope your surgery goes well and that you get the results you want!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    how quickly did you lose the weight? if it was drastically then it some hwta explains the excess skin, but id agree wait unti, youve had children, because your stomach will stretch again leaving you feeling the same way you feel now...and you would more than likely want to get another tuck after the kids too..just food for thought. its your body and your chpice of course but its important to think about all the factors ..not just right now.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I would get a second opinion from a Doctor, not a Plastic surgeon.

    I would also research the DR very carefully, the last thing you want is a botched surgery.

    I would talk to former patients and go on to Forums about this surgery and talk to people who had it.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I am 26 with 3 kids and lost a lot of weight, too, and I have sme serious stretch marks.

    I've kept it off for 2 years now, losing the majority of my weight on a 6 month period of time.

    I can say with all honesty that I have less loose skin now than I did then. The $5000 wasn't worth it to me, and I'm pretty glad I skipped the surgery.

    Also if you're genetically prone to stretch marks, you'll get them with pregnancy. They will likely be worse if you get the surgery right now.
  • annejuju
    annejuju Posts: 111 Member
    My honest opinion would be to wait until after you have children - your stomach will stretch out again and may naturally come back tighter (I haven't a kid so I can't honestly say). I've considered a couple surgeries after I lose the weight but I don't want to do them until after I have kids because I would hate to pay for something and then it either a) affect my pregnancy or b) be ruined by my pregnancy
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    In the end you should do what makes you happy, and you have most probably thought this through.....

    Personally I would finish losing weight - and then give my body time to settle in the new body
    Do some weight training - a lot of what you are seeing can be sorted with some sweat in the gym
    Seriously think if you want to go down the surgery route before you have had kids - trust me that tummy is most probably going to look a lot worse once you have had kids (and I suggest there are just so many tummy tucks one can safely have....)
    Get a second opinion.....

    Good luck with whatever you decide
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    To posters saying to wait to have children...i understand where you are coming from but i dont plan on having kids for 5-8 years...and the thought of living with a body im uncomfortable in for that much longer is not something i want for myself.

    I realize there is still some fat in my belly too, but a part of it is just skin that will not go away even if i got down to 100 pounds.

    Im a bit suprised at all the not-so-positive reactions....but i respect everyones honesty <3

    EDIT: Side note,my surgeon was voted one of the top 10 in the nation by US news and is highly respected in his field, hes going to use sutures that dissolve so my muscles can stretch if i get pregnant, he also states that the tuck can be repaired after children if needed. (yes i know hes pretty likely to say what i want to hear, but i have seen revised tucks as well)
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I understand wanting the tummy tuck, but please wait until after kids! Unless you wanna shell out the $$$ twice!
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I just had a conversation with my doctor yesterday about similar feelings. He told me it was time to stop trying to lose more weight and focus on learning to love and be content with the body I have. He said that if someone is physically healthy but unhappy with the way they look, losing weight (or having a tummy tuck) will not miraculously make them happy. There's no guarantee that you will like your body once you've had a tummy tuck. Spend some time learning to love the body you have ... not criticizing it ... not comparing yourself to other people ... just loving your body as it is. I wish it was easy because I'm under doctor's orders to do it!
  • With massage and some vitamin E oil rubbed on your belly, you can reduce the stretch marks and help bring back the elasticity in your skin, making it shrink. It will take a while longer, but you won't have to worry about scars, or if it ends up needing to be fixed after you have children.

    However, it is totally your body. Your fears are justified, and every person that gets one done has these fears. It's natural to be worried about it with plastic surgery (...I really hate that term...). If you feel you need it, get it done. :)
  • You know the costs and you have done your homework- you are prepared to have a revision after kids. Go for it. Now my comment on waiting till after surgery is this- I have huge breasts- i have done since puberty- even when I was at my ideal weight. At a few rare times this has seemed like a good thing- but mostly it has seemed like a bad thing- it actually stopped me from being as active as I was growing up and i could go on and on. I thought about a breast reduction in my mid 20s when i met someone who had had one, but i thought i would wait till after kids. Now i am in my mid 30s, i still have no kids and i have carted the things around an extra 10 years. So I am thinking about cutting my loses and doing it now even b4 kids. There is another angle for you- perhaps an encouragement to you. But one last thing, just by the way- You look good anyway.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Well, it is your decision, but I would wait until after you have will stretch right back out again, and I would hate for you to go through that!! BUT, if you decide to do it, good luck, and it will look great!!
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    In the end you should do what makes you happy, and you have most probably thought this through.....

    I fully agree - i doubt you made this decision lightly - lots of research and then do whats right for you

    Dont live your life waiting till you have kids - you will never have any spare money once you have kids (lol)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    5 years isnt a long time. I think you should consider carefully whether youre happy to spend that much money and go through all that recovery if you want children in just a few short years which WILL affect the result.

    I dont have a problem with cosmetic surgery, ive even had it myself, but i did purposely wait till my family was completed so as not o ruin the results.
    I think your tummy is quite cute. I can see why youd want it flatter, but its not anywhere near as big or bad as id expect for someone to go through a tummy tuck for. Is there any possibility of bringing your baby plans forward a couple of years to make it easier towait,
  • mummychaz
    mummychaz Posts: 35 Member
    As long as you have thought through all your options for a long time and you're happy that this is the best decision for you it doesn't really matter what we think. It's perfectly normal to be nervous about a procedure like this but if you have researched your surgeon - which it sounds like you have, then you shouldn't worry - be excited!
    I understand people telling you to wait til you've had kids (I am waiting to be sure we're not having anymore before breast surgery) and if you were planning to start a family within 5 years I would agree with them, but you are obviously quite unhappy right now, you have the money right now and the time to recover and you may find that after kids you're tummy isn't too bad or maybe you won't care as much!
    Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing some new photos once you've recovered!
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