Does any body else suffer from coldsores? I have always suffered from them very badly, a few at a time making my whole mouth swell up, not only does this make me want to hide away, i loose all confidence and motivation to exercise and eat healthy. Does anybody else suffer from them? What do you do to get yourself back feeling right and rid of them as fast as possible?
I have a few appearing now and its really really not what I want as its christmas, my favourite time of year :( x


  • I used to get them every couple of months but oddly enough I haven't in the past year (knock on wood.) I can still completely relate though. It's a huge confidence crusher. It feels like everyone's looking at you like you're diseased.

    I recommend Lipactin. Unlike Abreva that just coats the sore in a goop, Lipactin covers it in what turns out to be a type of skin. Keeps it from stinging and infecting other parts of your mouth and really does make the healing process quicker.
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Yep, I get them when I get a cold or get sunburnt or get stressed or sick from something else.

    Last 10 years I've used an antivirus cream that you can get from the chemist here in Australia (or even the supermarket now). You put it on as soon as you first feel it coming, before it even actually shows up.

    And if I know my lips got some sun I even put it on at bedtime before it shows up at all. Works really well, no nasty breakouts for so long now. And because I stopped stressing about getting them, I seem to get them even less.

    I'm sure you can get it where you are. It's quite expensive for a little tube, but so worth it, you use a tiny bit at a time and it lasts for ages. Do I sound like an advertisement? Ask at the pharmacy/chemist/drug store or search for cold sore creams on the net. Or send me a message. Pardon my ignorance but I'm not 100% sure where you live.
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I used to get them after a day out on the ocean or climbing up mountains in bad weather, sunny weather, windy weather, etc. You get the idea. I NEVER get them anymore because after exhausting activity or exposure to too much whatever-it-is when I feel my lips tingling (you KNOW you know what that is - you just hope it isn't every time, but you KNOW don't you!) I take a herpes pill RIGHT AWAY and guess what - I never get anything - it stops it COLD before it even gets going. Nothing to heal up, nothing at all... it's GONE. You can get half a dozen of these pills from your doctor's prescription and they have a very long and stable shelf life, so you can have them handy for years on end in your cupboard. Name of the pill... Valtrex. It's used for genital herpes normally but your Doctor will let you have it and the pharmacy will realize which condition it's for during the consultation, so don't worry about that.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Hey, I used to get them every two months and they would make my whole mouth and side of face swell up, it was never just one but a big cluster. I totally get where you are coming from it is mega *kitten*. I have not had them for about 10 months now. I believe that his is because I stopped drinking while eating. I would only drink 30 minutes before and after a meal. This is because when people drink with a meal it 'waters down the nutrients'and if people are susceptible to colds, coldsores etc they need all the nutrients they can get. It is called leaky gut syndrome. I know how weird it sounds and many people think I am slightly crazy but it has worked for me. Last week when I was slightly run down I got a familiar tingle at the side of my mouth which is how is usually starts for me and I put Zovirax on immediately and it never surfaced which is awesome as they always surfaced before. If you don't believe me about this you could always go to the doctor and explain then you can get a special pill that magics them away. But they still return. Good luck, I am sorry you have to go through it.
  • BritishGirl84
    BritishGirl84 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey i feel your pain i had one a few weeks ago was horrible but it didnt get as bad as it normally does, as soon as it started showing i put a ice cube on it and did that 3 times a day helped alot and i also used aloe vera cream 3 times a day the thing went away in a few days, worked for me i hope it works for you. Ps dont worry as bad as they make us all feel alot of people get them
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    try Lysine 500mgs its a takes awhile to build up in your system (two weeks or more) but if you take it all the time they will stop you having break outs or make them not as bad.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    They are horrible, I tend to get them when I'm stressed.
    The best advice I had for coldsores is to hold an ice cube on your lip - I tried this with a huge one and it really helped to settle it down.
    Now I try to ice my lip as soon as I suspect one is coming and it helps - cheap, easy and medication free :)
  • thetorontokid2
    thetorontokid2 Posts: 231 Member
    I get them, too from time to time. They are the worst. And yes, I get that feeling too that everyone is looking at it!! :((( good to read these tips tho, because i can never seem to find the right medication to help it go away quickly!
  • SuzFa
    SuzFa Posts: 3
    Go see your family physician, he/she can prescribe something that will stop it from developing, when used as soon as you feel it happening. There are capsules and ointments thaat can be used. Also, Hydrogen preoxide applied several times per day WITH A Q-TIP (that is carefully disposed of) will help. (pour the hydrogen peroxide on the q-tip, do not put a used q-tip back in the bottle!)
  • onmyway09
    onmyway09 Posts: 2 Member
    I use zovirax too. Works wonders!
  • nickymaire
    nickymaire Posts: 138 Member
    Go see your family physician, he/she can prescribe something that will stop it from developing, when used as soon as you feel it happening. There are capsules and ointments thaat can be used. Also, Hydrogen preoxide applied several times per day WITH A Q-TIP (that is carefully disposed of) will help. (pour the hydrogen peroxide on the q-tip, do not put a used q-tip back in the bottle!)

    Why would you put hydrogen peroxide on your cold sore its a virus not a bacterial infection. and further more anyone using hydrogen peroxide on their skin make sure its only 3% solution.
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Acyclovir at the first sign and during (prescription pill), and lysine as part of your normal everyday routine. The Acyclovir has cut mine down from a week and a half to only about three days.
  • i never catch my coldsores before they actually appear because i always get them when im sleeping and just wake up with a huge festering cluster of blisters. but the only thing ive found that really helps after ive already broken out is cortizone (itch cream for bug bites)- it dries up and shrinks the sores plus stops the itching and burning
  • yep. turns out its something in your blood. my dad doesnt get them and never has. my mom does and passed it down to all 4 of us. yay for us. =/ my best friend is carmex. if my lips get the least bit chapped from wind, i know i'm going to get one. i've tried abreva. but i dont think it really helped. nor is it worth the money. but i used nexcare and it seems to really help the healing and the pain of one. between nexcare and carmex, it rarely gets big enough for me to get paranoid about it.