Bikini Body Challenge!



  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Hi all!

    Just wanted to check in...hopefully, we are all making progress!!! Not noticing much movement on the scale (only at 109) but have noticed much improvement with muscle tone and definition!! I never realized just how much strength training can do a body good!!! Getting rid of all that JIGGLE just in time for swim suit season is about the best reward!!! I swear I hear my body say "thank you thank you" with me feeding and treating it

    Here is to staying on track and if for some reason you do get derailed....don't wait!!! Get right back on!!! You deserve it!!

  • ladymac
    ladymac Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join as well- I need some motivation!

    Current weight: 141
    Goal Weight: 135

    I plan to work out 6 days a week: strength train with cardio M/W/F and just cardio T/T/S

    I'm hoping to be able to run a 5k in June- so that is my goal!

    Thanks for the idea!
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    I would like to join as well- I need some motivation!

    Current weight: 141
    Goal Weight: 135

    I plan to work out 6 days a week: strength train with cardio M/W/F and just cardio T/T/S

    I'm hoping to be able to run a 5k in June- so that is my goal!

    Thanks for the idea!

    Ooohhh! A 5k....this is something on my wish list....I am aiming to try one next year (I will be 40!!)...that is a wonderful goal that you have set for yourself!!! I hope my strength training helps my bum knee and it will allow me to do it early next year. Keep us posted on your progress!!!! Is running your cardio or do you do other cardio?
  • ladymac
    ladymac Posts: 2 Member
    Ooohhh! A 5k....this is something on my wish list....I am aiming to try one next year (I will be 40!!)...that is a wonderful goal that you have set for yourself!!! I hope my strength training helps my bum knee and it will allow me to do it early next year. Keep us posted on your progress!!!! Is running your cardio or do you do other cardio?

    That is a great goal you have for yourself also! I'm sure if you put your mind to it- you can do it! I will be happy to hear next year that you have done it!

    Running is my cardio yes- on training days- I am going to do about 1 mile, and on cardio days only- do at least 2 miles- and then hopefulyl I can gradually increase that. I am stuck on 2 miles tops right now- I can do it- but am pretty tired afterwards. I am trying to just keep at my own pace and not pay attention to all the other people that are flying past me when I run at the park :smile:
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    Today's my 1st day on this site and I think this Challenge is just what I need to keep myself going. I'm 34 and haven't put a bikini on since I was 21 (took fat for one). We are going on vacation in 5 weeks and I would love to be down 10 pounds or more!

    5'0'" 34 years old
    Today 4/29 142
    Goal: 5/20 136
    Goal: 6/3 132

    I exercise already but I need to get regular with that. Min. 4 days a week at the gym. I just eat to much. I need to stick to my 1200 calories.
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Hi there!!
    Hope everyone is doing good!!

    Just thought i would check in with a weight update, i was 115, when we first started this and now i'm at 112.2, should be less but weekends have happened!! LOL

    oh well!!
    Just have to kepp on trucking along!! Should be interesting what will happen to my weight in the next 2 days as we are taking the kids to GWL tomorrow, buffetg breakfast and supper and lots of other not so healthy food!!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Yay!! I'm in! My birthday is June 1st.........just in time for bikini season!

    Current Weight :164
    Goal Weight by June 1st: 155

    I plan to try the "Couch to 5K" plan to be able to run 3 miles straight! I hope this helps me drop some pounds as well as tone and build up my endurance. :flowerforyou:

    Hey There!!

    My B-Day is June 2nd!!
    :drinker: Here's to getting to our goals by our B-Day!!:drinker:
  • cheryl220
    cheryl220 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in I just joined today and I want to get fit for summer and the rest of my life!:glasses:

    todays weight 164
    Goal 144
  • MeganFex
    MeganFex Posts: 46
    I'm in!! I Just joined a little while ago and I really want to be able to wear a nice bathing suit for summer :) I love MFP, there is so much encouragment and motivation!

    Current weight: ~145

    Goal weight: ~135

    I try to excersise everyday. I go to the gym as many times a week that I can. Usually I do Step Aerobics Mondays, Group Power (weight training) Wednesdays. Thursdays I do a core class, then an hour of cardio: elliptical, bike, stair master etc.. I am going to start doing Spin class on Tuesdays! I have already done one class and man is it a hard work out! I am going to cut my junk food consumption, no more night time snacking! and eat healthier :)
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I'm so excited to see more people's never too late!

    Great job on all the progress guys! I needed to modify my goals a little...I probably wont lose 10lbs because I'm not burning quite as many calories (since I cant do cardio for a couple weeks per doctors request), but I'd settle for 5-7lbs!!!

    Keep's motivating me to keep going to the gym!
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    Yesterday was my 1st day and had a bad lunch at McDonald's but despite that I still managed to lose 1 pound!!!! I had a chicken salad for dinner. Even with the McDonald's I think I'm consuming less calories because I'm conscious of it. Hope to be ready for that swimsuit for our vacation in 5 weeks!

    :mad: Starting Weight 4/29~142
    :happy: Today~141
    Bikini Body goal~132
    Final goal~110

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Good Morning Ladies!!! Well, wanted to check in once more....I got on the scale again today (usually only weigh myself once a week or every other week, but was curious about the "water rentention or extra fluids) since it was TOM yesterday - and yesterday was 109 and today was 108 lbs!!! Normally, there is a 2- 2 1/2 lb fluctuation during this time that will last 4-5 days or so, so I was expecting to see 111 or so...but, I have actually uped (sp?) my calories this past week and I think that it is making a big difference. Now, this is only my personal opinion, but, I read somewhere that you can/should change up your calorie intake just like you switch up your cardio workouts. This is the first time I have tried it, but, it seems to have worked. I certainly won't just "blow it" on a whim, but maybe 1 or 2 days out of the month where you are still mindful but not extremely neurotic about your caloric intake, might have some benefits. Has anyone else experimented with this?

    Also, are you all eating small meals throughout the day?? I have just recently started this (middle of March) and have noticed a much more satisfied feeling regarding hunger and energy....I actually feel like all I do is eat!!! lol:laugh:
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    Only been doing this for a couple days and I'm already down 2 pounds! I can't stay away from the scale. The hard part will be the weekend. We're always out running around and we end up just picking up food so I'm going to have to be really careful. Also, we always go to dinner on Saturday night for a date. Haven't started exercising yet, going to start the Body for Life exercise program on Monday so I can't weight to see what the scale will say once I start moving!! This site is great!
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Hello all....hope you all had a great weekend....was pretty dreary here in southcentral pa - but, did end up going to the gym on Sunday for a kicker of a work out. Haven't stepped on the scale yet, but behaved myself for the most part - on Saturday took the family to a farmers market and while hubby had wings, a wrap and some pb cup dessert that looked out of this world and my son had a pretzel dog and french fries - I had a greek yogurt (that I took with me just in case) and THAT WAS IT!!! Was pretty proud of myself! I made my usual healthy lunch once we got home....funny, just 2 short months ago, I would never have considered this...would have been chowing on the hot wings with dear ole hubby....funny thing was, hubby felt horrible for the next several heehee Oh, and for those just starting this better eating thing...I didn't even miss the "junk" food, I was very content with my yogurt and it more than held me over til we got was a proud moment. Anyway, now that it is officially May, the bathing suit season is JUST right around the corner....time to put it in overdrive!!! I plan on the gym 4 days this week with 3 of them strength training with cardio and running at home the other 2 days......

    Hope you all have a good week and kick it!!!
  • loren
    loren Posts: 111
    I'm so in! It's already bikini season here down south! I'm definitely NOT happy with the size I am right now.

    Current Weight: 148.8
    Goal Weight 130/135? I'm not sure. I have a medium build and I don't want to be too small.

    I am counting calories and not drinking alcohol except for on weekends. I'm also giving myself one cheat day a week.
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    hey folks...just checking are we all doing? I have been right on target all week with food and gym, but, had pizza for lunch today. Oh well, I was planning on going to the gym tonight anyway - I will just have to kick it up a notch...not gonna let it bring me down. :wink:

    Hope you are all in the groove....the clock is a ticking!!! lol Makes me wonder if it is better to live where you have winter months and can hide behind your clothes and spend 2-3 months in high gear getting ready for bikini season or if it is better to live somewhere where the weather is potential bikini weather all the time and you just work to maintain a bikini body.....hmmmmmmmm? I dream of having year round nice weather - that would certainly aid the variety of work out options!!!

    Have a great day all!
  • nickelplatedangel
    I'm in!

    Current weight: 142:

    Goal weight: 135

    How I'm gonna get there: NOT GO OVER MY CALORIES. Find something else to do when I feel stress. And I started the couch-to-5K 4 days ago.

    Goal end date: July 13th, when I go to Africa!
  • nickelplatedangel
    When I am feeling stressed intstead of eating a snack I will get on and read the community posts for motivation!
  • mkatzb3
    mkatzb3 Posts: 31 Member
    just returnng to MFP and so stoked I saw this!
    H: 5'6"
    W: 140
    Goal: 127
    I need to start by cutting back on the late night munchies and alcohol... quite difficult when finals are around the corner. Gym 4x - 5x a week and eat at least one serving of fresh produce with every meal! Ill add on more goal when I acheive these!
  • briannalynne
    I've been away from MFP for like a week or so. I NEED to get back into this. :)
    i would love to be able to wear a bikini this summer !
    Im in.

    Height: 5ft 2 - 5ft 3.
    Current Weight: 150
    Goal Weight: 120.

    i need to start eating a lot heathier food and getting off my butt to exercise, (Jog, sit ups, biking etc.)