Workouts To Do With a 5yr Old?



  • CharityEaton
    I'm a stay at home mom of 3....2 are in school all day but my 5 year old is at home still. She loves doing the Jillian Michales videos with me. She gets her mat out and her little weights and goes right along with me. She loves it....except mountain climbers LOL! she complains about them but still does them. She stops and wanders around the room but she knows not to bother me. Also, I have a big exercise ball that she likes to bounce on while I work out. We even have those little hoppy balls with the handle thing(hard to explain) but we got them at Wal-Mart....think of a playground ball you sit on! We keep them in our living room and it is almost a nightly ritual for all 3 of my kids to bounce around the house on them. Maybe if you got one of those and only let him use it while you work out it would keep his interest. BTW my oldest is 9 yrs old and still loves her "hoppy ball" maybe get a soft jump rope in the dollar isle...less painful if you get whacked with it. Do NOT get a plastic one...they hurt!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My 6 yr old boys are both really different little guys. One likes the kicking/punching of Turbo Jam or KenpoX from p90x. The other likes Ab Jam and YogaX from p90x. They both enjoy doing stuff with light weights (1 - 2 lbs.) and the lightest resistance bands I have or just plain ol jumping jacks and sit-ups and such like they do in school.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    My almost 5-year-old enjoys doing Jillian's DVDs with me (Shred, Ripped). I even got her a tiny little dumbbell. Now, I don't think her form is Jillian approved, but she enjoys trying, and gets a lot of jumping and movement in, too.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Any of the Just Dance games, My two year old will play for over an hour with me on those, Wii Fit is also very fun for adults and children, its a bunch of mini games that help you get in shape. Super fun.
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    If there is Comcast cable where you are, and you go On Demand there is a bunch of Family Fitness Stuff On Exercise TV for free. My daughter LOVES the hula hooping and it actually is a pretty darn good workout. You just need the hoops.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    go for a walk outside

    or Leslie Sansone has a 2mi walking video for families called (Family Walk)

    Dancing is fun, kids love to dance.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    So many to do!

    I box so I taught my kids how to box. We also take martial arts classes together and practice together. You can dance (we do that too) with music or a video game. Measure out 1/10 of a mile in the backyard or on the sidewalk. Use chalk and run it back and forth together for a mile. I do this with my kids and at the end, we get a special 'milkshake' which is actually a fruit smoothie with some protein powder.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    I have been thinking of this lately as well...What about gathering toys from around the house and making obstacle course for both of you? I have been considering it w/my almost 5 yr old, He has some tube things that we can army crawl thru, stuff we'd have to jump over, then run around a table...He needs the exercise as much as I do and I think he'd have fun building it and doing the course.
  • fourgirlsmom
    look for a kids excersise dvd.. make the kids think its for them.. not you!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member