Saggy skin, stretch marks, and all the things no one talks a

Hi everyone,

I'm really curious to hear your 'take' or personal stories/photos on what has happened after you've lost a significant amount of weight (50lbs+). Did you end up with super saggy skin or areas that you wanted to conceal because of how they now look?

I have a few stretch marks on my stomach and a handful on each side, and I'm worried that once I get to my goal of -100lbs lost, I will hate my body even more than ever due to saggy skin.

Thanks in advance for sharing!


  • auctoritas
    Well, I haven't lost a ton yet, and my end goal is a total loss of about 40-50 pounds, but I do have some decent sized stretch marks on my love handles. They've all faded to silver. Personally I kinda like them. They're like superhero stripes. :D
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I've lost 45 so far and I don't have any loose skin, but I'm losing very slowly, around a pound/pound and a half a week. I'm doing cardio to keep the weight loss going, and some strength training. I have 70 pounds to go and I figure it'll take me about a year to lose that. I figure if I lose slowly the weight won't pile back on since I'm changing eating habits rather than dieting and my body is adapting to the shrinkage as I go on my journey to be healthier.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I heard that people usually only get saggy skin when they drastically lose their weight. I'm guessing if your losing it slowly your butter can react with it and not have that happen.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    *body not butter =P
  • DonziGirl
    DonziGirl Posts: 9 Member
    I've lost 80 lbs so far, with more to go. I have stretch marks that are fading some but are still there. I doubt they'll ever go away. My skin is definitely not shrinking back the way it originally was. My doctor said that it won't. I did have to see a plastic surgen for another issue and while I was there I asked some basic questions about my skin in case I would decide to get it "taken in". He highly recommends lifting weights as it promotes collegen (sp?) growth, which is what will bind your skin tigher to your muscles and you won't have as saggy skin.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Lose very slowly, that helps and I've always put coco butter or some other moisturiser since teens. My highest weight lost I would have to say 25- 30lbs and I carried it well 5ft 5 and drink water.
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I have found since losing 51lb that my stretch marks are fading but I also use bio oil on them. My skin seems to be firming up as well.
  • sunnykt
    I'm nowhere near your goals, and I'm not in the 50- 100 lbs to loose range, but I can still partly relate to this. I've only lost around 10 kgs (22 lbs) and that's in around 8 months. I'm twenty and yet despite this slow weight loss, youth, and relatively mediocre goals, my skins is still a little saggy since I've lost weight. I've noticed it most in the last few kgs. I'm not sure if I'm developing cellulite, if I always had it and didn't noticed, or if its just my skin not clinging properly to my fat (well actually I know it isn't), but whatever it is, I think I felt slightly happier when my skin was firmer two kgs ago.
    All I can advise is body butter. I've gone through two or three palmer's body butter pumps- and I usually wouldn't use moisturisers at all. I just try to make sure my thighs are in the best condition they could be, I'm hoping my skin will eventually firm up again. I definitely think everyone who is loosing weight should take the time to moisturise throughout the journey.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I've lost 80 lbs so far, with more to go. I have stretch marks that are fading some but are still there. I doubt they'll ever go away. My skin is definitely not shrinking back the way it originally was. My doctor said that it won't. I did have to see a plastic surgen for another issue and while I was there I asked some basic questions about my skin in case I would decide to get it "taken in". He highly recommends lifting weights as it promotes collegen (sp?) growth, which is what will bind your skin tigher to your muscles and you won't have as saggy skin.

    My skin never went back either. I lost my original 60 in about 8 months and the last 20 came off VERY slowly. The extra skin is looking much better with muscles underneath, but the stretch marks are there for good, they just fade. I would rather have all the scars and the skin than all of the fat :)
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Yeah, I have no doubt I'll be saggy, but I've been over 300lbs for my entire adult life. So I consider that my fault for not fixing this sooner. I'm 36 years old and there's way too much skin here to shrink back down to the size I want to be. I've had stretch marks since the 7th grade. Obesity is damaging.
  • Demwitted
    A & D Ointment for stretch marks. It stinks, but I have been using it and I think it works. Also, make sure your skin stays healthy. Lots of water, moisturize, and don't lose the weight too quickly. Your skin will adjust :)
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Back in middle school, I weighed close to 200 lbs. (198 lbs. to be exact). After my Mom passed away, I started going to the gym regularly with my Dad, and over the course of time, I was down to about 160ish by my Sophomore/Junior year of high school. After high school, I yo-yo'd, but my lowest I ever hit was about 137 lbs. Now, I'm at 150 lbs. I absolutely HATE my stomach, it does have that saggy skin you're talking about, and I despise it. I feel like I could wear bikini's in the summer if I wanted to, but my stomach is just too saggy for that. Sadly, I really have no idea how to get rid of it. I mean, I'm sure there is surgery, but I don't want to ever do that. I'll just live with it I suppose. But yes, it does stink! :(
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I had them all the first time I got skinny (after my son was born), so I expect to have them all again and maybe then some when I get skinny this time, too.

    I look at it this way, if I'm going to try to hide physical imperfections, which is harder to hide? A hundred extra pounds of fat and flesh, or a few pounds of skin and fat? At least I'll get to look good with clothes on! And as for looking good with clothes off, well, if I get desperate for plastic surgery that I can't afford, at least if I'm skinny enough, I can rob a bank and run away! :laugh:
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    I has nothing to do with how fast or slow you lose, it's about genetics, age and how long you have been overweight. There is nothing you can do to change it, the only thing that helps is building a good solid muscle base under the skin to give it something to "drape" over. You are either going to have saggy skin or not, there is no way to change that except plastics.

    I have lost 136 lbs and has four kids, my skin is saggy and I could not care any less, it still beats being morbidly obese.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Saggy skin on my stomach (only visible when I bend down) and my underarms, and stretch marks galore and I'm only 17.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    My entire body is covered in Streatch marks. Seriously apart frommy forearms. I'm fine with that though. I've always had them. I went from tiny child to 5'9" in one summer, so I think that's where they started. I've always been fat, since i was 8 or so. I have a saggy belly, it hangs over, but it did whaen i was fat. It's getting smaller, but I'm losing weight really quickly,(43 lbs in 3 months) and it's saggy and disgusting. I'd rather be thin with a floppy belly than fat with flopy belly though. I'l save up for a tummy tuck if i need it after I've reached my goal.
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    I've lost 123lbs in a year. I've ended up with wings, wrinkly inner thighs and weird divits of fat missing in my stomach so far lol. But I've also noticed it firming up. I do weight lifting and use a moisturizing exfoliating body wash. I've also been taking omega 3 supplements. I'm 42 so I doubt I'll ever be able to wear a bikini, not that I ever could. But to be healthy and able to do everything I want I'll live with my weird body topography!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I've lost 45 so far and I don't have any loose skin, but I'm losing very slowly, around a pound/pound and a half a week. I'm doing cardio to keep the weight loss going, and some strength training. I have 70 pounds to go and I figure it'll take me about a year to lose that. I figure if I lose slowly the weight won't pile back on since I'm changing eating habits rather than dieting and my body is adapting to the shrinkage as I go on my journey to be healthier.
    Losing slowly is the way to go. I'm very glad your skin is responding so well to your weight loss. Kudos to you. :drinker: (lots of water)
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    My entire body is covered in Streatch marks. Seriously apart frommy forearms. I'm fine with that though. I've always had them. I went from tiny child to 5'9" in one summer, so I think that's where they started. I've always been fat, since i was 8 or so. I have a saggy belly, it hangs over, but it did whaen i was fat. It's getting smaller, but I'm losing weight really quickly,(43 lbs in 3 months) and it's saggy and disgusting. I'd rather be thin with a floppy belly than fat with flopy belly though. I'l save up for a tummy tuck if i need it after I've reached my goal.
    I like your style!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I've lost 40+ and my stomach has some saggy skin (it mostly has a lot of fat still). I have a TON of stretch marks on my stomach too. I had 8, 9, and 10 pound babies and I carried all in my stomach with them. My midsection was HUGE with each one. The stretch marks will never go away. I'm hoping that I will lose most of the belly fat with these last 10 pounds that I want to lose. If my stomach skin is still saggy, well, it will still be better than the way it was.