the ultimate SPLURGE OUT!!! :(((



  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    good morning guys! (at least it's morning where i live lol i know most of you are from us)
    i took your advice and logged in all i ate.... and to be even more disgusted with myself, im gonna post the results here...
    i ate slightly more than 1500 kcal, that's right, in one sitting, so that makes my daily calories a bit more than 2500... and im supposed to eat 1200!
    it was painful, yeah, but i will just try to get my "pigging out" to one slice of cake or one ice cream at a time.
    THANK YOU for your sweet comments and advice!!
    You guys made me feel better because now i know that theres many of you who do this sometimes...
  • kathas0trophal
    kathas0trophal Posts: 118 Member
    give me nutella and a spoon and inwouldmalways do the same
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, I've done this more times than I can count. Afterwards I feel incredibly guilty and then eventually sometimes its the next day, sometimes its a week later, but slowly but surely I get back in track. What helps me is just having a drink to slowly sip on, to satisfy me such as hot chocolate soymilk, coffee, or even a diet coke every so often. And I always plan my meals ahead of time, it helps me stay on track. Its not the slipup that matters, its getting back on track that counts.

    Don't be too hard on yourseld. You had 2500 calories? Times that by 2 and theres my splurge, I did that last week :(
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    oh i usually do that too, i plan meals in advance because its easier for me to stick with the plan, and not to make any wrong decisions when im tempted in a restaurant!
    yes, i guess diet coke, or some skinny frappuccino will do the job... i hope so! good luck to all my mfp friends!!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Girl, you're crying over 1500 calories at one sitting? Call up some of the restaurant chains you (used to) go to and ask how many calories are in your usual meals. Like 900 calories in the hors d'ouevres, maybe? I thought you were talking serious gluttony. You didn't even SuperSize it. ;)

    Just shows your stomach is already shrinking. :)

    Tip for measuring that Nutella, by the way: Put jar on food scale. Weigh before and after eating out of the jar. Subtract to obtain amount eaten.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    i have never eaten more in one sitting. I consumed 1500 kcal and i felt so sick, i fell asleep because i couldn't throw everything up.
    i have problem with last 6 pounds, the main problem is that i dont work out. i try to walk as much as i can (altogether an hour a day).
    i think i will join the gym today though :)
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Check this out:

    If you follow the links for individual restaurants, you can find out what you eat when you visit those chain restaurants. I used to eat a full rack of baby back ribs (1440 kcal) at Friday's and follow it with a chocolate milk shake. And that was when I was young and thin. Can't do that now!

    Someone is eating those Tostada Nachos at 1860 calories and following it with an entree, as they are selling it as an appetizer.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    i have never eaten more in one sitting. I consumed 1500 kcal and i felt so sick, i fell asleep because i couldn't throw everything up.
    i have problem with last 6 pounds, the main problem is that i dont work out. i try to walk as much as i can (altogether an hour a day).
    i think i will join the gym today though :)

    Couldn't throw everything up? Do you often throw up after eating like that? Do you force yourself to throw up?

    I'm really worried about you, it sounds like you binge eat and then purge?
    Binge eating disorder is a mental illness characterized by compulsive overeating and purging. It can also be a sign of bulimia nervosa. I hope you're ok and aren't doing that to yourself. :(
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    no i never throw up unless i eat something bad :)
    i believe i have mental problem with food since sometimes i eat too much and then i feel guilty after that. also, i like things like cookies, cakes, chocolate and ice cream more than it's "natural" or normal i guess.
    i tried to throw up everything simply because i felt so stuffed that it hurt me, but i didnt, and when i woke up this morning i was fine. even hungry o.O
  • Xtina_Beba
    and i mean it. when i pig out i REALLY pig out. its not like, ooh i had one extra teaspoon of peanut butter.
    i ate nutella directly from the jar. i ate A LOT of ice cream and chocolate.
    does this ever happen to you? what do you do after?? please HELP :(((

    I don't keep any of those foods in the's just easier for me that way! However, if I do (once in a blue moon because I get sick after) I usually buy the smallest container they have. :)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Honey I binge like once a week. It's okay to have those days, just drink extra water and maybe go a little longer at the gym, or eat light the next day :)
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    Log it and forget about it is what I do.

    One day over is not going to hurt you.. Yes, you may gain a little in water weight.. but thats about it.
    Next time remember this feeling, and I'm sure you'll think twice about doing it.

    I do the same. If I get ridiculous I just log it anyways and move on.