Free Day?

So I really need help. Many people say that have one free day is the best way to go because it helps you stick with the diet; as saying you wont give up because you can enjoy those awesome things once in awhile.

I was just curious what everybody else does. Do you guys do one free day once a week?- and get whatever you want?


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Yep, I sure do. Today was it!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I will go over every now and then but I don't really make it a regular part of my schedule.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I don't schedule them, I just eat awesome delicious food when I get a super craving. It keeps me eating good the rest of the time. I have tried cheat days and I always end up making myself sick. My stomach doesn't respond as well to sugar as my tounge does :P
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    You can enjoy the things you love any day .... as long as they are in moderation and you are exercising. Having a cheat day is the same as : Two steps forward, ten steps back ! Just manage to be sensible and enjoy everything you eat ! :)
  • CurlyQTee
    So I really need help. Many people say that have one free day is the best way to go because it helps you stick with the diet; as saying you wont give up because you can enjoy those awesome things once in awhile.

    I was just curious what everybody else does. Do you guys do one free day once a week?- and get whatever you want?

    Don't do it. It's not worth the time and effort you will have to put into fighting off the cravings and working out to lose what you would have, had you just stuck it out. Do something better for yourself like something fun. I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I do a weekly 'free'/'cheat' day and I've lost 30 pounds so far.

    It definitely has NOT been 'two steps forward, ten steps back'.
    It's more like 70 steps forward, 5 steps back.
    (2lb a week loss = 7000 calorie deficit. cheat day = maybe 500 calories eaten away from that deficit)
    Plus those 5 steps are super fun , and keep you from giving up and taking a LOT more steps back.

    Edited to say that I'm not one of those people who go really wild on a 'cheat' day. I'd imagine it doesn't work as well for someone who eats 1000 extra calories on that day.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    once a week is free day for me...i never plan it, just when i feel i "need" it. i couldn't achieve any success without it :)
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I don't do cheat days as they tend to turn into cheat months instead I just eat what I want in moderation
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I do a weekly 'free'/'cheat' day and I've lost 30 pounds so far.

    It definitely has NOT been 'two steps forward, ten steps back'.
    It's more like 70 steps forward, 5 steps back.
    (2lb a week loss = 7000 calorie deficit. cheat day = maybe 500 calories eaten away from that deficit)
    Plus those 5 steps are super fun , and keep you from giving up and taking a LOT more steps back.

    Edited to say that I'm not one of those people who go really wild on a 'cheat' day. I'd imagine it doesn't work as well for someone who eats 1000 extra calories on that day.
    Not to mention...that at a 2lb/week rate, you have far more calories to spare(1000 each day) before being about 'even', than someone at say 1/2lb/week(250 cals in a day).
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels (disclaimer: this statement only applies to me, as I don't have a naturally thin build; my build is more load-bearing, so I'm not going to give up my food to change that).

    I don't have free days, per se, but, when I'm craving baked goods, I go buy a Mighty-O (vegan) donut or a Cupcake Royale cupcake (not vegan, but all-natural, local ingredients). When I'm craving chocolate, I go for my dark chocolate. When I'm craving a froofy coffee drink, I go for a short, non-fat mocha or an unsweetened latte. Basically, I haven't given up all the good stuff, but I've found slightly healthier alternatives to them (alternatives that are equally, if not more delicious, I might add). I also make sure I don't go above maintenance when I eat that sort of thing, and I usually walk to the places that sell them, so I get some exercise in as well.
  • DesertSunsetRain
    So I really need help. Many people say that have one free day is the best way to go because it helps you stick with the diet; as saying you wont give up because you can enjoy those awesome things once in awhile.

    I was just curious what everybody else does. Do you guys do one free day once a week?- and get whatever you want?

    Don't do it. It's not worth the time and effort you will have to put into fighting off the cravings and working out to lose what you would have, had you just stuck it out. Do something better for yourself like something fun. I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    Just wanted to quote to fix something... nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels. "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" has got to be the worst quote I have ever heard.

    Cheat days are fine, because you can still enjoy the foods you love and lose weight. Losing weight doesn't have to be about depriving yourself of your favorite foods. It also isn't a terrible sin to eat something you enjoy, it doesn't mean you undid a lot of hard work.
  • cniskasari
    cniskasari Posts: 4 Member
    not a completely free, eat all i want day. i go 500 cals over one day each week.
    learned this in my sports nutrition course. if your cals are continuously low, your metabolism also slows down. raise your cals by only 500 for just one or 2 days in a row and your metabolism goes up again as it has to work harder to metabolize those extra calories. it tricks your body! so when you drop your cals back down your metabolism stays raised... but not for too long. and that's why you do your "cheat" day, as i call it again the following week. i find mfp helps me to plan my cheat day ahead of time so i know how many cals i'm going to eat.
    plus, it's just nice to plan those days around something like going out for dinner or your favorite pasta meal or something that's higher in cals!
    enjoy. :)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.
    The sandwich I had for lunch tasted FAR better than thin feels.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.
    The sandwich I had for lunch tasted FAR better than thin feels.

    That looks DELICIOUS, and I'm a vegetarian.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels (disclaimer: this statement only applies to me, as I don't have a naturally thin build; my build is more load-bearing, so I'm not going to give up my food to change that).

    I don't have free days, per se, but, when I'm craving baked goods, I go buy a Mighty-O (vegan) donut or a Cupcake Royale cupcake (not vegan, but all-natural, local ingredients). When I'm craving chocolate, I go for my dark chocolate. When I'm craving a froofy coffee drink, I go for a short, non-fat mocha or an unsweetened latte. Basically, I haven't given up all the good stuff, but I've found slightly healthier alternatives to them (alternatives that are equally, if not more delicious, I might add). I also make sure I don't go above maintenance when I eat that sort of thing, and I usually walk to the places that sell them, so I get some exercise in as well.
    Nice...Mighty-O has awesome donuts...too bad they have as many calories as the regular lol...and Cupcake Royale is excellent as well. :drinker:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.

    That looks DELICIOUS, and I'm a vegetarian.
    Well I guess not that you would want to go there, but since you're a Seattle local, this is the place: ...the Tatstrami is what is shown in my pic :smile:
  • Samgramm
    Samgramm Posts: 41 Member
    I do 2 cheat meals. This isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle change. To say that I am never going to have drinks with my friends or eat a slice of pizza, I'd never stick to it. I got the 2 cheat meals from Jackie Werner's book "This is why your fat". If you eat clean 5 days in a row, you can 2 cheat meals on the weekend. One each day up to 1500 calories. :drinker:

    Do what works for you.

  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.

    That looks DELICIOUS, and I'm a vegetarian.
    Well I guess not that you would want to go there, but since you're a Seattle local, this is the place: ...the Tatstrami is what is shown in my pic :smile:

    They have some tasty-looking vegetarian options, though. I may have to go there next week when I'm out doing some Christmas shopping.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.
    The sandwich I had for lunch tasted FAR better than thin feels.

    It looks much tastier than thin looks, too.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I always tell myself noting taste as good as thin feels. :)

    I hate that quote. To me, everything tastes better than thin feels.

    That looks DELICIOUS, and I'm a vegetarian.
    Well I guess not that you would want to go there, but since you're a Seattle local, this is the place: ...the Tatstrami is what is shown in my pic :smile:

    They have some tasty-looking vegetarian options, though. I may have to go there next week when I'm out doing some Christmas shopping.
    If you email them, you can ask what the nutritional values are for a certain sandwich, as they don't have it published. They basically told me the ingredients and the serving size of each. That's how I managed to calculate my sandwich at 840 calories(just made a recipe for it on here) :drinker: