Bread Recipes?

Cysso Posts: 68 Member
I know some people on here make their own bread, and whenever I make it from scratch it always comes out really dense. I'm wondering if this is normal, or if it's me/my recipe. If I could also get some recipes from you guys/gals to try it would be great! I'm thinking it would save us some money since the husband loves bread. Thanks in advance! :smile:


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My husband makes FABULOUS bread, and he swears it's not a recipe thing, it's technique thing--specifically how the dough is supposed to feel when it's been kneaded enough, and when it has rested and risen enough.

    He sets a timer and kneads his bread for what he calls "an honest 12 minutes" and then checks the texture. He says that he knows it's right when it has the firmness but soft-squishyness of a baby's butt.--but there might be a better analogy!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Its true - it has nothing to do with the recipe and everything to do with kneading it for the correct amount of time. There are books that spend whole chapters on kneading, but I think it is just one of those things you have to keep trying. I have the same problem when I make bread - I've gotten better but my dad is a master. I try to watch him whenever I can so I can get a sense of when the dough has been worked the proper amount of time. I dream one day of taking a bread class, but maybe its good I don't do it right now. Freshly baked bread, warm with butter is probably one of my top 3 weaknesses and is certainly not going to help me get to my goal weight : )
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    Its allllll about the Bread Maker...and mine you plug in and set the timer....LOL....and its awesome :) mmm mm mm
  • gunmetalsunrise

    Best. Website. EVER.

    There is probably a recipe for every type of bread you can think of. Plus they have a bunch of beginner recipes for you to work through and try.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    OMG I would DIE without my bread maker. I highly suggest you get one. I have one from Sunbeam and I make the whole wheat loaf. I only use the bread maker on the dough setting, then after it's finished I knead, rise, and bake.

    Been using unbleached white wheat flour lately and it is AWESOME! Usually use whole grain and it makes a really dense, filling, stick to your ribs bread.
  • cmcqb
    cmcqb Posts: 46 Member
    Oh I make most of our bread as well both in the bread maker and in the oven.
    Technique is a key factor as well as fresh ingrediants. A huge mistake that causes sense bread is the flour measurement. If you scoop from the bag and measure your cups that way then you are using WAY too much flour. Scoop with a smaller cup into the larger cup for accurate measuring. Do not shake the larger cup or push down the flour to measure even. You would be suprises how much flower cmes from a densly packed cup when scooped from the bag. Another thing is to check yeast and make sure it is active. I also do a slow rise, cooler rise for a more flavored bread.( use kitchen counter in winter or fridge during summer) The b read will still rise it jusst takes longer but it allows the bread flavors to mature.

    Have fun.
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone. I had a suspicion I was doing something wrong. I'll try again soon.