300 lbs to the Disney marathon

Okay so I just accepted a challege today to run the Disney marathon in Jan (thank goodness I said Jan 2013 and not next month :). Currently I am at 300 lbs, but I am not inactive. I play hoops once a week and do quite a bit of moving as a professor and a realtor. 36 years old. Distance running has never been my thing so I know this is all mental. I have done 5k's before and have little trouble running/walking those (I usually alternate 60 sec running then 60 sec walking) I am thinking at my weight I probably should not start running hard now (knees and all) so I wanted advice. My thoughts were to go a round of P90X and see where I stand after that. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance


  • Great job on the challenge!!! You are brave. lol I know one thing that has helped me with running (I'm planning my first 5k in April to support the March of Dimes foundation) is the c25k program. I know that is for 5k's but I am pretty sure they have one for marathons. I hope I'm not wrong. Good luck!!!
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I ran WDW goofy in 2011 and going again January 2012. It's an amazing race! Start little Nd work yourself up. I started by walking and worked into jogging. Even if i could only run a .10 at first I now can finish a half and full in one weekend! Believe you will achieve!
  • Wow a half and then a full in one weekend....nice.......................Anyone have a comment about the P90X workout to strengthen up some before I start running?
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Wow a half and then a full in one weekend....nice.......................Anyone have a comment about the P90X workout to strengthen up some before I start running?

    We have the program and would like to get back on track with it. I've also heard some runners say they enjoy Turbo Jam workouts. It's helped them improve them pace and over all body.
  • I was just thnking that maybe some strength training at first could help weight lose and then roll onto the running for the WDW thing. Although I am looking at the trainings for cool running and if you start on the couch it looks like it takes every bit of a year to train for a marathon
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I just ran the Disney marathon this past Sunday! It was my first ever marathon, so I'm certainly no expert, but I'd just start running (or running / walking, if you're not currently running at all) and not worry about P90X or anything else. The best training for running is running - that's not to say that cross training isn't helpful (it surely is!), but I'd use as much time as possible to build up a solid base for your running and then figure out what training program you're going to use (they're typically 16-20 weeks long, but all assume you have some kind of base built up to start with).

    In any case, best of luck to you - Disney puts on a great race and it's a mercifully flat course for your first marathon!
  • Eliptical...keeps the stress off of your knees and burns a ton of calories. Just remember to hold on to the handles because the calories are calculated with your moving your arms.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    When I saw an article in the newspaper about this, I was like "cool"...Does Disney give you any perks for participating in it ?...I have been wanting to take a trip to WDW over the past couple years, but have been avoiding it because of the cost.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    i would love to run in the disney marathon. i have been considering signing up for next years as a goal.