Losing is the easy part

sbased Posts: 14
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I've been dieting now for the majority of my life and I am thinking about having a lap band just to keep myself above water.

I think about what I would do with some port coming out of my body. But I am so tired of being fat and tired of dieting and counting everything that goes into my mouth. I just want to be normal but I'm wondering how many people are truly normal?

I think about friends of mine that are struggling with weight too. Are they going through the same thing? Struggling over 15 lbs the way I am over eighty. Do they go to a bar or club and have a good time but don't drink because of calories? Do they not eat what they want at restaurants because they are counting the carbs? I will keep trying because I don't think I'm alone. I think that this may be more normal that I think. Counting, being cautious and aware, working out, toning my body being normal I guess.


  • sbased
    sbased Posts: 14
    I've been dieting now for the majority of my life and I am thinking about having a lap band just to keep myself above water.

    I think about what I would do with some port coming out of my body. But I am so tired of being fat and tired of dieting and counting everything that goes into my mouth. I just want to be normal but I'm wondering how many people are truly normal?

    I think about friends of mine that are struggling with weight too. Are they going through the same thing? Struggling over 15 lbs the way I am over eighty. Do they go to a bar or club and have a good time but don't drink because of calories? Do they not eat what they want at restaurants because they are counting the carbs? I will keep trying because I don't think I'm alone. I think that this may be more normal that I think. Counting, being cautious and aware, working out, toning my body being normal I guess.
  • You're not normal.
    You're better than normal.
    The vast majority of people don't watch, aren't careful...and it shows in the collective waistlines of our nation 2 in 3 people here are overweight (and less than 20% exercise 'regularly').
    It may be frustrating, it gets old counting all the time. But think about where you'd be if you didn't...lap band may feel like the 'easy way out'...but really with the risks of surgery, and the fact that as soon as the band goes off (even while the band is still in place)...if you're not watching and counting, the weight will just come back.
    It's lifestyle.
    It's change, but get into the groove, and pretty soon you'll be estimating calories and picking foods like a pro.
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    It's lifestyle.
    It's change, but get into the groove, and pretty soon you'll be estimating calories and picking foods like a pro.

    I totally agree - this is a change in lifestyle, healthy eating...we will not be counting every calories forever -- once we form the right eating habbits, it will become like second nature to lead a healthy lifestyle (food and exercise).

    That's what I'm praying for!!
    Good luck with your weight lose.
  • I am getting the lapband in the next couple of months and feel it is the best choice for me and my health. Don't let anyone talk you out of it if you feel it's the best tool to help you. I don't know where you are, but you can get alot of info at www.trueresults.com and, if you are close, choose a dr of thiers. Good Luck!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I hear you....I'm always being carefull with what goes into my mouth, it's a good thing!!! When I wasn't watching, I was eating so unhealthy and my body was suffering....this is a lifestyle change and it is so worth it!!!! Welcome aboard!
  • sjschwab
    sjschwab Posts: 15
    You're doing a great job watching what you eat -- I'm so proud of you and the efforts I see every day. You inspire me to help myself -- watch the comsumption and exercise. I know that we'll be able to do this together
  • battlangl
    battlangl Posts: 4 Member
    Its not really about counting. Its not about deprivation. When you think in those terms, everything SEEMS hard. It SEEMS like you're deprived because that is your mindset.
    Try thinking more in terms of "This food is harmful to my body" and choose something you know will nourish you, and give you fuel.
    When you go to a restaurant, you shouldnt always get the most delicious looking meal on the menu. Eating is NOT always about what tastes the best.
    Eating is not a recreational acitivity. It is not something to be done for "fun". We eat to stay alive. We eat to keep our bodies healthy. Here in America, our perception of food is very twisted because of the media and fast food restaurants trying to get us to spend as much money as possible.
    The best way is to cook natural whole foods yourself at home. Don't fry things. A quick saute is ok sometimes.
    Eat less meat and more carbohydrate and veggies. Get a bit of excerise in your day.
    I used to be a weight loss counselor and I know from experience that people are not honest with themselves when it comes to what they are putting in their mouths and how much excersise they are getting. Dont fall into this trap! Keep a positive outlook, see dieting as something GOOD you are doing FOR YOURSELF. NOT as a punishment because "Im fat" or "Im sick of being overweight".
    Do it becuase you love yourself.
    I know you can succeed.
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