How does the Paleo diet work?

I've lost a bit of weight and have another 23 to go. However, I've hit a plateau for the last month which is really frustrating me. I think if I switch things up, I'll beat this and start the loss again.

Can anyone tell me how this way of eating works or any tips on eating better in general?

Thanks a lot. It's hard to lose 67 pounds and then get stuck; everyone assumes I must know how to kick start the loss but I'm all out of ideas!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I quite enjoy it for the food. I've lost weight on ketogenic diets, 40/30/30 or 40/40/20 (ZONE type), and now with Paleo. Paleo is a diet based on vegetables, seeds, nuts, natural oils, non-processed meats, berries, and some dairy. It is generally higher-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb. I LOVE the food. You will most likely enter ketosis, and ketones, protein, fat, and fiber all act as appetite suppressants. I find it is quite easy to maintain my caloric deficit. It is a bit expensive, though.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    Yea yea, caloric restriction, it causes fat loss. So why not just eat 1200 calories per day of M&M's if it makes no difference how you're eating? :tongue:
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    Yea yea, caloric restriction, it causes fat loss. So why not just eat 1200 calories per day of M&M's if it makes no difference how you're eating? :tongue:

    Nice strawman.
  • lissaohp
    I just started Paleo Monday!

    Let me go back and tell you a little before I go on about Paleo. In February my start weight was 212 pounds. By July I dropped to 158 by eating clean mostly low carb with whole grains included in my diet and working out. Since Aug I have hit a plateau and my weight has been fluctuating from 158-165. I am a 5ft 5 in female and my goal weight is 135.

    The first 5 days of Paleo I lost 7 pounds. The first 3 days were hard cutting dairy because I was use to having protien shakes w/ milk, greek yogurt, string cheese, and cottage cheese. I am really excited about the way my body is responding to Paleo and look foward to next weeks progress on the scale. I would really like to see the 140's which I have not seen in 15 years!

    Good luck to you and let us know what you do to get over your plateau!!!!!

  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    The Paleo diet is unique because it only works if you have a loin cloth, a spear, and a taste for grubs.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    Yea yea, caloric restriction, it causes fat loss. So why not just eat 1200 calories per day of M&M's if it makes no difference how you're eating? :tongue:

    It doesn't. M%Ms may not be best choice for body composition, but no need to make things complicated :P
  • Dundreggen
    Dundreggen Posts: 41 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    I beg to differ. I am eating the same amount or a bit more now and losing weight.

    I used to believe as you did. I ended up going down below 800 cals a day to make the scale move. It was my Dr who suggested low carb. As a soon to be biochemist (one more semester lol) I was fascinated why this seemed to go against all I believed.. but here it was working. I did a lot of research and learnt some interesting things, things I should have known from keeping animals.

    There are some interesting studies showing obese people who are getting far less than the calories typically should get. These are not people who have access to fast food either, these are the very poor in africa. The reason they became of interest is that they had emaceated children and yet were fat themselves. (both malnourished) How on earth could these active people be obese on (I think) about 1200 cals a day?

    Feeding people better often causes weight loss even with the same number of calories. I would never have done so much research if it wasn't working for me.

    Speaking of myself I not only tried extreme calorie restriction last summer I took up running. I ran regularly and kept to under 1500 cal a day. I ran 5-8k 3-4 times a week. I even ran in a 5k race. I did this for months. I have lost more weight simply by cutting carbs (I am not advocating this for everyone, just if you are having an improper hormonal response, which according to my Dr can be genetic) in less than a month than I did in months or running and calorie restriction. Though once I drop a bit more I want to get back to running.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Dun are you saying you are eating in a surplus and losing weight? if not you are gasp losing weight due to caloric restriction ie being in a caloric deficit

    and thank you sunshine, didn't have that link handy on my phone
  • alwardt
    alwardt Posts: 50 Member
    I hit my goal weight loss of 33 pounds last May. My doctor then placed me on a paleo type (carb restricted) diet to control inflammation and blood sugar. Since then I've lost another 12 pounds without calorie counting and without being hungry. My body composition is much improved and I feel so much better with less inflammation. Losing the first 33 pounds would have been so much easier on this type of diet.
  • Dundreggen
    Dundreggen Posts: 41 Member
    1500cals is NOT a big deficit.

    No I am not saying I am eating surplus. Though one should be able to eat a little more or less and not gain weight. If it was all stricty calories in vs out if you averaged only ONE extra bite of food a day (at say 20 cals) than you needed you would gain 10 pounds in a decade.

    I can tell you from animal husbandry there is a range at which you can feed where an animal will keep optinum weight. Too much or to little from that range and yes you get weight changes.

    I am saying I am eating slightly more now (at about 1300 cal) than I was when I wasn't trying to diet. Just by changing WHAT I am eating I am loosing weight. Yes 1300 cal a day IS a deficit. But that should have been deficit before and it was doing squat. Just like poor people with not enough food who are obese, there can be more at play than simply eat less.

    And when I went down to 600 cals a day I didn't just boom end up there. I first tried WW.. nothing. Then I cut down to about 1000... did that for a bit.. nothing. Then went 800 nothing.. 600.. and the scale started to move. I went to two different doctors to try to find out why I was quite obese when I typically ate about 1200 a day. That was when the one mentioned trying to go low carb.
  • Cydnie197
    Dun are you saying you are eating in a surplus and losing weight? if not you are gasp losing weight due to caloric restriction ie being in a caloric deficit

    I took Dun's statements to mean that she WAS restricting calories while running, but now (in a month) she has lost more weight by eating regular meals with few carbs than she did during the multiple months of calorie counting and running. Is that what you're saying Dun? And I'm guessing, since you are saying that you are eating Paleo, by "carbs" you mean grains and "starchy" veggies, right?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    If you were eating less than 1000 calories a day and running then yes you were in a BIG deficit.

    Once again:

    All diets work the same - calorie deficit. Your body can fight back if is too big yes. Low carb does not have some metabolic advantage
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    assuming your profile is right at around 270 your maintenance would be on the lowish 3700 and 1500 calss would be a 2000+ deficit, which is quite large.

    and i see a lot of Taubesian statements by you, are you a believer in his books?
  • Dundreggen
    Dundreggen Posts: 41 Member
    Sigh I have no idea where you get that number. And I didn't think my post was that confusing but I was running on 1500 cal a day.

    MFP give my basal rate as 1,829cals a day so 1500 was not a huge deficit and should have been ok for running. MFP has me eating 1300 and some cals a day. This is even MORE of a deficit.

    Taub, I have read some of his stuff, mostly as places to find primary articles (as a biochemist its interesting) I don't agree with everything he says but yes I believe some of his stuff. Looking at the primary research its hard not to agree with his conclusions. Hormones are most interesting. I am NOT saying that this is everyone's issue. I am NOT saying everyone should go low carb (though I do think people should not eat empty carbs) I am saying that just telling people to eat less isn't helpful. I know this is not popular on here.. but you have no idea how it felt to the fat person who did EVERYTHING 'right' kept food diaries ate 'healthy' and was still fat. I ran, I worked on farms.. and I was still fat. It made me feel like a freak and weird. Then learning how SOME people have hormonal responses to sugars it intrigued me and its working. You may not like it, but it is true.

    Yes Cydnie that is what I was saying. I am not currently doing paleo, though when I go to a more sustainable maitnance diet I will do a modified paleo. I like my dairy and I do think we evolved just happily to digest starch (hence having amylase in our saliva! I do plan to add more game meats (much leaner than our domestic animals) and keep up with the green leafy veggies, slowly add in fruits and complex carbs and see where my tolerance point is.
  • honeyytrees
    honeyytrees Posts: 4 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    I beg to differ. I lost 60lbs and was in the best shape of my life on a 3500 calorie a day "diet" consisting solely of raw vegetables and fruits. Didn't exercise at all, either. Too lazy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    that number was from your weight x 14, google estimating maintenance, lyle mcdonald. and BMR =/= TDEE

    as for Taubes his conclusion that CHO is the sole driver of obesity due to its consumption leading to the secretion of insulin is laughably wrong

    i will respond to this more fully later on
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    all diets work exactly the same, caloric restriction

    I beg to differ. I lost 60lbs and was in the best shape of my life on a 3500 calorie a day "diet" consisting solely of raw vegetables and fruits. Didn't exercise at all, either. Too lazy.
