Eating disordered users?

I don't want to condone them or people partaking in those behaviours but it'd be nice to not be the only one on here keeping a caloric intake lower than recommended? :flowerforyou:


  • imdisciplined
    I'd also like to add that I do have a medical team helping me work through my ed
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Your profile makes my heart ache hun :brokenheart: hope you get through this
  • Melookprettyoneday
    I am not going to say that I used to have an eating disorder because it is something I deal with every day. I understand what you mean about the eating and wanting it to be lower and being self - destructive. However, Please note that eating disorders are a way to help control the uncontrolled in life. My ed was because I was a hateful vengeful person and wanted to destroy everything in my path. I was dark and destructive.

    Instead, with help, i realized that it was my need to control **** in my life rather than actually hating myself. I hope you find solace before its too late for you. Your being is beautiful, and when you truly believe that you will lift the veil from your ed and see what you are worth and capable of.

    Blessings your way.
  • Levi_Hansen
    Levi_Hansen Posts: 44 Member
    Hi There.

    When I met my high school sweetheart -she was battling anorexia pretty badly. I did not and could not change her, but together we got through the worst of times. That was about 20 years ago, now we have two children and a loving marriage.

    We are both here together on mfp - getting healthier!

    For what it is worth I want to encourage you to focus on the happier image that you want to become and not the negative stuff. I certainly have alot of compassion and empathy for your situation, but I can't agree with or condone the angry self-hate tone that I see written in your profile.

    I'm glad you say that you have a medical team, because I don't believe the nutritional intake/exercise program on mfp reflects eating disorders or dietary medical conditions. Therefore you definitely need to be extra careful and meet you nutritional needs with vitamins and nutrients.

    Good luck on your journey and welcome.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I'd also like to add that I do have a medical team helping me work through my ed

    do they know they are working towards goals that may be different to yours - your profile reflects a soul that is not willing to accept recovery or health right now.
  • imdisciplined
    Oh wow! Such lovely and kind responses, thank you! I am trying to kick the negativity it's feeding me in the *kitten* and trying to keep myself from eating as little as my head would like. I'm trying to aim at a 1200 intake but it's pretty hard. Thanks SO much for all the support, I really appreciate it and some of these stories are just so inspiring! Thanks again! :happy: :heart:
  • imdisciplined
    My medical team is pretty aware that I'm not the most willing to recover. I do try to satisfy their needs for my weight to be a certain number or bmi and I do try my best to keep as healthy as I can and I am listening to their advice but I was forced into recovery to begin with and I still don't think that I have attained a sick enough body or mind to deserve recovery. I'm really sorry if this triggers anyone at all and I'm really sorry for seeming ungrateful for my doctor etc's support but it is VERY hard
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I wonder if it might help if you set goals for yourself that you would have to eat to accomplish. Maybe doing a certain exercise or activity that would let you see the food as fuel that lets you reach that goal. It seems to work for me sometimes.

    I've also noticed that it's sometimes easier to take in calories as a nutritional drink (instant breakfast, protein shake, even slimfast) because there is less bulk and guilt with liquids.
  • imdisciplined
    I definitely have tried that but whenever I try to eat or drink something like that I end up spitting it out and exercising or purging.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I think changing your profile is a big step in changing your views. At one point you say you are sorry for possibly sending others into remission and want to get better look at your profile says you are still very active in your ED and this post is drawing others to that as well. I hope you find will and reason to recover, this sight is full of healthy people who were in your shoes and others who are more than willing to give good advice. I think once you open up a bit more about getting healthy more of those people will be willing to be there for you.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Mine may sorta kinda sometimes be a little lower than recommended. Still working on my eating habits & getting them back to normal
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Hey now. Don't get pissy at the people who are posting with concern. That is what the forum is for.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    If you hate every cell in your disgusting body then why are you trying to make yourself more disgusting...? Why do you want people to look at you and cringe and think you look horrible?

    It seems to me you're being attention seeking (hence the shock tactics) and if you don't condone this behaviour, why are you bringing yourself to the forefront and advertising yourself in an unhealthy state. If you abuse MFP and encourage others to do so, its a very cruel and horrible thing to do...

    That said from your profile you're probably getting a kick out of this. If you didn't have a team of specialists behind you I wouldn't have written such a harsh comment.

    My heart does not go out to you. It goes out to those who aren't doing it for attention.

    In other words...from your profile, you're trying to startve yourself to death through malnutrition... My view is there are people dying out there because they can't get enough food-places where they can't even afford to buy food or obtain it, or clean water... and you're selfish enough to choose to do this... I think its bloody minded, selfish and down right insolent.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I think changing your profile is a big step in changing your views. At one point you say you are sorry for possibly sending others into remission and want to get better look at your profile says you are still very active in your ED and this post is drawing others to that as well. I hope you find will and reason to recover, this sight is full of healthy people who were in your shoes and others who are more than willing to give good advice. I think once you open up a bit more about getting healthy more of those people will be willing to be there for you.


    I felt some sympathy for your position, until I read your profile. I still feel very sad for you, but given how difficult it is for others who are recovering from ED to manage, I don't think the stuff you have in your profile is helpful or fair to them, and it certainly isn't helpful for you.

    Think about it from the other direction. This site is full of people who have been very large (like me) and who were compulsive overeaters - the flip side of the same coin you're playing with. If I had in my profile a stated intention to maintain a weight in excess of 300lb, I doubt very much I'd draw down much sympathy. If I were using this site to maintain a nice big morbidly obese body... well, I think people would - quite rightly - give me a hard time.

    Emma's right here too. You are working with a medical team, whilst at the same time clearly using a website to reinforce the anorexia. That's not honest.

    I know this probably sounds harsh, and that's not really my intention. I guess I'm not clear what you expect us to do with the information you've provided. But it sounds a little like you're hoping to build a network of ED users - not people with ED who are using the site for the purposes of recovery. And given how many very vulnerable young people there are on here who are wrestling with eating issues, I really do have a problem with that.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Then don't... You clearly have the will power and determination to NOT eat so you can do the same the other way.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    My sentiments exactly... you just worded it better... although maybe I have a slight bit of anger too...
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Hey hun..

    If you ever need encouragement, read this:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I think changing your profile is a big step in changing your views. At one point you say you are sorry for possibly sending others into remission and want to get better look at your profile says you are still very active in your ED and this post is drawing others to that as well. I hope you find will and reason to recover, this sight is full of healthy people who were in your shoes and others who are more than willing to give good advice. I think once you open up a bit more about getting healthy more of those people will be willing to be there for you.


    I felt some sympathy for your position, until I read your profile. I still feel very sad for you, but given how difficult it is for others who are recovering from ED to manage, I don't think the stuff you have in your profile is helpful or fair to them, and it certainly isn't helpful for you.

    Think about it from the other direction. This site is full of people who have been very large (like me) and who were compulsive overeaters - the flip side of the same coin you're playing with. If I had in my profile a stated intention to maintain a weight in excess of 300lb, I doubt very much I'd draw down much sympathy. If I were using this site to maintain a nice big morbidly obese body... well, I think people would - quite rightly - give me a hard time.

    Emma's right here too. You are working with a medical team, whilst at the same time clearly using a website to reinforce the anorexia. That's not honest.

    I know this probably sounds harsh, and that's not really my intention. I guess I'm not clear what you expect us to do with the information you've provided. But it sounds a little like you're hoping to build a network of ED users - not people with ED who are using the site for the purposes of recovery. And given how many very vulnerable young people there are on here who are wrestling with eating issues, I really do have a problem with that.

    My sentiments exactly... you just worded it better... although maybe I have a slight bit of anger too...
  • imdisciplined
    Wow, so because I'm not actively seeking recovery right now I don't deserve any support? I deserve to be declared an attention seeker, insolent and selfish? My profile reflects how I feel and I don't understand why I can't state that? Am I supposed to paint a pretty picture? Anorexia is about destroying yourself and wasting away and I don't want to sugar coat that at all.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    I think changing your profile is a big step in changing your views. At one point you say you are sorry for possibly sending others into remission and want to get better look at your profile says you are still very active in your ED and this post is drawing others to that as well. I hope you find will and reason to recover, this sight is full of healthy people who were in your shoes and others who are more than willing to give good advice. I think once you open up a bit more about getting healthy more of those people will be willing to be there for you.


    I felt some sympathy for your position, until I read your profile. I still feel very sad for you, but given how difficult it is for others who are recovering from ED to manage, I don't think the stuff you have in your profile is helpful or fair to them, and it certainly isn't helpful for you.

    Think about it from the other direction. This site is full of people who have been very large (like me) and who were compulsive overeaters - the flip side of the same coin you're playing with. If I had in my profile a stated intention to maintain a weight in excess of 300lb, I doubt very much I'd draw down much sympathy. If I were using this site to maintain a nice big morbidly obese body... well, I think people would - quite rightly - give me a hard time.

    Emma's right here too. You are working with a medical team, whilst at the same time clearly using a website to reinforce the anorexia. That's not honest.

    I know this probably sounds harsh, and that's not really my intention. I guess I'm not clear what you expect us to do with the information you've provided. But it sounds a little like you're hoping to build a network of ED users - not people with ED who are using the site for the purposes of recovery. And given how many very vulnerable young people there are on here who are wrestling with eating issues, I really do have a problem with that.

    My sentiments exactly... you just worded it better... although maybe I have a slight bit of anger too...

    Hey guys, I just want to say.. having an eating disorder is not as easy as "just eat" or "change your views" or "get better".. It is suuuuch a battle and will never be that easy.. This is a MENTAL DISORDER, not just a simple choice. You may want to recover with everything in your heart, but your mind and body won't let you. Don't be so judgmental.. it you have never experienced it, you will never know..

    At least she is going to see a therapist and is obviously reaching out for support on here... none of us are any better than the other and we all have our demons and struggles. Are we here to point fingers and put others down for their lifestyle or be supportive of one another?

    Petals, I do hope you continue on your path to recovery and I will always be here to talk or support you. I know this is such an insane, roller coaster journey.. Hang in there hun!

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