Help me make a decision please? :D



  • Marywithchildren
    This is a no brainer, the coast will wait, it is not going anywhere. Go see Nan and Pop.
  • BenderFitness
    Nan and Pop. :) Mine are gone. I wish I could see them.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Well it sounds from your wording you know exactly which one you want, it is just telling beastie no. Besides which one will you know you will never will make the right choice, it is already in your words.
    ^^ This ^^
    I miss my parents, grandies, etc. I miss them.
  • debswebby
    I wouldn't even have to think about that one. Grandparents are so special. Enjoy every second you can with them. I lost my Nana last week. Even though she lived in Ireland, I made sure I saw her as often as I possibly could.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Nan and Pop. Agree that friends can be family too. But it sounds like you and friend are in same locale and Nan and Pop are far away.
  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    The coast will always be there, Nan and Pop not so much. Go see Nan and Pop.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    first off i really see no rude comments but maybe i didnt see them, anyway you will have time for your bestie later (plus if you got to pay for her that sounds like a bad deal to me but just IMO) and i say enjoy your grandparents. The ones I was close with past away and I do have another set but I have I have nothing to do with them but that for personal reasons. So if you got a good relationship with them and love them i say this is a no brainer.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    ok I see where you could think ppl were being kinda rude. Dont think they were trying to but it did come off like that. You got some choices to make here. 1st thing how much time you got to travel with? How far is nan and pops house? Whats the cost difference between the 2 trips? Can your friend go to nan and pops? make answers for all ???s from both trips and than put them in a row for good and not so good reasons to go do them.

    This is just my $.02 if you want to see family and you have to pay for everything for your friend to go to the coast than if your paying it shouldn't matter to your friend where shes going it dosnt cost her any thing. I myself would go see the family for the holiday and try to make it a cheap trip and save some money and plan a trip with the friend maybe spring break or something.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    Hey I noticed on your profile that the coast trip was a reward for making it to your GOAL weight. Are you jumping the gun on that? If your doing that at the end of this journey than I would save that goal so you got something to look forward to.
  • gailashton
    Family for sure!
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    big decision. i only have enough time and money for one. either go visit my Nan and Pop I have not seen in years and miss dearly... or go to the coast with my bestie. oh yes, did i mention going to the coast with my bestie would mean i would have to pay for everything for her..Which would you choose?

    Considering this is an issue, I am assuming your Nan and Pop mean a lot to you but I am confused and a visit to see them would me so much to them AND you .. Soooo, What is the obstacle?

    If it's money .. tell the bestie that she's gotta pay her own way .. and you can't go until she saves enough to do it...Plan for NEXT year THat gives her a whole year to save up. Not too many people I know, would pay the way for their friends to go on a holiday .. That's just very unusual.

    If it's time .. and considering it's already been 'years' since your last visit .. Personally, I would choose family over needy freinds ANYDAY. You never know when the last time you visited your Nan and Pop ... WAS the LAST time.

    Priorities Priorities Priorities. Who do you want to please most .. Your Nan & Pop, your friend or yourself?

    You know .. as an added suggestion ... If you need a holiday .. take your friend with you when you go and visit your family. I'm sure you would still have a blast! It's not "the coast' but it is a holiday.. and if YOU are paying the way or any portion of it ... She should be grateful to have a free trip out of the deal. Beggers can't be choosers! At least THIS option leaves nothing for regret.

    There is always NEXT year for a 'coastal' trip .. There may NOT be a next year for a family visit, because one of them may be missing.
  • Ashleysh22
    Grandma and grandpa. My grandfather just passed away recently. Your bestie will be around for a lot longer I am su
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Family for sure, I wish I had a nan and pops to grandparents hate me.
    If this is the same bestie that you told me about and you had all those problems with I wouldn't go with her and I sure as heck wouldn't pay for her.

    Good luck and have fun whatever you decide =]
  • snhamilton
    snhamilton Posts: 103 Member
    I feel like you've already made a decision, based on the wording of your post. :D

  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    as a Nana, this is a no-brainer. You can see your bestie another time- but a visit would mean the WORLD to your grand-parents. And they're old, they don't get that many thrills anymore.

    Christmas & Memorial Day are two Holidays I can't enjoy without my kids & grandkids underfoot.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    See your Nan and Pop. Family is always top priority. I love mine and you never know when it will be the last time. My grandparents have always been around and the one weekend I chose not to go on a weekend trip to Laughlin with them, my grandfather keeled over and had a heart attack while out there. I watched him die in a Las Vegas hospital 3 days later. Not a day passes that I don't think that I should've been there when he keeled over...either for emotional support or to even save his life (since I know CPR...and the lack of oxygen to his brain is what killed him since the paramedics took 10 minutes to get there).
  • Bunnyfufu87
    Family over friend just because you haven't seen them in a while:flowerforyou:
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    How is that even a choice for you!? ... Nan and geandpops always. family first. especially if the best mate is a pikey scamming so and so.

    ^^ This. Family much better option than pay the way for a friend to go somewhere. If you and the friend were splitting the trip, that would be different, but your money your choice.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Family first!!

    See if friend wants to go with you.

    Great solution!!!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Let's see... elderly family you miss or moochie friend...