Unnecessary Sodium Freakout?

Hi guys, just wondering if someone can give me an answer as to GENERALLY what we should stay under in terms of sodium intake if we want to not be retaining water?
Is mfp right in my 2300mg recommendation?
I am in the middle of a slight freak out as I realised yesterday that 2tblspns of soy sauce (or at least, the one I have in my kitchen) takes me over this? I know there is a lot of sodium in processed foods but my diet is mainly fruits/veggies/unprocessed, I feel that I could be losing weight a little quicker and am wondering if my affection for soy sauce is undoing everything and making me retain all the water I drink (I drink about 4L a day...)


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    am wondering if my affection for soy sauce is undoing everything and making me retain all the water I drink (I drink about 4L a day...)

    Sodium is only effecting water weight gain so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    So to recap this thread:

  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Actually, I think MFP's settings are a bit high. I have mine set to 1500 mg. Sometimes, I go over, but I always stay under 2000. I'm not a doctor, though.. so I don't know what I'm taking about, I guess. :frown:
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Sodium doesn't affect fat loss, only water retention. Don't worry about it.
  • morelesspls
    Thank you! Tho :< <mfw goodbye soy sauce, or at least soy sauce w/ tea every night.
    And lol Sidesteal reusing your pics!! Busted! lol
    I am slightly worried though as I would prefer not to be retaining water unnecessarily??
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    there is some lower sodium soy sauce you can get im not sure of the specific brand though. I use it in my honey chicken and still wind up under my sodium goal
  • morelesspls
    (I'm the kind of girl who very easily mistakes water retention for fat retention and gets all worked up about it)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
  • morelesspls
    KimR87: Thanks, I've seen it around- bought some for work as I often make my own sushi to take in, but having it in the house is a whole other thing- I used to have an ed and my partner is well aware of this, hence every time I suggest buying a "diet" or "reduced-anything" anything- even just for myself, and he can have the normal one- I get a look and a lecture about additives and how I'm fine as I am etc etc.
    Also, our tradition is once a month or so he takes me out for Japanese- it's our favourite food- and I'm pretty sure I'd get pimp slapped by the chef there if I even thought about asking for reduced sodium soy sauce lol

    Sidesteal: Cute baby. But should probably get out of the way of his Elmo or all hell may just break loose :P
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    sidesteal: gold! That should be added to the unofficla MFP FAQ if it hasn't already.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Like guys already said, it will only affect water retention. But I can see your concern if you're retaining a bunch of water before a big event and you wanna look as lean as possible. In those situations, maybe you can ease up on the soy in the days leading up to the party..
  • PKempy
    PKempy Posts: 14
    One thing to be aware of - I have found many foods listed in the database with a sodium content 1000 times less than what it should be!

    What seems to be happening is that you have to enter sodium content as mg, but on most food panels (in the UK - where I am) list sodium in g - if a person does not spot this (and multiplies g by 1000 to get to mg) you can end up with a sodium content listed that is 1000 x less than the true value!