
Has anybody tried the atkins diet?
If so how have you found it?
Did it help?


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    My brother in law did it... he was a really big guy when he did it and he lost like 50lbs on it I think... He gained it back when he went back to eating crap again... If you do choose to do this diet I recommend doing it with doctor's supervision... you can cause your body to go way outta wack!! :-) Just be careful and drink your water!!
  • Lif95
    Lif95 Posts: 4 Member
    I tried it and lost about 12 pounds in a month. I gave up though because I was really missing fruit. Its very expensive too, and after a few week you'll feel fed up of eating meat and fish!
  • Lif95
    Lif95 Posts: 4 Member
    I tried it and lost about 12 pounds in a month. I gave up though because I was really missing fruit. Its very expensive too, and after a few week you'll feel fed up of eating meat and fish!
  • Ashleysh22
    Atkins diet is the super low carb one, right? We talked a lot about it in my biochem class this year actually because it is dangerous if you aren't eating enough carbs. Your brain needs the sugar to function ( as do other parts of your body, but your brain needs a lot of it). So just be careful, and probably get doctor supervision. It'd better to eat a well balanced diet of carbs, protein, and fats than to try and overload on fats and protein and compensate with super low carbs
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks guys.Been doing lots of research and I'll consult my doctor,he's aware of the situation x
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    there really is only one way to loose weight.....use more calories than you eat! it's the only thing that works, there are no short cuts. That is why MFP works it just helps you concentrate on how your calories add up each day.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    You know how Dr. Atkins died?
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You know how Dr. Atkins died?

    On April 8, 2003, at age 72, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain. He lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, where he spent two weeks in intensive care. His body deteriorated rapidly and he suffered massive organ failure. During this time, his body apparently retained an enormous amount of fluid, and his weight at death was recorded at 258 pounds. His death certificate states that the cause of death was "blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma".
    Following this, a Nebraska doctor known to be anti-Atkins, and associated with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, requested Dr. Atkins' medical records, which should not have been released, but which mistakenly were sent. The Medical Examiner's report had a hand-written note that Atkins had a history of myocardial infarction (heart attack), congestive heart failure, and hypertension (written "h/o MI, CHF, HTN"). The above Committee made much of this and began the rumor that Atkins had "died of his own diet". The misconceptions remain to this day.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    See, the diet causes loss of balance and coordination.
  • I've done it, works great...then when I went back to eating normal all the weight came back. Now obviously it is not all the diets fault but it is really hard to keep eating that way. I would recommend taking a look at South Beach. Very similar, but it teaches you to eat smart carbs (fruits, veggies, wheat products) opposed to no carbs.

    I would use it has a jump start, but make sure you don't become too dependent on it because if you change nothing else in your life, the weight will come back on when you stop eating that way.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    See, the diet causes loss of balance and coordination.

    LMFAO! Smart *kitten*
  • tigerkittyskf
    Atkins along with the South Beach Diet cuts out a lot of carbs. I went on it for about two weeks and lost a little, but I had terrible mood swings and was very emotional. I gave it up and went back to the diet that I was already on. So, I'm not a fan of it, but talk to your doctor about it. He/She would know more about it.
  • prencesskl
    Honestly atkins is the only thing that works for me, and if you do it the right way, and read the books. it's not just fish and meat. you can have fruits agains starting week 2 I believe if you choose to. it just retrains your body to burn fat rather than carbs. I don't find it anymore expensive than buying all the junk food and 100 cal packs I used to. And I feel a hell of a lot better, more energy, and everything. If you need help or encouragement add me. Me and a few of my friends are doing it as well
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you,Im already prone to mood swings so a bit more shouldn't make that much of a difference lol x
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    Look into low carbing....
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    See, the diet causes loss of balance and coordination.

    LMFAO! Smart *kitten*

    Lol <3 ;]

    Imo, keto or gtfo.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    I lost 140 pounds in 8 months doing Atkins....well it was not really Atkins, it was Protein Power by Michael and Mary Eades....

    it is very similar and it worked good for me...people talk about goinng weight back after stopping the diet, well that is common sense...most people go back to eating crap..anyone will gain weight back....

    do research on lower one person said above, the South Beach Diet is really good...its lower carb plan...not super low carb..

    you eat fruit and veggies...

    please look at this web site...

    its a great site....

    20 carbs a day is super low carb.....there are times you might want to do this for a short period of jumpstart yourself....but i have read a lot and your brain does need carbs to run...your body will think it is on the low carb plan if you eat enough to run your brain..

    really eating up to 100 carbs a day is considered low carb..its not super low carb but it will work for you....

    but the carbs you want to eat are the good carbs,, complex carbs..

    dont eat white stuff...white potatoes, white rice, white bread, sugar and other white products....

    they have so many things now you can eat now that take the place of any high carb food you might like...

    look at that web site..its a great site....good luck to you....

    Go low carb!

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    My father-in-law did Atkins (or something very similar, I'm not sure) and lost a lot of weight, which he has kept off for years. However this means he has to continue this restrictive diet for the rest of his life, every day, every meal. It is definitely not something you just do until you reach your goal weight.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    all the people who say the low carb lifestyle is so restrictive have not done the research they need to do to talk about it...

    please please, someone tell me what is restrictive about it....

    now i m not talking about the super low carb 20 carbs a talking aobut like South Beach and the low carb plan where you eat 80 to 100 carbs a day...taht is still low carb compared to teh 200 to 300 or more that carb eaters take in a day.....

    tell me what i cant eat...I eat fruits, veggies.....low carb tortillas....low carb bread.....pancakes......meats, fish...

    im not one of those who eat the bacon and sausage everyday...

    i eat nuts, avacados, olive and coconut....

    i think i eat everything.....except eh nasty white stuff....

    i think there is a low carb food that is like any high carb food that you can eat..

    yes there are all kinds of dessert things i eat that are low carb that are great...

    so im not missing anything...i dont think....

    oh, im type2 diabetic so it is something my doctor has told me to stay has brought my numbers down and back towards normal....

    please someone name something they eat on ahigh carb diet taht i cant give you a low carb replacement food...

    do it!
  • reba971
    I lost 140 pounds in 8 months doing Atkins....well it was not really Atkins, it was Protein Power by Michael and Mary Eades....

    it is very similar and it worked good for me...people talk about goinng weight back after stopping the diet, well that is common sense...most people go back to eating crap..anyone will gain weight back....

    do research on lower one person said above, the South Beach Diet is really good...its lower carb plan...not super low carb..

    you eat fruit and veggies...

    please look at this web site...

    its a great site....

    20 carbs a day is super low carb.....there are times you might want to do this for a short period of jumpstart yourself....but i have read a lot and your brain does need carbs to run...your body will think it is on the low carb plan if you eat enough to run your brain..

    really eating up to 100 carbs a day is considered low carb..its not super low carb but it will work for you....

    but the carbs you want to eat are the good carbs,, complex carbs..

    dont eat white stuff...white potatoes, white rice, white bread, sugar and other white products....

    they have so many things now you can eat now that take the place of any high carb food you might like...

    look at that web site..its a great site....good luck to you....

    Go low carb!


    Great post! Go low carb!
    Since I have gone low carb I have steadily lost at least 2 pounds a week. I used to do low calorie and would struggle to lose even a half pound a week. I exercise at least 5x a week and I eat only good carbs from whole foods. No meal replacement bars, or shakes. I think that our bodies need some carbs, but not the refined crap that floods our grocery store shelves today. If you quit doing low carb, add carbs slowly and only eat good carbs, stuff made from whole grains, not white stuff. This should also be a lifestyle change, not a diet. Just like low calorie, if you stop doing it and start adding lots of high calorie foods that are junk, you will gain weight. I chose to get healthy...forever...and low carb works for me. I think saying that you will gain it all back when you add carbs is a totally false statement. You will if you chose to. If you chose to be healthy you wont. Simple.

    Be aware though that the first week can be tough, some people feel like they have the flu for the first few days because of your body's dependence on the carbs....I did at first, then decided to start slowly...cutting out a few carbs a day until I was at the amount I wanted to be at and I felt great!
    Good luck, add me if you want I would love to have a low carb friend on MFP...they are kinda hard to find, a lot of people are against it.
    I say do what works for you. Low calorie, low fat, low carb, high protein....everyone is different.