Hi:) I'm Kim and I want to be healthy!!

dms24 Posts: 28 Member
Hello everyone:) I am 31 year old mother of 2. My daughter is 6 yrs old and my son is 8 months old. I am in Nursing school and I work as an Nursing Assistant so to say I am stressed and busy is an understatement. I have been on this website for a few months and absolutely love it when I stick with it. My problem is motivation. I will be very good for a month or so and then old habits come back to haunt me, especially smoking. I know gross!! I make excuses like, I will only smoke when I have a drink or I'm only doing it when I'm really stressed. Truth is I think I sabatoge myself because my self esteem has never been that great. So I guess I feel like I don't deserve to feel and look my best. And it's very scary because I will not make a very good nurse if I can't take care of myself and be the healthiest I can be. So I guess I'm looking for some support and motivation. Any would be great. And by the way does anyone know how many calories you approximately burn doing Turbo Jam Cardio Party mix 1 tape?? I love that DVD but I have no idea how many calories I am actually burning. Thanks everyone:)


  • dms24
    dms24 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello everyone:) I am 31 year old mother of 2. My daughter is 6 yrs old and my son is 8 months old. I am in Nursing school and I work as an Nursing Assistant so to say I am stressed and busy is an understatement. I have been on this website for a few months and absolutely love it when I stick with it. My problem is motivation. I will be very good for a month or so and then old habits come back to haunt me, especially smoking. I know gross!! I make excuses like, I will only smoke when I have a drink or I'm only doing it when I'm really stressed. Truth is I think I sabatoge myself because my self esteem has never been that great. So I guess I feel like I don't deserve to feel and look my best. And it's very scary because I will not make a very good nurse if I can't take care of myself and be the healthiest I can be. So I guess I'm looking for some support and motivation. Any would be great. And by the way does anyone know how many calories you approximately burn doing Turbo Jam Cardio Party mix 1 tape?? I love that DVD but I have no idea how many calories I am actually burning. Thanks everyone:)
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Kim,
    First off; you go Mama, for wanting to be the best you can be! Knowing that you just have willpower issues can easily be over come. Be determined and know what you really want. I think once you have it really set in your mind that you want change nothing can stand in your way! I do Hip Hop Abs and also have no idea how many calories i burn I would put it under, dancing aerobic or jogging. Depending on how hard you work it. I'll friend you and stay your motivation if you would like, I know i like having someone to talk to about how I did or didn't do in my week. Stick in there and you'll do great, if you have 2 kids, work, and do nursing school. This should be a breeze, start off small and work into habits - not quick fixes. Over doing it may become discouraging and easier to give up on. Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Adriane007
    Hi Kim,

    I just wanted to say I know how you feel as an ex-smoker, and someone who always used to beat themselves up mentally-The key phrase is USED TO. I started with baby steps and made an effort really to change my negative thoughts into positive ones-it makes such a difference and I know find taking care of my body is loving myself-it makes me feel good. I started saying a mantra that is "everyday in everyway I am getting better and better" I would also recommend Mind Power in the 21st century-dont have the authors name right off the top of my head. I quit smoking on Jan 12th and have slipped up a couple times (I also used chantix for a month which I know some find controversial-I found it to be easy to quit because of the support it gives.
    The main thing is don't give up and TELL yourself OUT LOUD everyday that you are worth it-your mind will start to agree with you:heart: Its a long process I think and I have been following other peoples examples on here and writing down mini-goals for motivation. I hope my little rant helps, but above all know you are beautiful. You can do anything and if you fall, just say that's ok-I realize its part of the process-its the journey that matters in the end.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi Kim

    I'm kim too
    Lost 27 pounds here and have kept it off for about 1 yr

  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Hi Kim, welcome to the journey, next time you want to smoke write a thread about it and read all the responses, we will support you, by the time you read them all you will forget to smoke! Good luck!
  • dms24
    dms24 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies:) This is such a great help!! It's so nice to see all of you helping each other out like this. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!! I hope to return the favor one day soon:)
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is the best website ever. I love it here and I think you will too. This website is so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you :flowerforyou: