If every day were like today... You'd weigh



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I hadn't really been paying much attention to it, but now I'm sort of testing it out. I'm going to keep my net calories roughly the same every day. One week down and it seems to be on track so far.
  • I would like to know what it said I would weigh 5 weeks ago. Then I could get a better perspective.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I personally love it, for me it has been pretty accurate and I should be about 5 lbs away from my goal by new years. I have about the same amount of calories everyday, it also changes depending on the amount of exercise that you do. I take a picture on my iphone when it is a number that I have not seen before (usually lower) to keep me motivated :D
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    It's calculated carefully by taking the sum of the lengths of your forearms, dividing by your BMR, multiplying the result times the mass of your left foot, and sprinkling the answer with unicorn dust.
    It's only moderately helpful, like weighing yourself everyday.

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    D = cals eaten - cals burned
    In 5 weeks you would weigh: (D * 7 * 5) / 3500 + current weight
  • My two cents worth: This is a very good question! I agree with both "iamdesiderata" and "stevermoore". I am one who does pay attention to it and find that it does make me a bit more conscious/accountable of what I'm eating (or not), and my workout for that day.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I would like to know what it said I would weigh 5 weeks ago. Then I could get a better perspective.

    Sometimes I'll put what it says in the "Notes" box so I can go back and review.
  • voss119
    voss119 Posts: 1 Member
  • Does it really expect me to remember what it said 5 weeks from now? Let's get real.

    Oh and when did the move to unicorn dust from pixie dust? We need answers on this now.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    It's calculated carefully by taking the sum of the lengths of your forearms, dividing by your BMR, multiplying the result times the mass of your left foot, and sprinkling the answer with unicorn dust.
    It's only moderately helpful, like weighing yourself everyday.

    hahaha lmao
  • hermanaamber
    hermanaamber Posts: 103 Member
    I add it to my notes for the day so in five weeks I can go back and see what it said I was supposed to weigh.
  • Haha the weight it gives me is always super underweight. And I'm like...no.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    It's just a motivational tool, guys. If it doesn't motivate you, ignore it.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I guess I am in the minority - all you high achievers are exceeding what MFP says you'll weigh in 5 weeks... NOT ME....
    But I'm old so I guess slow and steady is ok though on some days I long for the time when I could lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks !
    (course I never kept it off back then)
  • I don't really pay much attention to it. It doesn't seem very accurate to me as things change on a daily basis.

  • My sister and I were just talking about that this morning. I just laugh it off especially seeing as 1 day I had 4 TBSP of Sugar free frosting and said I would weigh about 2.5lbs less on the days I ate more healthy now does that make sense?

    Yeah, it does make sense. Calories are what matter, not the type of food you eat. If you eat under your calorie goal, you'll lose weight... no matter what you're eating.
    What's more amusing is that one day I burnt loads like tons and it said in 5 weeks I'd weight negative weight...

    To me it's always wrong so I don't even do the "Complete entry" thing anymore. The weight they expect me to be in 5 weeks I can reach in like 2 days.

    Double WHAT?!
  • It's calculated carefully by taking the sum of the lengths of your forearms, dividing by your BMR, multiplying the result times the mass of your left foot, and sprinkling the answer with unicorn dust.
    It's only moderately helpful, like weighing yourself everyday.
    :laugh: Yes!
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    It's calculated carefully by taking the sum of the lengths of your forearms, dividing by your BMR, multiplying the result times the mass of your left foot, and sprinkling the answer with unicorn dust.
    It's only moderately helpful, like weighing yourself everyday.

  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I don't really pay attention to it. There's a lot more that goes into weight loss than a simple formula.

    I am like someone else......I look at it (for curiosity) but don't put much into it.