135 calories, what can I eat tonight?

Hi all

not sure with the time zones, but its about 630pm here. What can I have for my evening snack thats low in cals but tastes great :) Desperate housewives comes on tonight and I always end up binging!!! What do you all eat at night? ( I know - its probably better to eat nothing in the evening, but still)


  • JennBennett410
    LIght popcorn, cucumbers with some lf dressing, grapes, brocolli with humus. OR go for a walk and add yourself some calories! :) Enjoy your night!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    4 clementines.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Yoplait yogurt... Boston Cream Pie Flavor, Non fat cottage cheese. Carrots, Celery with peanut butter or cream cheese. Applesauce sprinkled with cinnamon. Drink some hot chocolate.
  • DarleneIsAwesome
    DarleneIsAwesome Posts: 18 Member
    One of my most favorite lower calorie snacks that I find really delicious is peeled sliced Cucumbers with lime juice on them and chili powder with a little salt. Not sure where you are but it's best with a mexican chili powder called pico de gallo. Might be too much work to track down for tonight, but if you ever come across it. It's really good and savory.
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    I will look for it at my grocery store! Thanks
  • mardihar
    mardihar Posts: 7 Member
    Evenings are the worst time for me, so I program in a couple of snacks. 4 oz of cinnamon Applesauce is 90 cal. A medium banana is 108. And of course, my favorite is a Jello no-fat chocolate pudding cup (100 cal). Yogurts are very satisfying and 80 cal. I think it's a great time for fruit. What do you like? Use it as your reward for sticking to your program that day or for doing your exercise. I set up my program at the beginning of the day. I immediately program in my two snacks (banana and chocolate pudding cup), and my breakfast which is always the same (I know it isn't supposed to be, but it's what I like). Then I think about what I'll have for dinner, and program that in, and whatever is left over is for lunch. Often that turns out to be a salad, or a Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice dinner. If there aren't calories left over to have what I want for my meals, then I make sure I get my exercise in for the day, and earn another 100-200 calories. If you love your snacks like I do, let it be your motivator to get your exercise in.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Glass of chocolate milk is about 150 calories. The 15 extra won't make that much of a difference. :wink:
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    crisp apple and carrot slices_ I like the combo....air popped popcorn with salt and some spray butter- very filling and you can have a big bowl for 150 cal...maybe drink some tea with it...half a cup cottage cheese with some fruit (the protein keeps you satisfied)...carmel mini rice cakes
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    one serving of plain oat meal
    or you have some tuna and brown rice
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    celery, mushrooms, snap peas, grape tomatoes, carrot sticks, bell pepper spears, cucumbers - and NO DIP!!

    There's just about no limit to how much you could eat. With 135 calories, you could eat that, continuously, for about an hour.
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I just enjoyed 1 scoop of Country Rich Vanilla Ice cream, it was only 120 calories, 15 carbs, 7 fat grams. I was low on my fat count for the day so I endulged a little, been sick and needed the extra bit of fat and carbs plus it soothed my sore throat.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I just had this problem.. and decided to have Special K red berries and milk for a snack. We like to eat dinner while watching Amazing Race.. so I needed something to keep me content until then!

    Check out my diary if you want.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    veggies...and i second the light popcorn...a snack size bag of smart pop is 100 calories and satisfies my craving to munch in front of the TV
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Most likey, IMO, it doesn't matter what time you eat. I wouldn't worry about that :)

    I love skinny cow ice cream too! You can get some ice cream bars for 100 calories and they are really good!
  • Tweety379
    I usually eat a fruit if I am low in calories, but hungry. I also enjoy oyster crackers if I'm craving salt or something crunchy. Smoothies are also good at keeping me full and they taste great!
  • jaim30
    jaim30 Posts: 24 Member
    sugar snap peas with hummus or pretzels and hummus..or pretzels and laughing cow cheese wedge
  • MandaCakez
    MandaCakez Posts: 18 Member
    I LOVE popcorn so thats my "go to" snack or string cheese!
  • cpar621
    I like to make a pot of hot tea with skim milk and honey. The warm liquid makes me feel full, the sweet satisfies my craving, and it's only about 26 calories a glass!
  • cpar621
    I like to make a pot of hot tea with skim milk and honey. The warm liquid makes me feel full, the sweet satisfies my craving, and it's only about 26 calories a glass!