Any advice on weight loss with activity restrictions.

Hi. I am having surgery next week and will not be able to get back to the gym for about 3 weeks and then i can go back for light activity. This really puts a kink in my weight loss plan but id really like to still try and loose some weight. Has anyone been in a similar situation and still managed to knock off a few lbs. I know ill have to keep my diet tight. Does anybody have any nutrition tips?


  • keenster
    Last time I had surgery, I lost about 10 lb in the first week, just because I didn't feel like eating, and was on a more specialized diet after the surgery. I think what you'll find, though, is that you probably need to focus on maintaining a healthy amount of calories (perhaps switching to maintenance level for the next 3 weeks) so that your body can heal. Then, get back to focusing on working out, and becoming an even healthier weight.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Weight loss is 85% diet and 15% exercise. If you're going to be on the shelf for a while, just make sure your diet is clean and your macros are appropriate and you'll be fine.
  • makemeover428
    Thank you. Yes, i think its true you actually do burn alot of calories healing. Im an RN and use to work on the Burn Unit and i know that those patients can burn more than 5000 calories a day just healing, never mind calories to maintain everything else. Of course its nearly impossible to eat that much when your not well so we would usually tube feed them (a tube that goes through your nose into your stomach and pumps in this high calorie liquid). Anyways, this won't be anything to that extent but im terrified that all that sittin around will have a negative impact on my waistline.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Just be careful of the "boredom munchies", that's the worse. Get them out of the house pre-op! As a nurse, you know to keep the protein up for healing. Keep the diet clean, and healthy and you should be fine.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    I would also recommend talking to your doctor about the amount of swelling/water retention you may experience, so you can be aware that you may gain a few pounds of water weight during your recovery. But I would think the important stuff is making sure you are eating good stuff to fuel your recovery.

    I'm in a similar situation in that I have to limit my activity due to a few injuries, which I'm trying to embrace as an opportunity to really focus on my nutrition. But mostly it just sucks, I miss exercising as a stress reliever, and now the fact that i can't exercise stresses me out.
  • makemeover428
    yes, for sure lots of protein. Got all my smoothy ingredients, canned tuna and tons of chicken breast and frozen veggies ready to go. Sucks to be out with an injury. I stopped running about a year ago because of an injury and never got back to it....probably why im in the position im in now lol.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Drink lots of water, and keep your carbs limited to whole grains. Carbs aren't bad, but whole grains have a lot of nutrition that will keep you feeling full longer than refined grains will.

    Also, take up a hobby, like crocheting or reading. It will be good for your mind to stay off food off feeling sorry for yourself as you recover. I don't know if that's a problem for you or not, but when I have surgery, I feel so sad until I'm able to go back to my normal routine.
  • makemeover428
    So true. The emotions that go along with being out of commission can also be an eating trigger. Looking or comfort from food. I had my surgery 3 days ago and so far have not stuck to my diet plan. Haven't eaten a ton per say but lots of forzen convenience meals (high sodium) and for some reason when im sad i can't say no to a peanut butter and jam sandwich or ice cream. well this stops tomorrow. Ill only feel worse if once i recover i have double the amount of weight to loose. Even if i loose nothing thats better than gaining (but id really like to loose if only a little). Went and got some groceries today so i can make convenient high protein, high fiber food. Chicken breasts that my boyfriend is gonna cook for me, cartoned egg whites, canned tuna, low sodium veggie soups and frozen fruits and veggies. Also changed my settings so that im "sedentary" and "0 workouts per week" at least for the time being.. Trying to eat no more than 1200 cals a day.
  • makemeover428
    oh and ive gained 2lbs but im telling myself thats from the percocets and meds that have made it so i haven't moved my bowels in almost 3 days....uggg. Too much info but it sucks!
  • bassklan
    bassklan Posts: 19 Member
    If you have Netflix, I'd recommend watching Forks Over Knives, Food Matters, Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead. I watch the food documentaries, just to keep me motivated and to keep me from munching - you definitely won't want to! Anyway, lots of veggies and fruit, since you can eat more of them with less calories and you feel fuller. Plus, I think with alot of veggies, you'd probably heal quicker! : )