athlete's foot question

do some people have athlete's foot and not have symptoms? my mom always complains that when i wear her shoes, she gets symptoms of athlete's foot.

the last time i was home, i wore my sister's sandals for half-an-hour or so, and the next time she put them on, she said that her feet felt funny and itchy. she had no idea that my mom complains of the same thing, and they are both helped by using an athlete's foot cream.

so is it possible that i have athlete's foot but have no symptoms? i tried googling this and i can't find an answer. i really have no reason for wanting to know other than curiosity. Thanks!


  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't know, but I've had athlete's foot several times in my life and ringworm once too. My doctor says it is from sharing towels, stepping on floors barefoot that other people have been on, etc. I don't share towels or go to locker rooms ever. I don't know how I keep getting fungus on my skin. My husband has never had either issue, and he's the only person that goes barefoot in the same places I have.

    I recommend not sharing shoes. Your mom also needs to keep her feet cool and dry as much as possible. I try to let my feet air out. This sounds gross, but when I'm at my desk at work, I kick my shoes off so my feet get some air. My feet tend to stink less when I do it that way too.

    I also try to keep my bathroom clean and disinfect it about once a month. The winter time is the worst, because your skin is trapped in clothing all day long, and it doesn't get much of a chance to breathe. The fungus love moisture, darkness, and warmth.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Spray your shoes and treat your feet for week or so.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    good ideas! i hate that my mom and sister have symptoms because of me
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    The sweat of your foot, left uncleaned could cause bacteria on anothers. The bacteria primarily preys on dead skin cells, but when they find live ones to prey on it's athletes foot.

    It's not that you have no symptoms per se. It's your sweat bacteria left unattended. If your sister or mother did the same back to you, you would get it as well.

    It's not suggested you share shoes of you are doing activities that are sweaty.