So I finally broke down and did it....

I finally did it, I ordered Dr.Natura's Colon cleanse. I think it's a good idea for everyone to cleanse their colon every year or so. My great grandma died of colon cancer so for me especially I think it's a good idea to take care of it. I'm really nervous as to what to expect. I was advised by my mother to cut way down on the meat for it to be more effective (since it's pretty much all the gross stuff leaving your body anyways)

Has anyone done the colon cleanse and was it what you expected?


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    your colon is constantly cleansing itself all the time. if it only did it once a year we would be nasty nasty nasty and dead dead dead.

    please read the forums on this BEFORE you do it

    drink fresh water and get fiber in your diet
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    so why is it that when I look at these people's testimony pictures, they are pooping out egg sacks and all kinds of other gross stuff if our colon is constantly cleaning itself?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    egg sacks? well if you have egg sacks in your colon maybe you need a doctor? I dont know what pictures you are looking at. But using these cleansers can have harmful effects.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I would consult a doctor before doing any cleanses.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Cleanses are useless. Your body cleanses itself automatically. That's just one of the many amazing things the human body does on a daily basis. All "cleanses" do is make money for the people that sell them.
  • irisheyes42us
    I think you are right in doing this... these others don;t know your history.. It will not hurt you.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    so why is it that when I look at these people's testimony pictures, they are pooping out egg sacks and all kinds of other gross stuff if our colon is constantly cleaning itself?

    Many of these cleanses have ingredients that act as a binding agent, like clay, which accounts for those types of stools that people believe is what is being cleaned out of them.
    Someone had a good link last night explaining it, but I can't find it, sorry.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Found it
    "But what, you may reasonably ask, is all that nastiness that colon cleansing websites so proudly display as evidence of the “success” of their cleanses? One thing you will find, if you look closely at the ingredients of many colon cleansing products, is that many of them contain bentonite clay. This clay is touted as having been used by indigenous tribes for many centuries (the fallacy of ancient wisdom–my favorite!) and as a “natural” laxative. What it really is is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay that expands in the gastrointestinal tract as it absorbs fluid. Often the bentonite clay is combined with psyllium, which is often used as a bulk-forming laxative. The beauty of this, as far as sellers of colon cleansing products go, is that bentonite clay is responsible for those disgusting rope-like stools that are touted as “evidence” that people’s colons are coated with layers of disgusting waste that is “poisoning” them. Such stools consist of the clay expanded by the liquid from the gastrointestinal tract, plus the bulk formed by psyllium, all coated with feces. Thus, the product itself produces the very condition that it claims to treat! I sometimes envision experienced and skillful con men tipping their hats in appreciation and respect when they learn this little fact about colon cleansing products."

    There is a bunch more info in the article as well
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    A proper diet and exercise will provide all of the cleansing you need. My doctor said doing a colon cleanse upsets the natural "flora and fauna" of our system. That was good enough for me.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    very interesting! I love how MFP educates me!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If there is colon cancer in your family then you are very wise to be concerned about it.
    However, I think you would be much better off talking to a doctor to get professional advice about any health checks and lifestyle changes that can help you avoid cancer.
    Personally I'm not convinced that "cleanses" are a good idea - ask your doctor what they think.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    egg sacks? Really? wow! You should probably ask your doctor. I listen to Doctor Radio on Xm/Sirius channel 81 (my absolute favorite) and they say that a cleanse is ok once in a while. But I wasn't sure what their definition of "once in a while" was.

    One doctor did a cleanse of a couple of days of only juice. She discussed her experience daily on the radio.
    so why is it that when I look at these people's testimony pictures, they are pooping out egg sacks and all kinds of other gross stuff if our colon is constantly cleaning itself?
  • ddran143
    If you wanna do a cleanse take 1 tsp of Castor oil. It did the trick for me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    so why is it that when I look at these people's testimony pictures, they are pooping out egg sacks and all kinds of other gross stuff if our colon is constantly cleaning itself?

    Because if they said outright, "You don't need this. Your body does a great job of cleansing itself every time you poop," no one would buy the product.
  • wonca
    wonca Posts: 81
    Found it
    "But what, you may reasonably ask, is all that nastiness that colon cleansing websites so proudly display as evidence of the “success” of their cleanses? One thing you will find, if you look closely at the ingredients of many colon cleansing products, is that many of them contain bentonite clay. This clay is touted as having been used by indigenous tribes for many centuries (the fallacy of ancient wisdom–my favorite!) and as a “natural” laxative. What it really is is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay that expands in the gastrointestinal tract as it absorbs fluid. Often the bentonite clay is combined with psyllium, which is often used as a bulk-forming laxative. The beauty of this, as far as sellers of colon cleansing products go, is that bentonite clay is responsible for those disgusting rope-like stools that are touted as “evidence” that people’s colons are coated with layers of disgusting waste that is “poisoning” them. Such stools consist of the clay expanded by the liquid from the gastrointestinal tract, plus the bulk formed by psyllium, all coated with feces. Thus, the product itself produces the very condition that it claims to treat! I sometimes envision experienced and skillful con men tipping their hats in appreciation and respect when they learn this little fact about colon cleansing products."

    There is a bunch more info in the article as well

    This is an excellent read. Thanks
  • DawnDawn2011
    So don't laugh at this post, because I am serious. If you eat prunes a couple of times a week, and maybe throw in some apples here and there for good measure, you will never need a colon cleanse. I throw 3 or 4 prunes in my oatmeal a couple times a week, and it is all good. No problem. Grandma was right, prunes are good. Lol
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I do not recommend it. My husband and I tried it and after 3 days (and throwing up from the salt water), we felt miserable, cranky and just plain ick. I'd never try it again. Instead, we just increased our fiber intake and began eating more healthfully. Best of luck if you try it - it definitely wasn't for us.

    Also, as a suggestion, look into the acid/alkaline diet. The theory is that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment in the body. I felt great when I was eating alkaline and I know my system was clean :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think you are right in doing this... these others don;t know your history.. It will not hurt you.

    Your kidding right... You don't know her history either, yet you can tell her she's right to do it and we're all wrong to tell her not to?

    Drink some water and eat an apple.. you'll be all cleansed out in a few days.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Don't bother with so-called "cleanses." They're nothing more than a scam.

    If you want to focus on your colon health:
    Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Skip the fiber supplements, and eat foods that are naturally high in fiber.
    A few examples: apples, raspberries, pears, prunes, flax, oat bran, peas, lentils, beans, artichokes, peas, and broccoli.
    Exercise daily, drink lots of water, and visit your doctor regularly.

    If possible, send back the cleanse and get your money back.