I am proof that starvation mode exists.



  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I use to have an eating problem too and I can tell you now that you can get through this, but it will always be a day by day thing, My current hubby is the one that helped me through my problem. I use to black out randomly from not eating. I ended up being able to eat again but too much and ended up overweight so now I'm losing and trying to get to a maintaining stage. Just know that you aren't alone and that others are out there like you and can help you. I have a friend on MFP who also had an eating problem, feel free to add me and her if you like!

    Jupp, that would be my situation as well... :s
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    One thing to understand is that depression affects mental function. If you see a PET scan of the brain of a depressed person, large areas are just dark, not firing any neurons. The neurons are still there, and they will resume functioning when the depression improves. It's more an inability to concentrate on a task than an inability to do the task at all. So some of your cognitive symptoms may be exaggerated by your mood right now.

    The body is amazing, and our ancestors had to survive starvation and still manage to reproduce once food became plentiful. Try to be hopeful about the future, as you likely have not shut as many doors as you think.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    just wanted to send ++++energy and good thoughts your way. I hope you get all the help you need, to live a long, happy, healthy life!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    Thank you for sharing this and I wish you all the best to a happy and speedy recovery. :heart:

    That's something I wish more people would understand... that anorexia isn't just skinny people trying to get skinnier, or even anything to do with body image. It's also an altered mental state that comes from becoming malnourished, and not eating, avoiding food, becomes a compulsion. I've seen pets with anorexia, and a dog or cat certainly doesn't look in the mirror and decide to lose weight.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Try to be hopeful about the future, as you likely have not shut as many doors as you think.

    I agree.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I battled anorexia and bulimia in my high school and college years. Doctors told me I would never be able to have children. I did get better slowly, but it took alot. I continued to struggle with alot of the same thought patterns even after I looked better on the outside, and ended up becoming severely obese as a result. (i'm convinced it all stems from the same thought patterns). After having children, I knew I could never return to that, but I also knew that my attitude towards food, weight and eating were not healthy. About a year ago I decided to tackle the weight thing. Over the past year I have lost about 90 pounds, by clean eating and exercise, but most importantly, I am healthy inside and out. I see so much on this website where people are starving themselves and justifying it one way or another. It may be that this website is contributing to your struggles. My thoughts are with you tonight, and I know there can be victory. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by an amazing God who loves us so much He sent His son to die for us to cover our shame and our sin. He has helped me to conquer this monster and my victory comes from Him alone.
  • gunmetalsunrise

    Thank you for sharing this and I wish you all the best to a happy and speedy recovery. :heart:

    That's something I wish more people would understand... that anorexia isn't just skinny people trying to get skinnier, or even anything to do with body image. It's also an altered mental state that comes from becoming malnourished, and not eating, avoiding food, becomes a compulsion. I've seen pets with anorexia, and a dog or cat certainly doesn't look in the mirror and decide to lose weight.

    Or that "fat" people can't have anorexia, or any eating disorder.

    There may be more information out there about eating disorders, but most of the time it's incorrect or falsely skewed, and ends up hurting everyone suffering in the end. :/
  • Thank you for having the courage to write this post. Please come back often for encouragement here. You are very brave and the human body has great power to heal itself. You have taken a big step forward.
  • cragenni
    I was anorexic, bullemorexic, bulimic, and C&S for 12 years... Started when I was 12 and am now 24... My weight has gone up and down all this time... From 180 down to 80lbs in December 2009... That's when anorexia got the better of me... My heart stopped and I passed away on December 18th, 2009...

    My mom woke up that morning to find me dead on the sofa. She prayed over me and shook me as she cried... Just then I felt a huge gust of wind whip into my lungs and I sprung up in a panic.

    I knew I died. I wanted to. I felt the life leave my body and I was disappointed to be revived... I prayed to God and asked Him to just let me die, but He didn't...

    He had a purpose for me, beyond all of this... A life, worth living...

    Writing was my outlet, and my passion, but during my time of severely low weight I lost all of that... I lost my hair, my family, my friends, my health MY TEETH and MY ABILITY TO HAVE CHILDREN...

    Thats right ladies... No matter how thin you get, you wont be very attractive without teeth... And you will miss out on a family because YOU WILL lose your period,.... IF your blessed enough to not lose your life like I did...

    It's the grace of God that I am still here... I am 5'8"... Girls my height have died from heart failure at 120... My story is a LONG and detailed one, but if you want all of the information, I would be more than happy to respond and give it to you... But, before you go as far as I did check out this site, www.settingcaptivesfree.com and do the 60 day course call "In His Image".... Even if you are not religious... The relationship with food and self image that is promoted throughout the course has changed me for the better....

    I hope that I can be of some help...
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Thank you for sharing.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You are proof that starvation exists. The jury is still out on starvation mode! I wish you the best possible recovery. Congratulations on facing your demons.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    You are proof that starvation exists. The jury is still out on starvation mode! I wish you the best possible recovery. Congratulations on facing your demons.
    "starvation mode" - ughhh. That's what happens when you eat less than 1200 calories, right?


    No, for the "love of Mike™", no!

    This article discusses real starvation ("starvation mode")


    This article discusses what the diet/personal trainer industry labels "starvation mode":


    This latter document describes a situation that has very little in common with starvation but, by George, it sure does generate revenue!

    I would love to read a medically-sourced document about what the latter because calling a "plateau" with the moniker "starvation mode" is a disservice to people trying to lose weight and an insult to folks like the OP.