Quitting smoking and mood swings

Hi everyone!

Today's my 11th day smoke-free. I'm extremely proud of how far I've come but these last three days have been extremely hard for me. The first week was hard but whenever I diverted my attention off of smoking, it would generally work. The cravings have been extremely strong these last three days and I find myself being "sad" and sometimes even wanting to cry. I don't really have any reason to be sad but I was wondering if anyone has experienced this after quitting. Don't know if it's relevant but I quit cold turkey. Thanks peeps!


  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    Congrats 11 days is huge. I haven't quit for good yet but when I have in the past it was hard and sad. I did get sad more than edgy and a little lethargic. Hang in there though Im sure it goes away!
  • rochey1098
    for me the moods peaked at 2 weeks-ish... just think of it as a 2 week hill, after around a month i didn't even want to smoke. you can do it! :)
  • rochey1098
    oops double post
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    Congratulations on being 11 days smoke free! My mom quit smoking after about 20 years of being addicted. She smoked while she was pregnant with and exposed me to second hand smoke for the early part of my life which caused me horrible health problems. One day she realized the she was hurting herself and her family... she went from smoking 2-3 packs a day to quitting cold turkey. She said it was the hardest thing to do at first but with time the urges went away. She's been smoke free for about 10 years with no relapses. She says the thought of smoke disgusts her, and now she won't allow it in her house.
  • haylee1981
    haylee1981 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey I'll be on my fourth week this Thursday of being smoke free. I seem to be having a reaction to the nicotine patches so today has been my first day not wearing one, feeling strangely fine so far...but then ago my partners working so still time to get stressed when he gets home lol! Keep going with it, I'm still missing smoking like crazy which sounds pathetic but I'm not going to give in this time!
  • peaceinside
    Congrats on the 11 days! That's a great accomplishment. I am quitting on Tuesday and honestly am scared because of all the physical and emotional roller coaster symptoms that I know are ahead of me, but of course we know in the long run it's worth it. One web site that really helped me last time I quit was WhyQuit.com check it out. Good luck and I hope you stay strong, I hope I stay strong come Tuesday! Feel free to add me if you want.
    Peace :flowerforyou:
  • O1981
    O1981 Posts: 2
    Congrats! Almost two weeks! Please go to www.whyquit.com. The information I found on this site proved to be invaluable. Invest your time in the free "ebooks." You can do it...for yourself, your family, your future. Good Luck!

    Quit date February 8th 2011
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Hi! Day 11 for me too.

    Yep i can safely say that's pretty normal in my experience as that's what im getting too. Well its either normal or we are both freaks.
  • davidc_81
    Congratulations! I quit cold turkey also, almost 5 months ago now. The biggest thing for me was to do something else or try to learn something new during those regular times where I'd want to smoke. I got hand exercisers for when I'm in the car(my worst cravings), took a walk after eating, and so on. Just slowly replace the bad habit with good habits that you can enjoy, it helped me to find something fun or make a game out of it.

    The changes in health, what you can do without getting winded, how you feel, your moods, better smelling car and clothes really make it worth it. I can't actually stand the smell of smoke now. With the change in lifestyle I can't see myself ever going back to it.

    Hope this helps! Good luck with your journey, it is so worth it!

    Quit date July 14, 2011 -Not one puff...ever again.