New to RUNNING! Got some question and need support!



  • tishag
    tishag Posts: 11 Member
    Love that encouraging photo!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    So glad to read this. I plan to start C25K as soon as the doctor gives me the all-clear to start exercising again after my gallbladder surgery. My daughter is going to do it with me. Our local running store is starting a running program for beginners in January, and we may participate in that. I just have to figure out what to do with my son. He has no interest in running and would probably complain the whole time! We'll see what happens. I may make him come along and be in the walking group. Every body meets up together again at the end, so he'd meet back up with us anyway.

    I've never run before, so all this advice is good. I need to start slow and build up to it, that's for sure!

    I participate in several running groups through a local running store, and lots of kids bring their bikes and ride alongside their parents who are running or walking. Maybe your son would enjoy that?
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track. That's how I did it - started on the treadmill doing walk/run at the same paces.

    I can run for 2 hours at better than 10min/mile now. Just stick with it - speed and endurance come with time.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Sounds right to me. When I first started "running" I was "running" at 4 mph/ 15 min mile. I can now alternate between 3.5 and 6.2 for my intervals on my treadmill. I measure my workouts the same exact way as I did when I first started: if I am ready to die at the end of them and dripping sweat I did a good workout. That's whether I walked, ran, weights, 15 mins, 30 mins, anything. I go by how my body says I did.

    I highly reccomend a C25K program. It's really great for gaining endurance and speed. I'd reccomend it whether you want to stay on the treadmill or switch to running outside.
  • nixon76k
    I love the cardiotrainer app for android. Also, I don't run on treadmills, I run outdoors, and not on treadmills. Treadmills tend to make me run slower..
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    I have been running for 6 months . Did 9weeks to 5 k recently up time of run to 45 mins . Now knees very sore , to worried to keep running amazed previous mailer could ?
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I have been running for 6 months . Did 9weeks to 5 k recently up time of run to 45 mins . Now knees very sore , to worried to keep running amazed previous mailer could ?

    If your knees are hurting you probably need new and GOOD running shoes.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I started C25K almost 5 months ago, i started out running at 13 min/miles... iv been getting faster bit by bit since then, i was on an 11.5 minute mile for about 2 months, and completed a 5K on Monday at my best pace yet! 10:23 minute miles!

    You will get faster natrually with time if you want to, you most certainly dont have to though! as that pic someone put up shows, a mile is a mile!

    In the beginning of my running, it almost killed me! I almost died on my first outting, after a mere 15 minutes of run/walk. Now i dont think twice about an hour and half run!

    Its hard to start with; but does get easier, and even more enjoyable :D Happy running
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    If you haven't already, look at C25K - here's an app-free timed version:

    I've put all my beginner's running tips here, hope they help :flowerforyou:
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I'm also a fan of couch to 5k, I've just finished it. I know I'm slow (I joined a beginners ladies running club - not sure if you've considered that as an option?) and I'm at the back, and I don't care so I don't know my speed I'm afraid, but every time I mention my speed to a runner the answer is almost the same - it will come with time! So, who cares. The right speed for you is where you could answer a question, but not chat non stop - whatever that speed will be.

    Also - as a beginner - yes, it's really hard haha! Nice to hear someone else saying the same thing. The good thing is though, don't you get a great sense of achievement because it's hard, and yet you complete it - therefore you are great!

    C25K takes nine weeks, in that time my CV strength has increased dramatically, my resting pulse is down 20 BPM - and that's just at a 30 min jog 3 times a week. You're doing great stuff here, congratulations! As far as I'm concerned, once you've laced up your trainers you're a runner :-)
  • travelgirl77
    travelgirl77 Posts: 99 Member
    I second what everyone else is saying about C25K. I used to run a lot before I had my son and then nothing for 2 plus years. Needless to say, it was very, very, very hard to get back on the horse! I used C25K in the beginning, and then as I got to about week 5, I wanted to run longer during periods of time. So, now I am running at about 5.0-5.2 as long as I can and then walking when I need to during a thirty minute window. I also run on the treadmill and find that it is much more forgiving on my joints than running outside. I hope to someday switch to outside, but I think that while I am still carrying all of this weight, the treadmill is my perfect place to run!
    Good luck to you....and it does get easier!
