College kids losing some jiggle?

Hey all;

First off; I'm new here and so fu*king stoked about MFP. It seems like an accurate way to track cals in/out - something I have never been able to do consistently. On that end; I am in constant need of motivation - accountability is my best friend when it comes to this weightloss business. So, if you feel inspired; let's be friends. I have your back if you have mine. :)

While I completely welcome friends and motivators of any age or background, it would be so beneficial to me to meet some people on here who are in their college/post-grad years...I think there are challenges related to losing weight that are unique to our age and our living on college campuses.

So, if you've been there, done that - or if you're doing it now - let's join forces. These 50 pounds won't lose themselves.

:) - Jody


  • kythemodel
    I'm in my 2nd year of uni and trying to completely rid myself of the 20+ lbs I gained while living on campus in first year (that damn cafeteria food!). So far I've lost about 10lbs, but I still have a ways to go!
  • jinxypinxy
    jinxypinxy Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in my last year of uni, but I'm off to law school next year. Also trying to lose the weight I've put on at college! Add me as a friend if you want and good luck! :)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    19. 3rd year college student. GW 110. :P
  • cambamx3
    im 19 and in my 2nd year of college!! i've been trying to find more people my age so anyone feel free to add me!!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I'm 19 and in second year. I have lost almost 40 pounds and am right around my goal. I'm open to friend requests, but be warned - my diary is NOT full of water, spinach, and "diet" foods. :) Good luck on your journey!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm currently in my second year, I have a goal to lose 50 lbs (now 46!) by June when I turn 20! I'd love to be friends!
  • Yasmineh_
    I'm 19 and in my 3rd year of college :) And I've got like 60 lbs to lose.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I gained probably a good nearly 40lbs after starting college. Lost some. gained ect. I have now lost 24 of it. Hoping to lose the last 20 in 2012 for good!
  • JElizabethJB
    I'm graduating in May and I've always been overweight. My goal is to lose 100 pounds and I'm at my half way point. I started losing in February and have lost 54 this year. I have 46 left! and school ends tomorrow so I'm getting back on schedule :) I am getting back to logging my food and not drinking sodas! I can help you stay motivated! I'm getting back on my dvd workouts! I've done it all at home so it can be done!

  • Jenny_leanne
    Been there, and the freshman 15 does exist, and so does the Sophmore 20. I just graduated and working hard to work off the late night pizza/study sessions. Support is always helpful. Add if you want. :)