Burning Out and Running on Fumes

How many people have friends or buddies that they think are doing too much to try to lose weight in a hurry? I try to reach out to people that do that and I always get the "I know what I'm doing" line. Not that blatent, but you know that's what they're telling you.

I've been in situations where I was burnt out and it's not a great feeling. The signs of being burnt out are feelling slugish during workouts or you struggle to perform at a level that you used to workout.

I made this post just to say, take your time on your journeys. Remember the quicker you lose the weight, the more likely you are to gain it back even more quickly. Taking your time and losing one pound a week or less is better than trying to kill yourself to hurry up and look skinny only for it to backfire on you.


  • BenderFitness
    Great post! :) It's more important to create a lifestyle that you will be able to maintain if you want to keep the weight off.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I know it can be hard to see friends doing something you think is making them ill, or tired, but you can't control over people's lives. I would never tell anyone they look too thin or doing something wrong. It's rude, and it doesn't help, all it does is push them away. I have been on the receiving end and it just makes me shut myself off from people and throw myself into exercising more.

    Everyone needs to do their own thing. We others can't change that!
  • soupreem27
    soupreem27 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah but a true friend will give it to you straight. I can't stand by and let my friends hurt themselves. But I wouldn't push.