My small goals

I don't know about you but sometimes I get bogged down with "big" goals. For instance, I really want to be a jogger who can run 4 - 5 miles without dying. Currently, I'm only at 1 mile without dying. I also want to lose over 30 pounds.... overnight! I know, that's unrealistic. However, I also know that each small step gets me one step closer to my "big" goals so I am going to set two small goals for this week.

1 - I am going to excercise all 5 days this week. That has been a goal of mine since I joined this site. So far, I haven't accomplished it. I can make up every excuse in the world. But not this week. Even if I am dog tired at 5:00 in the morning, I am going to exercise!

2 - My second goal is to loose that pound this week, which will put me at 185. Somehow, 185 is an encouraging number. I think it is because the number after that is 184...on the downslide of the 180 range and closer to the 170's. Whoot whoot!

So - what about you? Do you set small goals or big one's? What do you find is encouraging to you? Whatever your method is...I'm rooting for you! It's Monday morning, the begining of a new week. May you have a succesful week with whatever you set out to accompish!


  • fabulis1
    fabulis1 Posts: 23 Member
    Small goals are easier to conquor. That's how I'm doing it! If I can take 5 pounds at a time, it looks more managable than 70. If I start by taking the stairs every day rather than sign up for a 2 hour spin class, it's something I'm more likely to stick with.

    When I dive into an eating or exercise plan with a do or die attitude, I fail.

    So, this time I going to at it slowly and sensibly.

    Good luck to you! I know you're going to do great! You're worth the time and effort it takes to be healthy and amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • dwhite1111
    Thanks fabilis1! And good luck to you too. :wink:
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    At the beginning I set small goals, first I couldnt run even a quarter mile without walking so I did a mile of walking/jogging. Now I am almost at 7 miles straight (and will be this weekend). I set high goals of doing Insanity at the beginning but when I started it I had small goals of pausing to rest for 1-2 minutes at a time then my goal was to not stop at all, now my goal is to just do it more intense each time. I have been successful and everything started with just challenging myself a little more each time and expecting a little more out of myself. It seems if the goals are too lofty they might be discouraging.
    When I started jogging, my goal of a mile became 2 became 5k. I thought was stopping there now my friend at work has me looking at half marathons and a 10 miler that signups are coming up for.
    Small goals can increase your willingness to not give up,

    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    Hooray for small goals!! That's how I keep myself going!! Sometimes my goal is that the scale just move in the downward direction in 1 week. That's it. Just moving in the right direction. I set little goals all the time. My goal for this week is to lose 1 lb! Also, I reward myself for reaching the little goals. I have a 10 lb reward waiting for me but I also will probably give myself a little reward for this weeks weight loss. In the past it has been things like a new book for my Kindle, perfume, watching a movie that I've wanted to see, etc. One small step at a time!!
  • dwhite1111
    I love the small reward for reaching goal idea! I think I am going to reward myself at the 10 lb loss goal by getting a pedicure! So far, my new walking/run routine is making my feet look beautiful! (NOT!) :tongue: