Very frustrated this morning :(

Just a small vent session this morning... I just found out a little over a week ago, that I will be able to go to Europe for a cruise mid-January, which I'm EXTREMELY excited about... But I've been working out and dieting like a maniac all week, and don't feel any smaller... Not to mention... While I'm working out for just as long, if not longer, the same intensity, and faster than I was a week ago... I'm burning at least 100 less calories and my heart rate is consistently like 20bpm less than it was just a week ago... and I'm going longer and faster... I know that eventually it will be a lot harder to burn the calories... but a week? seriously?

Not to mention, My sister is taking the rest of the family too... I just talked to my Dad last night... apparently him and Mom just joined a gym too, he only does the bike for half an hour a day, just cut out a few snacks but still eats WAY more than I do and lost 12 pounds in a week... Which don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for him that he did, that is really exciting and he needs to loose about 50-75lbs so it is good that he is loosing... but it is just frustrating that I've been working out for 2+ hrs a day, most of which on the Elliptical... on a much higher intensity, eating very little and still continuously struggling! Why can't it be that easy for me too?

Oh and according to my heart rate monitor... I don't burn anywhere near what MFP or even the machines say that I should have burned. I feel like I'm working my *kitten* off... quite literally and only burn between 400-500 calories per hour... What gives?


  • moreniiita
    stay encouraged fellow MFP sister! just keep going. 500 calories in one hour is pretty sweet. have you tried zumba....its an awesome work out AND fun.

    w/ Jesus' love,
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    But I've been working out and dieting like a maniac all week, and don't feel any smaller...
    Expect to not see real changes for 4-6 weeks.
    I've been working out for 2+ hrs a day, most of which on the Elliptical... on a much higher intensity, eating very little and still continuously struggling! Why can't it be that easy for me too?
    'Cause you're doing it wrong. :) Work out smarter, not harder. Don't do only cardio...mix up your routines. And for goodness' sakes fuel your body! Eating less than what you need results in NO loss. Properly eating results in loss.
    Oh and according to my heart rate monitor... I don't burn anywhere near what MFP or even the machines say that I should have burned. I feel like I'm working my *kitten* off... quite literally and only burn between 400-500 calories per hour... What gives?
    Don't worry what the machines or MFP says re: your burn. Go with the HRM, period.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Frustrated here, too! I'm stuck like glue to a couple of pounds that won't budge. Trying to move past it and get into a nice, positive space this Monday morning but it isn't easy. Know that you're not alone, we all get frustrated at times. It's like a science project, so many numbers and facts and formulas to take into account - why can't the weight just come off! It's not like we're eating cake at every meal or something, sheesh. We're being good MFP'ers, logging everything, eating right and exercising. Sometimes I just don't get it. Best of luck to you, hope your day turns out to be a good one. : )
  • merrick7871
    My HRM shows may less than calories burned than MFP. I go by the HRM. If nothing else, following my HRM I am eating back less calories, so in the long run should be more weight loss. Or thats my way of looking at it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Stay commited. Are you eating enough?
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Thanks for your support guys :) And I know I'm probably going to take a beating for this... but no, I'm only eating about 600-700 calories a day... I know that that's not healthy... but it is only for a month... until the trip... then upping the calories to about 1200... I know that I should probably eating more... but the semi-starvation diet is the only way I can seem to really jump start weight loss fast.
  • amandar0chelle
    amandar0chelle Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem. I lose slower then all my friends. You just have to stay focussed and not let it get to you hun. When you are working out like that you are gaining muscle so it wont show on the scale right away. I have been working out like a maniac and eating great for three weeks and its just now starting to show. Remember to drink at least 64oz of water a day. Lots of veggies is key. That is the one thing I need to get better about lol. Try making sure you eat dinner before 7. Also watch your salt intake it slows weightloss. I just learned that from a forum post I posted. I had tons of people tell me to watch my salt in take and make sure im eating enough calories a day. Hope this helps :)
  • amandar0chelle
    amandar0chelle Posts: 11 Member
    1200 calories for our size is very low that is what I was doing and people told me to up it because that is too low for our hight and size. the low calories you are eating can also be a huge reason of why you are not losing. When you are not eating enough calories you body will store the fat and go into starvation mode. I upped my calories to 1320. Maybe try that for a few days and see if it helps you!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't want to sound rude here. But you aren't eating nearly enough. Keep working out. Mix it up with some strength training and EAT for the love of gravy EAT.

    Next time you have an event like this I would probably start thinking about food and diet way far before the event, so that you aren't living off practically no food for a month to get the weight off.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Thanks for your support guys :) And I know I'm probably going to take a beating for this... but no, I'm only eating about 600-700 calories a day... I know that that's not healthy... but it is only for a month... until the trip... then upping the calories to about 1200... I know that I should probably eating more... but the semi-starvation diet is the only way I can seem to really jump start weight loss fast.

    The semi-starvation diet?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I tend to lose more when I eat more...and work my muscles by lifting heavy weights.

    EAT! This is a very unhealthy way to treat your body!
  • FitHitTheShan80
    I am not trying to jump all over you here, but there is inconsistency in what you are saying and I don't think you needed to ask why you are NOT losing weight. You said what you were doing is not working for you, then you said the "semi-starvation diet" is "the only way I can seem to really jump start weight loss fast." Hmmmm..... Where is this diet listed as healthy and where are the facts to back it up...I think your body is all mixed up here..and it is reacting the way it is supposed to...storing fat from the little food you do eat. What are you burning off if you are NOT eating!!?? Are you kidding here? You definitely need to eat more that you are eating are messing up your immune system and you are hurting your body more than helping it, over-all. Do your family a favor, if not yourself...Eat a few dinner rolls here and there...maybe even throw some butter on em and then, go balls to the wall on the elyptical!!! :0)
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    This is not healthy, even for 4 weeks.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    you can over workout. plsu the more you burn off the more u need to eat. so make sure you are eating enough or you're body will store.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    Thanks for your support guys :) And I know I'm probably going to take a beating for this... but no, I'm only eating about 600-700 calories a day... I know that that's not healthy... but it is only for a month... until the trip... then upping the calories to about 1200... I know that I should probably eating more... but the semi-starvation diet is the only way I can seem to really jump start weight loss fast.

    how is it the only way to jump start it IF it isnt working?????????? if you starve yourself and workout you will never lose weight. your body needs food to function! I'm leaving this thread before I get ugly.

    I hope you don't continue what you're doing.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    As above already mentioned - I think you don;t need to ask WHY you are not losing weight. And if you continue this way, you won;t either
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Eat more!!!
  • SheRa1964
    Maybe you need to eat more? Are you eating all your calories?
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Well to clarify... drastically cutting calories has really worked well for me in the past if I need to loose weight quickly... I'm I haven't actually been weighing myself for a while since I know that I've put back on some of the weight that I'd lost... and I know myself... If I gain a pound I want to just give up so have done away with weighing until my cloths are down a size... so it may still be working but it is just frustrating.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I have heard that repetition is a killer. Change up your workout routine. Try something completely different than what you're used to. Your body and muscles start to recognize exactly what you're going to do next. (Hence your bpm not changing) Throwing your own body for a loop of different routines could help a lot. I hope this helps! Good luck!