I never realized...

This site is really making me see how poorly I eat. I'm embarassed by my diary yesterday. I stayed within my calories, but I had way too many carbs and way too much sodium. I know it's a slow change, but I need to work on that.


  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I found out the same thing when I started to use this site, and it's really made me look far more carefully at what I'm eating, and how I'm cooking foods.

    I used to eat a lot of crabsticks as they were low in calories...... until I found out they were costing me about a week's sodium in one hit! Once I stopped eating them I found that my fluid retention disappeared!

    My whole grocery cupboard has changed - for the better!
  • djdelano

    I stated this very sentiment in a former post.

    Looking at what you are eating is incredibly powerful. I would consider myself on the fitness roller coaster for many years because I never tracked food with any discipline.

    Working full time in IT, i sit A LOT so I used to work out hard and then just eat whatever I wanted because I was busting my *kitten* at the gym... I fooled around and did a sample day of what I used to eat and included the normal exercise I was doing....

    I was routinely over by 1000 calories...diet is absolutly crucial.

    I still give myself free days, I often don't track weekends, but I don't go nuts either. Tracking 5 days a week is producing the results I wanted.

    Good luck to you.
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Out of curiosity what is the correct sodium intake per day or week?
  • iamthevieve
    Out of curiosity what is the correct sodium intake per day or week?

    I'm allowed 2500mg a day. Yep. I ate more than 2500 mg of sodium yesterday...
  • Figuringoutme
    When i want something "unhealthy", I have too think is it worth eating because I will log it. It keeps me from eating 2 candy bars and eating a piece of chocolate cake.
    I don't want people to think How does she think she is going to lose weight eating like that
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    MFP is an eye opener! I had no idea how much I over ate untill I had to track it. Dont worry it takes some getting used to and some trial and error but you will figure it out. Dont be embarrassed be empowered and use it to change yourself for the better.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    When i want something "unhealthy", I have too think is it worth eating because I will log it. It keeps me from eating 2 candy bars and eating a piece of chocolate cake.
    I don't want people to think How does she think she is going to lose weight eating like that

    Private diaries ftw.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    :drinker: That's what is great about this site. You do it at your own pace and in doing so you educate yourself.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    exactly ! I was amazed and what I thought were healthy choices really were not. not only sodium but carbs and fat- everything ! This site has made it so much easier to track what you are eating. I am sure I would not have been able to lose 40+ pounds if it weren't for this site helping me make smarter choices about what I eat.
  • iamthevieve
    When i want something "unhealthy", I have too think is it worth eating because I will log it. It keeps me from eating 2 candy bars and eating a piece of chocolate cake.
    I don't want people to think How does she think she is going to lose weight eating like that

    Private diaries ftw.

    I just made mine public in the hopes that someone will kick my butt into eating better.